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Twitch Build Guide by Jerv

AD Carry A (Not That) Compressed Guide to: Twitch S5, Patch 5.13

AD Carry A (Not That) Compressed Guide to: Twitch S5, Patch 5.13

Updated on July 20, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jerv Build Guide By Jerv 3,339 Views 0 Comments
3,339 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Jerv Twitch Build Guide By Jerv Updated on July 20, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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Twitch is a niche pick nowadays with the focus on highly mobile ADCs. Twitch is one of those ADCs that get triple kills with ease in a late-game teamfight. He is one of those auto attack based AD's that deal alot of damage and just wreck everything IF FED OR WELL FARMED. He is my go to ADC other than Graves and he is just very fun to play as. I hope this guide helps people understand to play this underrated ADC. Enjoy!
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Pros / Cons

Sneaky Sneaky!
High AF Late game damage
High Attack Speed
Is a rat
Great teamfights

People flame you for picking Twitch instead of Vayne, Jinx, Siver etc.
No mobility
No Hard CC
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x5 AD Marks/Reds
x4 Attk Spd. Marks/Reds
x9 Armor Seals/Yellows
x9 Magic Resist Glyphs/Blues
x2 AD Quints
x1 Attk Spd. Quint

Like I said Twitch is very auto attack reliant. You're gonna need alot of Attack Speed. Armor and Magic resist for early game defense. Some AD Marks and Quints cus duh he's still an ADC.
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Core Items

This god-send of an Item is gonna be your best friend. ALWAYS RUSH BOTRK FIRST!

This is really good on twitch cus added movement speed and attk spd. Get after IE
Your main damage source. Rush after Botrk

This will REALLY help you melt tanks. Its a standard item for alot of ADCs

Really good item, like bruh, Attk Spd, Crit Chance, Movement Spd and a nice passive.

Offensive Items

You're squishy GET LIFE STEAL. More survivablity.

Great Item if you don't want Shiv

Defensive Items

When fighting Heavy DPS teams

Gives good damage and CDR.

Situational Items

Against heavy AD.

Against heavy AP
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Deadly Venom

Deadly Venom (P) Every auto apply's a stack of this. It does true damage DPS. Try to get as much stacks on as many minions early game so that you can activate your E Contaminate to get as much farm as possible. Contaminate has a range thats longer than your auto so when someone tries to get away. Just E and if they are not dead then your Deadly Venom will finish them.

Venom Cask (w) This applies Deadly Venom stacks in an AOE. This is amazing for team fights. you'll be able to use on 3 of their team is positioned correctly.

Your Ult is imo the best Damage and Attk Spd Steroid in the entire game. It's amazing for dealing as much damage as possible in a team fight
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This is where Twitch truly shines. Stay in the back, activate ult and your W to get as much damage as possible. Deal as much damage as possible, you are set to get a kill or two. DO NOT Q into a team fight.

1. Pop Ult
2. Pop W
3. Pop E
4. Auto Attack
5. GG Twitch Pentakill QQ /ff
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Wow. This is my most in-depth guide to date. I really like playing Twitch and I hope you will have as much fun playing him too. He is honestly one of the most fun to play ADCs in the game. He's very underplayed because he's different. Hope this guide helped you understand Twitch!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jerv
Jerv Twitch Guide
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A (Not That) Compressed Guide to: Twitch S5, Patch 5.13

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