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Akali Build Guide by GoIden

Akali Green Ninja

Akali Green Ninja

Updated on April 28, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GoIden Build Guide By GoIden 3,686 Views 1 Comments
3,686 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author GoIden Akali Build Guide By GoIden Updated on April 28, 2021
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Champion Build Guide

Akali Green Ninja

By GoIden
Pros & Cons


• Incredibly fun to play. If you ever played the original Akali, it feels so much better than that. Akali now is so fun to play like many other assassins in the game.
• High skill cap. If you're into playing difficult champions and you want to challenge yourself- Akali is the perfect champion for you. With a high skill cap and high outplay potential, you're going to love playing Akali.
• Amazing outplay potential. With Akali having such a high skill cap and with many of her abilities being able to dodge the enemy, you can find out new and wonderful ways to outplay the enemy with your abilities. As the reworked Akali is still relatively new, you can abuse the enemies knowledge of her an use it to your advantage.
• Lots of combos to learn and perfect. As Akali can use her abilities in a variety of ways, you can perfect and master her abilities to outplay, dominate and assassinate the enemy laner and win the lane. If you want to learn some of the combos, check out the combos section on this guide.
• Very good against squishy targets. As Akali is an assassin, she can easily jump on immobile and squishy targets. She can often pick up easy kills in the lane when she's level 6.
• Good all in potential after 6. Akali is an amazing assassin after level 6. When she gets her Ultimate, she can go in for kills and try to kill the enemy as soon as she levels up.
• Can dive enemies thanks to her W. As Akali's W grants her invisibility, she can dive towers without fear of being chunked down by them. When you want to dive an enemy, beware that once you use an ability or auto attack the enemy, you will be spotted and focused by the tower.
• Good sustain in lane thanks to your Q. If you use your Q on as many minions and enemies as possible, you will gain a large amount of healing from it. You should let the minion's group up and then use your Q on them all in a line to get the most healing possible.
• Bonus damage in lane thanks to her Passive. Wherever you go for a trade of abilities with another champion, it's important that you utilize your champions kit and follow up with an auto attack to deal extra damage in trades. As your Passive gives your next auto attack extra damage, you really want to auto an enemy whenever you use your abilities.
• Escape abilities. As Akali has her E and Ultimate, she can escape ganks pretty easily. If you hit the enemy with your E, you can dash towards them, then run away or you can use your Ultimate to get away. If you're running through the enemies Jungle, you can use your E to get over walls or use your E on a jungle camp to dash towards it and escape. Akali's W also makes her invisible which has little to no counterplay. This can help you escape and juke the enemy. There is a lot you can do with her kit!.
• She's frustrating to play against. Something that is often overlooked when playing League is how frustrating some champions are to play against. Akali is incredibly frustrating to play against which is helpful when you're playing her.


• Can be somewhat useless in late game if the enemy team has champs with high regeneration who can easily outdmg you
• Weak pre-6 lvl to even lvl 9
• Different playstyle than "0-100 oneshot Akali"
• Can be weak against ap comp
• Somewhat weak if your team is behind
• High skill cap with a very sharp learning curve. As Akali has so many combos to perfect and with her kit relying heavily on timing, it will take a lot of time to perfect and master her. Do not worry though, we've given you the head start on her with this guide.
• Frustrating to play against. When playing against an Akali, you need to focus her down and not let her pull the wool over your eyes to win the lane. She is very mobile and quite frustrating to play as she is so mobile. This means you may find it quite annoying to play against.
• Easy to kill early and easy to kite. If you miss your skill shots, you will be out of position and easy to kill. Without your abilities, you will find it hard to kill the enemy. Akali is also a melee champion which means she will struggle against ranged champions during the laning phase and in team fights.
• Prone to being poked down in the early laning phase. As she is melee, she loses to pure damage early from the likes of Quinn, Teemo and Vayne's auto attacks. To counter this, start Doran's Shield.

Electrocute will remind you the old thunder lord which it allows you to deal bonus damage in each trade which will allow her be more of a threat to the enemy.

Sudden Impact her Shuriken Flip and her Perfect Execution are both dashes, when using one of these, she will gain bonus lethality and magic penetration.

Eyeball Collection will give you bonus damage which is extremely helpful in snowballing your lead. For your final rune, you have a little choice, As Akalihas a lot of kill potential and outplay potential, you will often find yourself picking up kills on the enemy through outplays or pure skill.

Ravenous Hunter is good for survivability as it gives you healing from your abilities, using Ravenous Hunter in conjunction with your Q Five Point Strike will give you a lot of sustain in team fights.


Revitalize Heals and shields are 5% stronger and increased by an additional 10% on low health targets, This can be helpful if you are prone to being constantly harassed by enemies early.

Bone PlatingThis is a great rune as it stops some damage from the enemies in extended trades.
This is helpful as it gives you protection from the enemies damage allowing you to stay in lane for longer.
Summoner Spells
With changes to and other summoner spells falling in and out of favour in the current meta, the best spells you should take on are and .
is always a good summoner spell and you should take it whenever you play .
This is because is a very reliable summoner spell which can be used in a variety of ways to engage, disengage and help you escape.
Overall, I always recommend that you take as your first summoner spell.

Usually, you would want to take on top laners, however, with the current meta being snowbally and with nerfs to the cooldown of , you should take instead.
is a great summoner spell as it can allow you to get kills in the early game and snowball your lane.
With games ending quickly and where every lane feels decided on kills, you should try to win the lane by taking .

Alternatively, if you do not want to take or you are sure that you can't kill the enemy, then you could take .
is very good against champions with all in potentials like or .
can save your life, so it’s worth taking if you are unable to kill the enemy laner.

Personally, I would recommend that you always take and on .
Ability Rundown

Akali’s Passive is Assassin's Mark
Assassin's Mark

When hitting an enemy champion with one of your abilities, they will hold a ring around themselves for 5 seconds. When moves towards the ring that is around them, she gains bonus movement speed. When is outside of the ring, she will also gain bonus movement speed when she walks towards an enemy champion. When she does this, she also gains swinging Kama for 4 seconds.

Swinging Kama: next basic attack gains range and you’ll deal extra damage.
Auto attacks with Swinging Kama also restore energy.

Five Point Strike

Five Point Strike

throws a plethora of kunais in the target direction which deal damage to all the enemies that they hit. Enemies hit at the maximum range of the kunais are also slowed briefly.

If the Five Point Strike is cast when has above 180 energy, she will also 7.png heal for a small portion of the damage that is dealt to the enemies.

Tips and Tricks:
Your Five Point Strike can go through minions if they are in the way. This means you can use your Five Point Strike whenever you want without fear of some of the damage being wasted.
If you're low on health or are having a hard time in lane, try to poke with your Five Point Strike whenever you have over 180 energy so you get some health back.

Twilight Shroud

Twilight Shroud

restores energy and detonates a smoke bomb in a circle that grows for 5 seconds.
Entering the Twilight Shroud makes invisible.
While she is in there, she gains bonus movement speed.
Whilst she is in the Twilight Shroud, all sources of true sight like and turrets will not be able to see her.

The duration of Twilight Shroud is extended each time she comes out of the Twilight Shroud but it can last no longer than 8 seconds.

Tips and Tricks:
Twilight Shroud has no cost but it does restore energy.
This can help you if you need a slight amount of energy before going into a trade or if you’re trying to eliminate the enemy.
While you’re in your Twilight Shroud, you can auto attack the enemy or use some of your abilities.
However, you will break the invisibility for a short period of time which can let the enemy hurt you.
After 0.65 seconds, you will become invisible once again. When you do become visible, towers will focus you down.

Shuriken Flip

Shuriken Flip

flips backwards and throws a shuriken forward dealing damage to the first enemy it hits. Enemies that are hit by the shuriken are also marked.
Whilst a target is marked, is able to reactive and recast her Shuriken Flip within 3 seconds.

Second cast: dashes towards the marked target and deals damage to them.

Tips and Tricks:
If you do not hit an enemy minion, champion or it kills the enemy, if applicable, it will mark the outside portion of your Twilight Shroud.
This can help you escape and juke the enemy.
For example, if you’re trying to escape the enemy, you can use your Twilight Shroud in one place and then through your Shuriken Flip through it.
Continue running- reactivating your Shuriken Flip when they follow you.

Your Shuriken Flip can be used to get over walls if you hit a jungle monster.
Alternatively, you can throw your Shuriken Flip in the opposite direction to “flip” over the wall.

As your Shuriken Flip has no range and only a 3-second limit, you can keep walking and juke the enemy with your other abilities.
There are plenty of combos you can master and perfect with your Shuriken Flip.

We will talk more about Shuriken Flip in the combos section later on.

Perfect Execution

Perfect Execution

Akali dashes in the target direction dealing AD damage and stunning any enemies that she hits for a brief amount of time.
After 2.5 seconds, you can reactivate your Perfect Execution Ultimate within 7.5 seconds. On the second cast, she does not stun any enemies but does AP damage to enemies hit.

Tips and Tricks:

Your Perfect Execution doesn’t have to have a focused target. You can use your Perfect Execution anywhere you want and in any direction, this means you can get over walls and move where ever you want to thanks to the mobility it gives.
You can use your Perfect Execution in a variety of ways and with many different combinations, in most cases, it will be used as an engaging tool thanks to the stun. It can also be used as a gap closure and used in conjunction with your Shuriken Flip to get closer or further away from an enemy champion.

We walk talk more about Perfect Execution in the combo section below.
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
In the Game
early game is by far her weakest.
As an assassin, she doesn't have the strongest level 1 unless she catches the enemy out by surprise.
When playing , you want to hit level 2 before the enemy which is the first minion wave followed by 1 of the melee minions on the second wave.
As soon as you hit the level up, you want to engage on the enemy with your Shuriken Flip then use your Shuriken Flip again, auto attack the enemy and use your Assassin's Mark on them.
Your main goal for a level 2 all in is to get them down to lower health where you will be able to engage on them at level 3 and kill them with Ignite.
The laning phase for is pretty straightforward.
In most matchups, you will want the wave to be pushed towards you and kept outside of your tower.
If the wave is close to your tower, you will be able to freeze and deny the enemy farm.
As is an assassin, you will be able to chase down the enemy if they over extend for farm.
Because has multiple dashes, she can easily follow up and get on the enemy if they do this.
If you push the enemy under their tower, will be unable to assassinate the enemy.

mid game
In the mid game, is looking to assassinate the enemy and get kills.
By this time you should have your Hextech Gunblade already completed which will help you in securing kills and hitting the rest of your abilities.
You always want to use your Hextech Gunblade first to slow the enemy which will make the rest of your abilities easier to hit.
Anyway, as is an assassin, she wants to abuse her mobility and mid game dominance by roaming around the map, pushing waves and assassinating enemies who are out of position.
With having multiple forms of dashes, she can over extend and play rather risky thanks to her Perfect Execution and her Shuriken Flip.
However, there is a fine line between risk and a reward, if you're continually getting caught out, you need to stop dying and instead group with your team.
It is best to stay around the side of your team rather than in lane with them as you will be unable to assassinate enemies if they know you're there.
Staying around the side of your team and going in when an enemy rotates to another lane, over extends or miss positions will allow you to assassinate them.
Thanks to your Shuriken Flip, you can quickly get into the team fight easily.
late game
In the late game, needs to continue trying to assassinate and catch enemies who are out of position.
Map awareness in the later stages of the game is crucial as one mistake can get you killed and cost your team major objectives like towers, inhibitors, elder dragon or baron.
However, as your kit has lots of Perfect Execution dashes, you can play slightly riskier.
Your late game, in many respects is just like the mid game.
Your job and your goal in team fights in the later stages of the game is by going on the squishy enemy targets like the enemy Support or ADC.
Every situation is different, so try your best to do what you can in the late game to kill and get rid of the enemies squishy targets.
In the later stages of the game, you need to stay grouped with your team and not split push unless you have Baron buff.

is a fascinating champion with a huge variety of different combinations that you can use on her.
As is an assassin with lots of ability uses, you have a wide selection of combos you can use on her.
• Remember to use your Hextech Gunblade at the start of each fight to slow the enemy down and deal damage to them.
It will also give you an easier time at hitting all your other abilities as the enemy will be slowed.
Remember that your Assassin's Mark empowers your next auto attack and deals extra damage.
So try and use this tactic as much as you can.

Assassin's Mark + AA | Standard combo during the laning phase.
You should utilize this as much as possible on the enemy to poke them down.
Shuriken Flip+ Shuriken Flip+ AA + Assassin's Mark + AA | Standard combo during the laning phase.
You can use this combo whenever you want to engage on the enemy champion.
Before going in, make sure that you check the map as you do not want to go in if the enemy Jungler is nearby.
Shuriken Flip+ Shuriken Flip+ Assassin's Mark + AA | Standard level 2/3 all in combo.
Shuriken Flip+ Shuriken Flip+ Assassin's Mark + AA + Ignite.
| Standard level 2/3 Kill.
Before trying to execute the enemy, make sure you poke them down level 1 so this combo can work.
Perfect Execution + Flash + AA + Shuriken Flip+ AA + Shuriken Flip+ AA + Assassin's Mark + AA + Perfect Execution | Advanced all in combo.
You can use this combo after level.
Make sure that you are going to hit the Perfect Execution before Flash.
Do not Flash to stun the enemy if you've got no chance of securing the stun.
Perfect Execution + AA + Shuriken Flip+ AA + Shuriken Flip+ AA + Assassin's Mark + AA + Perfect Execution | Advanced alll in combo.
Like the previous combo, you want to engage with your Perfect Execution and hit the enemy, then you should follow up with the rest of your abilities whilst also utilizing your Assassin's Mark by getting as many auto attacks in as possible.
Perfect Execution + Shuriken Flip+ Shuriken Flip+ Assassin's Mark + Perfect Execution | Fast all in combo.
If you cannot auto attack the enemy, or you're afraid you wont be able to perfect the combo, this is the full combo without any auto attacks.
Of course, you should try to hit as many auto attacks whilst dueling the enemy to utilize your Assassin's Mark and get more damage down on the enemy..


We're coming to the end of this guide now, here are some final tips and tricks you can use to help you win lane and win the game.
Remember that is a very difficult champion with tons of outplay potential.
• Good sustain in team fights and the early game. When using your Assassin's Mark over a certain amount of energy, you will receive healing from it.
You can get the maximum amount of healing from this by hitting as many minions and champions as you can with it.
• You have good escape ability thanks to your Shuriken Flipand your Perfect Execution.
You can use the back end of your Shuriken Flipand both sets of your Perfect Execution to escape.
You can also use these to get over walls around the map.
• You can use your Shuriken Flipin a variety of ways and on a variety of enemies.
Neutral monsters like Dragon, Baron and Rift Herald will all allow you to dash towards them.
This also includes enemy Jungle camps.
• Your Perfect Execution doesn't have to have a target.
Unlike the previous , you can use your Perfect Execution whenever you want with no intended target, This is helpful as you can jump over walls and escape the enemy.
• Your Twilight Shroud makes you invisible.
• You get lots of movement speed and bonus damage if you use an ability on an enemy champion and follow it up with an auto attack.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GoIden
GoIden Akali Guide
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Akali Green Ninja

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