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Fizz Build Guide by marin1313

AD Offtank |AD| Fizz Jungle S5 : Auto Attack OP! Attack Damage 5.4

AD Offtank |AD| Fizz Jungle S5 : Auto Attack OP! Attack Damage 5.4

Updated on March 6, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author marin1313 Build Guide By marin1313 10,336 Views 0 Comments
10,336 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author marin1313 Fizz Build Guide By marin1313 Updated on March 6, 2015
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Hello guys!
My name is Marin and i play on EUNE server i am currently in GOLD 4 Divison.
This guide will help you how to play Fizz jungle efficintly.

Fizz is awesome jungler if u play him the right way i will help You with my tips and tricks how to become great Fizz player!
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Pros / Cons

+ Very fast clear in jungle
+ He is a fish! :)
+ Awesome gank with a lot of dmg
+ Good duelist with red smite
- Very depended on items
- If shutted down early can be hard to go back in game
- Can be usless in teamfights if u dont know how to play him
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With new jungle comes new rules! :)Start Gromp or Golems, making sure to Smite them, then take Blue/Red second, and end with Red/Blue. Recall, upgrade your Smite, and gank.

Starting Blue Side

- I will start Gromp, and with a good enough leash, I should be nearly full health, and so can easily clear the Blue Buff without needing my smite. Remember, smite Gromp immediately, so you get his passive from the start of the fight and your W does more dmg.
- Go and take your Red Buff, making sure to Smite it for the heal. Then either gank/counter gank top/mid or recall and get your upgraded Smite and then proceed to gank.

Starting Red Side

- Start Golems, again smiting immediately for the buff and your W healt% dmg. Then move to Blue and decide do you want to gank mid or continue farming to red.
- Take your Red,either gank or recall, and upgrade your Smite.

Fizz has two gap closers, two slows, and a knock up. Sounds great right? Well, it can be, but you have to make sure you use your skills in the right order, and stagger them appropriately, to pull off the perfect gank.
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Step 1: You want to open up with your basic Urchin Strike + Seastone Trident combo to close the gap between you and the enemy, ideally complemented by any cc your own laner can offer to make them easier to reach.

Step 2: Now you are within melee range, you can start to apply your cc. Open up with Chum the Waters, and while they are slowed/knocked-up, try to position yourself behind the enemy, as this will make it easier to land your next slow.

Step 3: To finish off, you will want to use your Playful / Trickster, making sure you only tap E once so the slow applies. It is also important to leave this skill till last if you can, because in the event that you have to go under turret, this skill can be critical in resetting turret aggro and escaping safely, or simply minimising damage taken.

Step 4: Unless you were ganking a 500 Magic Resist Galio, the enemy laner should be dead, so Smite your lane's big minion, and walk off in style.
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Team Fights

Wait for your team to go in find good target ADC or APC and use your Ultimate after that follow with Q and W kepp AA use your E to avoid some dmg and execute target

Well guys this is my first guide i hope u will like it atleast a bit leave comments if u want to say something love you all! :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author marin1313
marin1313 Fizz Guide
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|AD| Fizz Jungle S5 : Auto Attack OP! Attack Damage 5.4

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