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Ashe Build Guide by Mertec

AD Offtank Ashe Bruiser Master Kite Top/Adc

AD Offtank Ashe Bruiser Master Kite Top/Adc

Updated on February 19, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mertec Build Guide By Mertec 12,308 Views 0 Comments
12,308 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Mertec Ashe Build Guide By Mertec Updated on February 19, 2016
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Ashe
  • LoL Champion: Ashe


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


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Welcome to the Bruiser MASTER of Kite ASHE TOP/ADC

This is a build for have fun. I will not say that isn't viable in a rank game but i recommend you to use it in normal games.
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Pros / Cons


+OP against Tanks
+Good Mix of Tankyness and DMG
+A lot of CC


-No dashes or gap closers
-Hard engage enemy comp will destroy you
-Very vurnerable to early ganks
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Ferocity: Fury for the 5%AS - Feast and Vampirism for sustain - Oppressor for 2,5% dmg up always because Ashe passive op.

Resolve: Recovery and Runic Armor for sustain - Tough Skin for easier laning fase - Insight for spam Flash and TP - Swiftness for kite even better.

Keystone: Grasp of the Undying is the best for a good laning fase and scale well into late.


Ferocity: Fury for the 5%AS - Feast and Vampirism for sustain - Oppressor for 2,5% dmg up always because Ashe passive op - Battering Blows for the sweet armor pen.

Resolve: Recovery and Runic Armor for sustain - Tough Skin for easier laning fase - Insight for spam Flash and TP.

Keystone: Fervor of Battle is the best keystone for adc's and work pretty well with Ashe kit.
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This will give you the perfect mix of stats you need but if you have problem for have all this runes just do this change:
All Seals in x9 Armor
All Glyphs in x9 MR
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mertec
Mertec Ashe Guide
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Ashe Bruiser Master Kite Top/Adc

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