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Runes: Burst em all
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order The only viable level up order
Gift of the Drowned Ones (PASSIVE)
Pyke Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Jhin provides a lot of burst damage, so he goes really well with Pyke. Your ults synergise well, and you can chain your CC by using your E and then Jhin following up with his W.
Jhin provides a lot of burst damage, so he goes really well with Pyke. Your ults synergise well, and you can chain your CC by using your E and then Jhin following up with his W.
Champion Build Guide
Thresh is really squishy in the early game, when you have a shot at him hook him right away. If he hooks you, wait for him to use his E and then E away.
It isn't that good of an idea to hook Blitz, always aim for the adc. If he hooks you wait for him to use his E, similar to Thresh.
Check the Threats chapter.
You can change the direction of your E by using flash after you have used your E, in order to hit multiple targets or if you missed it/ the enemy dodged it. Always try to do it the very last moment so they don't have any time to react.
You can curve your E with your flash jut like e you can do it with your flash. Pyke always ends up in the center of the X if you hit an enemy, so use your E, Ult so the center is behind the target, and boom- they're stunned. You can also use that as a teamfight engage, but only do it if your team has no other engage whatsoever, since you're going to get killed instantly.
You can flash while charging up your Q in order to extend your range.
If you see a low health target, but not low enough for execute, use your Q, and ult where they'd end up after the hook right after it hits. This way, you cancel your animation and give them no time to react.
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