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Recommended Items
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Lightslinger (PASSIVE)
Lucian Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Champion Build Guide
Muramana and Ludens Tempest synergize really well together after this item re-work. The extra mana in Ludens gives you 12 extra AD and 24 extra physical damage on ability strike through the Muramana. This damage stacks up quickly, and helps you deal out some hybrid AD/AP dmg throughout the game. Here are total stats on these 2 combined CORE items:
- 80 AP
- 42 AD (including "awe" from muramana)
- 10 Magic Pen
- 1460 Mana
- 25 Ability Haste
- Echo: Damaging abilities deal an additional (100 + 15% AP) magic dmg to target and 3 nearby enemies and grants you 15% move speed for 2 seconds (10s Cooldown)
- Shock: When targeting champions, ability strikes and attacks on hit apply an additional 4% max mana physical dmg (at this point in the build, 24 dmg)
Those stats with 2 items total cost of 6000 gold are very very good for Lucian and will be very fun to play as - trust me. The catch is you will have to be patient.
You will not have the same early game (level 2) dmg as AD Lucian with press the attack. Farm up as best you can, be oppressive in lane trying to stack Dark Harvest early on, get some kills if you can but most importantly try not to get behind early by exposing yourself to an easy gank for a jungler like Nunu or Hecarim. You shouldn't have too much trouble with the 1v1 in lane though with all of your poke potential. Once you get Ludens, and again when you finish Manamura that is especially when you want to be looking to roam and make plays elsewhere on the map even if that's just abusing your mana expenditure and smashing all the enemy's jungle.
After getting Boots of lucidity and Lich Bane, you will be feeling extra crispy, just laying down slappps with that W and R and following up with great auto attack damage and even q damage due to Manamura and Dark Harvest.
- 80 AP
- 42 AD (including "awe" from muramana)
- 10 Magic Pen
- 1460 Mana
- 25 Ability Haste
- Echo: Damaging abilities deal an additional (100 + 15% AP) magic dmg to target and 3 nearby enemies and grants you 15% move speed for 2 seconds (10s Cooldown)
- Shock: When targeting champions, ability strikes and attacks on hit apply an additional 4% max mana physical dmg (at this point in the build, 24 dmg)
Those stats with 2 items total cost of 6000 gold are very very good for Lucian and will be very fun to play as - trust me. The catch is you will have to be patient.
You will not have the same early game (level 2) dmg as AD Lucian with press the attack. Farm up as best you can, be oppressive in lane trying to stack Dark Harvest early on, get some kills if you can but most importantly try not to get behind early by exposing yourself to an easy gank for a jungler like Nunu or Hecarim. You shouldn't have too much trouble with the 1v1 in lane though with all of your poke potential. Once you get Ludens, and again when you finish Manamura that is especially when you want to be looking to roam and make plays elsewhere on the map even if that's just abusing your mana expenditure and smashing all the enemy's jungle.
After getting Boots of lucidity and Lich Bane, you will be feeling extra crispy, just laying down slappps with that W and R and following up with great auto attack damage and even q damage due to Manamura and Dark Harvest.
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