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Kayle Build Guide by Xevic

AP Carry AP Kayle

AP Carry AP Kayle

Updated on July 17, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Xevic Build Guide By Xevic 1,784 Views 0 Comments
1,784 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Xevic Kayle Build Guide By Xevic Updated on July 17, 2013
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Kayle
    5v5 AP Kayle
  • LoL Champion: Kayle
    3v3 AP Kayle


Kayle is probably the most versatile Champion in League of Legends. She can be played as an ADC, APC, Jungle, Support, and even built Tanky if you really wanted to go that route! She is very strong in all 3 lanes depending on the role you take. Her versatility is what has made Kayle my favorite Champion in League of Legends. This guide will focus on AP Kayle and what she can bring to the table in both 5v5 and 3v3 maps.
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Pros / Cons

Pros: High Burst/Sustain Damage Cons: Squishy without Ult just like all carries
Fast Move Speed Limited escape
Heal Mana Hungry throughout the game
Soft CC Needs lots of CD reduction
Game Changing Ult Limited range on Ult
Fast Jungle clears Melee character if E is on Cooldown.
Fast Split push
No skill shots
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Summoner Spells

Flash, Ghost for one spell depending on preference.

Exhaust, Teleport, Ignite on the other one.
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There are two different sets of runes that we will use as AP Kayle. These will depend on which Map you are playing on and which items you intend to build!

Marks: Hybrid Pen- Solid choice for any Item Build/Map
Magic Pen- For when you don't take Abyssal Scepter or Void Staff
Attack Speed- For when you take Magic Pen boots.

Seals: Armor all day everyday.

Glyphs: Cooldown Reduction Per lvl for 5v5 when you don't plan on using Merellonomicon
Ability Power per lvl when using Merellonomicon or on 3v3.

Quints: Movement Speed! My choice all the time.
Ability Power if you don't like to go fast.
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There are Two different Mastery Setups to use. One is based on having only 20% CD reduction from Items and the other is based on having all 40% from Items. If you chose to use Merellenomicon on the 5v5 map you will need to switch your mastery/rune set up to the 3v3 map settings.
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Skill Sequence

Skill sequences are pretty basic for most Kayle builds. Nothing to fancy. Always take your Ult when you can. Pump either your Q or E depending on if you need Burst or Sustain/Wave Clear. Take 1 early point in your heal for the move speed increase!
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The new and Improved Nashor's Tooth is OP on Kayle. Rushing Nashor's will increase your power dramatically! Add a small amount of Attack speed and Magic Pen and you have a high burst/sustain damage dealing machine. The rest of your items are going to focus on increasing your AP with the stasis active to give you yet another way to avoid death! The only Utility Items you need will be Magic pen aura from Abyssal or Grievous Wounds from Morellos. Both of those are very Situational.
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