One of the better matchups for Varus - take Cleanse if you are uncomfortable with it
You win at all stages of the game against her, try an extended trade level 1 if you have LT, you will win that
If you have good movement + spacing, this matchup is in Varus' favor.
You will win at all stages of the game if you execute it properly - but try to get a lead before 6 since Akali still can oneshot you after she gets her Ultimate.
I would consider this matchup Varus' favored - you win extended trades, just dont trade level 1
If you are not comfortable, just dont interact with him and outscale
Unplayable matchup when Anivia knows what she is doing; try to punish her as hard as you can before until she hits 6.
Not worth a ban, since there are only a few of this disgusting creatures playing this shit.
Consider taking Cleanse, maybe HoB or First Strike worth a try.
My personal permaban.
All of this pdfs playing her are elo inflated af, im getting really aggressive just thinking about this candy champion.
Consider taking cleanse if you want to play it, I do not recommend tho.
Mercs are good too.
Aurelion Sol
I hate this champions, it is probably a fine matchup, but the way how this champ is played out is so incredibly cringe, I do not know what advice to give you.
AP Varus is not good into Azir, he can easily poke you out of lane and you wont ever reach him really.
Consider going Long Sword + 3 potions and TP.
This matchup is a skill matchup, even tho in my opinion its Cassio favored. You have to space really well + need to have good movement to have success in this matchup, key is to dodge the qs and the ult whenever its possible.
He can be a bit annoying - but he is most likely going AP and stacking health, so it is like a dream for every AP Varus.
High range control mage, only thing that makes this playable is his vulnerability until level 6 + the lack of CC, maybe it is even, but the matchup is still Corki favored I think.
You will always win against her in 1v1, if you have Exhaust up, still she has some timers when she can allin you, if you do not know what you are doing play for scaling and she cannot do anything against you later on.
Mercs are good her.
Kinda weird Matchup, if you play LT the matchup in lane is even since he can easily proc electrocute and run away - if you take HoB the matchup is easier since the trades are better for you.
Just play for scaling, he cannot do anything in lane against you except you are getting catched by one of his Ws.
Idk, luckily do not see this champ anymore, if he has hands the matchup is completely unplayable.
Just dodge it.
Even tho he has is orange, this matchup is really easy for Varus. Just push him in and do not let him farm in the early game, he cannot do anything against you.
Even when he gets some items later on, he will always lose 1v1 against you.
If he does not get nerfed the next patches, put him in extreme.
He can go Comet and poke you out of lane.
He can go First Strike and oneshot you after 6.
This champion is atm so incredibly disgusting, idk what to say.
It should be playable, but the champ is so OP rn, it is definitely Gragas favored, in and out of lane.
Dodge her E, respect her early power + BotRK, and you are good to go.
Still you need good spacing tho.
You can put the matchup into "tiny" or "even", depends on how much experience you have.
I will put him in even for now, maybe a good jayce is a problem, but definitely noone who isnt playing in China or Korea.
I do not know any player who can properly execute this champ.
Still, he can oneshot you easily when he got some items, so do not get behind in lane at any cost, he cant engage on you since you will win the trades easily, you just need to extend them as far as you can.
Probably easiest matchup for Varus.
Depending on Teamcomp you will most likely outscale him, he cannot lane against you and when he does not fall 100 CS behind you, you are doing something wrong.
Hmm, maybe I should put her in Major Tier because of this sunderer build and her insane potential to snowball in SoloQ, but for me personal she is not a problem in lane, just spamping your team if she is not in lane and pray that they are not retarded.
Really annoying and you cannot interact with her really. If she is not dumb she will always hold her W to dodge your ult, you can still try it out, depending what Elo you are.
Consider going HoB or First Strike since you cannot stack LT anyway.
Mercs are good her.
Go for Cleanse and try to weave AAs in whenever it is possible.
If she goes for Aftershock she will not be able to kill you, with Electrocute she might oneshot you after 6, so be careful.
Mercs are good her.
Just a bad mage, her Champ does not belong into Midlane.
She can be quite annoying, but she should never have the opportunity to kill you.
If you are uncomfortable with this matchup, go for Cleanse.
Note - most likely Lux will push the wave and will not let you interact with her, so pay attention to have good CS since you will not ever match her waveclear.
Spellshield is annoying, his little creatures are annoying, this champ as a whole is annoying. Still a fine matchup for Varus, he cannot do much against you.
Just farm and outscale him.
Do not know whether something has changed after a rework except for she can surprise you being a minion.
If they did not add stupid numbers of damage the matchup is still good for Varus, care about her root, especially after 6 you will be dead if she hits it.
Same as Lux, she does not have that crazy waveclear but it is impossible to trade with her because of your limited range.
Just farm and ignore her, if you are uncomfortable with this matchup consider going long sword and 3 potions.
Idk, this champ just isnt good. She wont be able to farm until 6, since you will outtrade her. If you somehow do not manage to get ahead before 6, you need to be a bit careful since she might be able to allin you.
Still, matchup should be very easy since she shouldnt be able to farm in this lane.
Stupid champ who can just run at you level 3 without items and kills you, respect his overheat and you are fine.
You will outscale him anyway.
Same as Orianna, you cannot really interact with him since he just combos you, you will lose half of your health and then he runs away with phase rush. If he goes conq you might be able to trade with him, but then his spacing needs to be really bad.
You kinda outscale him, so ping his roams and farm under your tower.
Even if you are behind, you are winning this matchup.
Just pay attention for his pull.
You will always outdamage him in 1v1 with LT in extended trades.
Dodge his E and you win this matchup.
Otherwise, if you are not that comfortable, play for scaling.
You can try to get a lead early, she is one of the champions that can match your scaling.
Consider taking Cleanse + HoB or First Strike in this Matchup, if you want to be stronger in lane. Otherwise go for usual setup.
Mercs are good her.
Michael Jackson is not a problem as long you have the funny summoner spell. Do not let him farm and you are good to go.
It is only even because he still can roam and farm your afk teammates.
Respect her level 2, you start to win after level 3. Do not get spaced by her, and you are fine.
You will always win 1v1.
Twisted Fate
His champ is useless.
Still tho, you cannot really interact with him in lane.
Play for scaling and you win the game since it is 4v5 later on.
Cringe character, since Veigar players have a lack of braincells, they cannot utilize their champ correctly so you will win this matchup.
After Everfrost it becomes a bit hard, just make sure to have Exhaust since he wont be able to oneshot you for a long time then.
Mercs are good her.
Fair matchup, probably the most even one in this list.
She can oneshot you after 6, so pay attention to that. Otherwise just play for scaling, she can be a bit lane dominant.
High range control mage, matches your scaling, can stun you, can interrupt your Q.
It is playable, but I would not recommend doing this. Even if you get ahead, this matchup is really annoying.
Try to get a lead before 6, after 6, it becomes impossible if Viktor knows what he is doing.
Rush Morellos if you are uncomfortable with this Matchup.
After 6 with Ghost and Ignite he can run you down, so be careful.
Just play for scaling if you dont know your limits in this matchup, he cannot match it really.
Pretty similar to Lux, except him being a way better champion.
Longsword + 3 potions are good her, maybe even TP.
If he knows what he is doing, it is not playable. His champion as a whoie counters you.
Consider dodging this matchup since he can snowball really hard from a little lead in your lane.
Unlike his brother, this matchup is actually fine, if you have good spacing and movement.
You will outscale him anyway and he cannot easily allin you as Yasuo can, so if you are uncomfortable in this matchup, keep your CS numbers high and scale.
If he knows how the matchup works, he wont let you interact with him before 6 and pokes you down with his W.
After 6, you win if you have Exhaust, you need to hit your Ult tho. If you have good timing aim behind you when he ults you, this is a guaranteed hit then.
I do not see her in my games, when I saw her back then, it was really easy.
She cannot really threaten you in lane so if you do not dodge her E consistently play for your scaling and you win.
Millio is like a dream for Varus - he gives you a Cleanse, heals, shields you and gives you more range on your AAs.
Well especially if you go for the AP- Onhit Hybrid Build Lulu is insane for you. But even with full AP, the peel she can provide for you is just out of this world.
If she already was attached the whole game to you, so you get this feline friendship bonus, she is probably better than anyone.
You basically get unkillable with her since her Ult heals you for stupid amounts.
Millio is like a dream for Varus - he gives you a Cleanse, heals, shields you and gives you more range on your AAs.
Well especially if you go for the AP- Onhit Hybrid Build Lulu is insane for you. But even with full AP, the peel she can provide for you is just out of this world.
If she already was attached the whole game to you, so you get this feline friendship bonus, she is probably better than anyone.
You basically get unkillable with her since her Ult heals you for stupid amounts.
first of all - excuse me if there are some mistakes in my english - it is not my mother language and I was never really good at it.
this is the first guide I have ever made. Feel free to write me if you have some suggestions for it.
I plan to make it way more complex, but first of all I wanted to cover builds and matchups, so basically everyone who reads this guide knows what to do in the certain matchups.
The next update will be after Pstch 13.10, since there are some really interesting new build paths for AP Varus and I am gonna test them immediately when they are live on the server.
Hope I could help some of you with this guide! :)
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