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Nidalee Build Guide by LoveeYouToo

Ap Bruiser Nidalee -LoveeYouToo

Ap Bruiser Nidalee -LoveeYouToo

Updated on May 20, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LoveeYouToo Build Guide By LoveeYouToo 6,095 Views 0 Comments
6,095 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author LoveeYouToo Nidalee Build Guide By LoveeYouToo Updated on May 20, 2013
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it is good in lane to poke a lot that's why you built those mana pots and after you run out of mana go in cougar and farm wards are almost unneeded because w human form gives sight and you should be fine
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Team fights

In team fights you want to stay back for a good bit and poke with spears and heal your team and once you see an oportunity (low adc or apc) jump in and burst with cougar should be dead in a jiffy and you can survive good with all those items we built and get away if your losing with w in cougar easy as pie
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The only time you should be ganking is when your enemy laner is dead or you just got tower when you gank start out with q then run in with cougar and if your team is ready should be bursted down quickly
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When your enemy laner is dead push their tower and use heal for attack speed buff and stay in human and aa alot and use heal once it gets off cooldown and watch your traps then when he gets back his tower will be gone and your team should get some gold and you should back to get some items
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LoveeYouToo
LoveeYouToo Nidalee Guide
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Ap Bruiser Nidalee -LoveeYouToo

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