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Ability Order
Clockwork Windup (PASSIVE)
Orianna Passive Ability
Orianna just like every champion has her good and bad sides, lets take a look:
+Amaizing utillity
+Awesome Damage
+Nice speed boost
+Respectfull CD-s(Cool Downs)
+Very long range on her Command: Protect
+Very fun to play
-Hard to master
-Not the best choince for newbies
-Shield is not the biggest
-Easily shut down if focused or as some people would say "squishy"
-Her early game on TT is not the best(but it becomes awesome mid/late game :3)
+Amaizing utillity
+Awesome Damage
+Nice speed boost
+Respectfull CD-s(Cool Downs)
+Very long range on her Command: Protect
+Very fun to play
-Hard to master
-Not the best choince for newbies
-Shield is not the biggest
-Easily shut down if focused or as some people would say "squishy"
-Her early game on TT is not the best(but it becomes awesome mid/late game :3)
Clockwork Windup-Becouse of this passive Orianna has really strong autoattacks. Everytime u autoattack twice and you keep attacking, your damage will rise up, thats why we build Nashor's Tooth/ Malady.
Command: Attack-This is what makes Orianna so special. The damage and a small CD it provides is just amaizing. With all the items from my build, you will have total 40% CDR(40% is cap btw) wich makes your Command: Attack to have 1.5 sec CD, if that is not amaizing I am Jesus.
Command: Dissonance-This is one of the most usefull skills in the game. It has an amaizing AP ratio(70%), amaizing damage and it can give you a speed bonus or if it hits an enemie it slows him down A LOT. All that on a decent CD.
Command: Protect-Not the biggest shield but it has a really long range and it can still keep you or your mates alive.
Command: Shockwave-This skill offers so much damage and utillity it's not even funny. It can knock back all of your targets to your turret if you time it out correctly, it does sereous damage and becouse of that Orianna can chase well and make awesome actions and stunts.
Command: Attack-This is what makes Orianna so special. The damage and a small CD it provides is just amaizing. With all the items from my build, you will have total 40% CDR(40% is cap btw) wich makes your Command: Attack to have 1.5 sec CD, if that is not amaizing I am Jesus.
Command: Dissonance-This is one of the most usefull skills in the game. It has an amaizing AP ratio(70%), amaizing damage and it can give you a speed bonus or if it hits an enemie it slows him down A LOT. All that on a decent CD.
Command: Protect-Not the biggest shield but it has a really long range and it can still keep you or your mates alive.
Command: Shockwave-This skill offers so much damage and utillity it's not even funny. It can knock back all of your targets to your turret if you time it out correctly, it does sereous damage and becouse of that Orianna can chase well and make awesome actions and stunts.
Sorcerer's Shoes-I pick these boots because there is a small amount of magic penetration in this guide and you will need that if your enemies start to build magic resist.
Blackfire Torch-I pick this item because of its awesome stats and and awesome passive. That posion can be life depending.
Athene's Unholy Grail-I pick this item because it works the same as blue buff and you need that.
Nashor's Tooth-I pick this item because of CD and an attack speed boost wich goes well with your passive.
Lich Bane-I pick this item for the same reason like Blackfire Torch, it's amaizing stats and passive. Movement speed boost, AP, magic resist and mana. The passive also goes well with your passive. Your autoattack damage will be insane.
Wooglet's Witchcap-This item works the same as Rabadon's Deathcap and [[Zhonya's Hourglass. A huge AP boost and a amaizing active. Who wouldnt want to turn golden and be invonerable for a short duration?
Mercury's Treads-Id chose these boots if your enemies have long stuns or fears or if you have a feeded AP as your enemie.
Malady-This is a nice choice if your enemies build magic resistance and this item gives you the opprotunity to shut it down.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter-Also a nice choice of you want some survivability.
Abyssal Mask-Nice choice if an enemy AP is feeded and your team is to laizy to build some MR(Magic Resistance), this way you provide it for the whole team.
Rod of Ages-It's your decision if you want to build this, the health and mana bonus is pretty nice but not the best AP income.
Mejai's Soulstealer-This item is SO optional and risky it's not even funny. I would never buy it but I had a feeling I have to mention it.
Ignite-Id say that this is a classic summoner spell for every carry. It's really nice for finishing kills and shutting down some champions( Vladimir, Dr.Mundo)
Flash-Also a common choice for every champion. It can be used as an offense summoner spell or a defensive summoner spell. For example flashing in front of your enemies face and kill them or just flash away from them when you see they are going to kill you.
Exhaust-This spell is mostly taken by AD's to shut other AD's down, but if you like this spell feel free to use it.
Clarity-Clarity is actually a nice spell on Orianna and any other mana hungry champion, but we have a lot of mana regen in this build so I think it isn't necessary.
Ghost-This works kinda like Flash, but you can't jump over walls. It's a personal prefferance between Flash and Ghost so I'm not gonna get much into this.
Heal-Im not much of a fan of this spell while going mid becouse most of your enemies will have Ignite so they will easily counter you with it, but it's still nice for teamfights.
My usual masteries are 22-0-8.I chose those becouse it has the best offensive points, like:
Mental Force
My second choice is 9-0-21. These masteries are usually used for supports but some AP carries use it too. The thing about these masteries wich are so awesome is increased gold per second, starting gold and a buff to your exping.
(I wasn't planing on explaining much about masteries becouse I beleve that almost everybody uses the same and/or know why do they have those)
My second choice is 9-0-21. These masteries are usually used for supports but some AP carries use it too. The thing about these masteries wich are so awesome is increased gold per second, starting gold and a buff to your exping.
(I wasn't planing on explaining much about masteries becouse I beleve that almost everybody uses the same and/or know why do they have those)
Greater Mark of Magic Penetration-I think that every AP carry should have these marks, this will make your enemies MR items uselles
Greater Seal of Scaling Mana Regeneration-These runes allow you to harras and use your skills early game more often because the mana regen. It wont be visible a lot late game becouse by then you will have your's Athene's Unholy Grail and other mana regen items.
Greater Glyph of Ability Power-This choice is very obveous. AP is really the most important thing you need to have in your runes.
Greater Quintessence of Ability Power-The same as Glyphs, these are your core runes.
(I didn't really know what else to write about these runes, so it came up small like this :/)
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