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Skarner Build Guide by Rhinoface

AP Skarner Mid

AP Skarner Mid

Updated on August 7, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rhinoface Build Guide By Rhinoface 17 0 58,046 Views 0 Comments
17 0 58,046 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Rhinoface Skarner Build Guide By Rhinoface Updated on August 7, 2018
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Phase Rush
Nimbus Cloak
Gathering Storm

Bone Plating


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



My summoner name is Rhinoface, and I'm a relatively new league player. I enjoy exploring terrible builds and finding any degree of success in them.

I stream on twitch under Lenovotorola, sometimes playing my off meta builds, and other times playing more conventional builds.

I main midlane, though top is my secondary role.

Some of my "crowned achievements" are AP Splitpush Rammus Mid, AP Skarner Mid, Bruiser Skarner Top, and Thicc Jhin Top
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Why AP Skarner?

I initially played AP Skarner as a joke, but it turned out pretty well. Many people don't know what Skarner does, and they certainly don't expect you mid or to be as tanky as you are with no tank items.
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Starting dark seal and refillable is very useful, as you'll be taking harass from any ranged laners. If you're against a melee mid, it's very easy to E > Auto > Q and instantly win the trade. Poke with your E whenever you can, though saving it for the stun when you believe you can win a trade with it is essential.

After you're level 6, you're basically immune to tower dives. The threat of your ult + stun totals to them stunned under your turret for around 3 seconds. You can use this to your advantage by baiting your laner to think you'll die to a dive, pop your W shield, and E > Ult > Auto for stun after the ult.

If your laner is ever half health post 6, you can usually E > W > Q > AA > R and pull them into your turret if they're anywhere near it with phase rush + nimbus cloak. If you can for sure pull them into turret, if they have 50%+ health, opt for the E > W > R > Q > A to stun them under the tower.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rhinoface
Rhinoface Skarner Guide
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AP Skarner Mid

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