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Aurora Build Guide by Syyvaz



Updated on August 11, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Syyvaz Build Guide By Syyvaz 2,389 Views 0 Comments
2,389 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Syyvaz Aurora Build Guide By Syyvaz Updated on August 11, 2024
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Runes: BURST

1 2
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

Presence of Mind
Cut Down

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide


By Syyvaz
Hi, my name is Syyvaz. I started playing league at season 4. I love Aurora a lot, i can consider her my main champion!

I am not at high elo ngl, but i watched a lot of proplay and challenger games, i take notes of all games and investigated why they do that things why they build the items and that all. But i am sure that you and this guide you will get the elo you want!

Aurora is not the best, but with this guide i will try to explain all the things i can. This can be named "The denitive Aurora guide you will need". But I don't want to discredit other people's work and time. So i wish you like it!

You can see me on my stream or my Youtube channel. Feel free to ask any questions on stream or leave a comment on the guide!
Aurora is a highly versatile champion, prized for her adaptability across multiple roles and a lot of different builds!. Her kit offers exceptional mobility with multiple dashes, granting her unparalleled maneuverability in fights. Combined with crowd control from her Between Worlds, Aurora can set up kills or disengage effectively. Additionally, her passive, Spirit Abjuration, provides sustain in lane by healing her upon hitting enemy champions with spells. With her high burst damage and assassination potential, Aurora can quickly eliminate squishy targets and snowball leads, making her both a formidable foe and an exciting champion to master.

Why i started playing Aurora?
The first time Aurora was teased i loved her, i mained Gwen since her realise, but Aurora feels the same. So i wanted to try her and i loved her!


Burst potential
Early game strength
Fun to play


Skillshot Reliance
Mana dependence
Learning Curve
High CD
Limited CC


  • Electrocute
  • Electrocute: Is one of the best runes, provides extra damage and fits so well with Aurora!.
  • Sudden Impact
  • Sudden Impact: Is very good for trading and fits so well with Aurora.
  • Ultimate Hunter
  • Ultimate Hunter: This rune give us CDR on our R. Our R is the core and having it earlier is perfect!.
  • Cut Down
  • Cut Down: Its so good to for trading!.


  • Fleet Footwork
  • Fleet Footwork: Its a really good rune for sustain and can provide us a secure lane.
  • Presence of Mind
  • Presence of Mind: Proves invaluable during the mana-intensive laning phase, providing a solution to mana challenges.
  • Legend: Haste
  • Legend: Haste: This helps a lot to your Cooldown Reduction.
  • Cut Down
  • Cut Down: For a tiny bit more lane pressure Cut Down is the best option.
  • Manaflow Band
  • Manaflow Band: Proves invaluable during the mana-intensive laning phase, providing a solution to mana challenges. Prioritize early harassment only when it guarantees a stack, offering a strategic approach to address early mana concerns.
  • Celerity
  • Celerity: Its so good for your MS.

We need it 100% of the games.
Is used on the 99% of the games.

I dont use it, but you can take it on MID if you dont feel confort with Aurora!.

Spirit Abjuration
Aurora’s spells and attacks exorcise spirits from the enemies she damages. Exorcised spirits follow Aurora around, healing her and granting her bonus movement speed.

Twofold Hex
Aurora sends out a missile that curses any enemies it hits. She can then recast the ability to draw active curses back toward herself, damaging foes who are hit along the way.

Across the Veil
Aurora leaps in a direction of her choosing, entering the spirit realm upon landing and becoming invisible for a short duration of time.

The Weirding

Aurora unlocks a window to the spirit realm, sending out a blast of spirit magic that damages and slows enemies before Aurora hops backward to safety.

Between Worlds
Aurora leaps in a direction of her choosing, releasing a shockwave that damages and slows any enemies it hits. Afterward, she creates an area that traps enemies within it and allows Aurora to teleport from one side of the area to the other.
I am going to tell you the Aurora combos!












Aurora's Laning Phase

Aurora’s performance in the lane can vary greatly depending on the matchup. In the early game, you'll either dominate or be dominated. If you play her in the midlane you’ll encounter champions like Lucian, Syndra, or Lux who can outrange and pressure you. However, against champions like Sylas, Yone, or Irelia, you have the upper hand due to the strength of Across the Veil , allowing you to control the lane. In difficult matchups where you’re outranged, it's better to focus on farming and sustaining instead of risking unfavorable trades. Your level 2 power spike unlocks your Q-E combo, which is highly effective against champions who try to get close, like Sylas, allowing you to poke and disengage safely with The Weirding. Always be cautious when your abilities are on cooldown because in the early game, you can be punished for stepping up without them available. It's rare that you'll kill long-range champions, but against short-range or melee matchups, you’ll usually have some kill potential early on. If you don’t find opportunities, it’s fine to play passively until level 6, where you can look for an all-in since you won't be punished if you use your ultimate correctly. Aurora excels in early skirmishes, so you should actively seek out jungle fights or roam opportunities.

Importance of Early Laning Phase

The early laning phase largely determines the direction of your game. You need to be aware of your opponent’s champion and their playstyle—whether they are aggressive or passive. Understanding this helps you decide whether to focus on poking your opponent or just farming minions. Fortunately, Aurora’s early game is strong, with Spirit Abjuration giving her a significant boost.

Twofold Hex is great for poking and harassing enemies. This two-part ability lets her deal initial damage and then recast to hit again, making it tough for opponents to dodge. Across the Veil is useful for quick trades or dodging incoming skill shots, improving her survivability during the laning phase.

A good habit is to always buy a Control Ward. While it might not be a priority in normal games, in ranked matches, it’s crucial to buy and place them in optimal locations. I usually place them in the Baron pit or in a bush in the river to keep tabs on the enemy jungler. I avoid placing them in the lane bushes since they often get destroyed before they provide any real value.

Additionally, remember to assist your jungler in taking the Voidgrubs. They are vital for your entire team, and you don’t want the enemy to secure them. They help whoever kills them to take down towers faster, and if you have at least 4 Touch of the Void buffs, you’ll spawn voidmites to aid in destroying towers.
Continue pushing your lane and looking for opportunities to roam to other lanes, particularly if you have lane priority. Coordinate with your team to set up ganks or secure objectives like Dragon or Rift Herald.

Invest in Control Ward and help your team establish vision control around key areas of the map, such as river objectives and enemy jungle entrances. Vision denial is crucial for setting up picks and avoiding enemy rotations.

Look for opportunities to join skirmishes or team fights around objectives like Dragon or towers. Use your crowd control and burst damage to pick off priority targets or peel for your carries, depending on the situation.

Help your team secure objectives like Dragon, Rift Herald, and outer towers. Aurora's mobility and pick potential make her valuable for securing vision control around objectives and contesting them when necessary.

If your team composition allows for it and you're ahead, consider split pushing a side lane to apply pressure and draw enemy attention away from other objectives. Make sure to communicate with your team and have vision coverage to avoid getting caught out.

Use Aurora's mobility and burst damage to catch out enemy champions who are out of position.

If you're behind or your team is at a disadvantage, focus on farming safely, defending objectives, and looking for opportunities to catch up through picks or team fights. Avoid taking unnecessary risks that could further set your team back.

Communication is key during the mid game. Coordinate with your team to make informed decisions about when to engage, rotate, or contest objectives. Use pings and chat to communicate your intentions and coordinate plays effectively.

By playing proactively, maintaining vision control, and leveraging Aurora's mobility and pick potential, you can exert pressure on the map and create opportunities for your team to secure objectives and win fights during the mid game.
When teamfighting, you need to focus on two main things: who to use your ultimate on and how to use it effectively. When considering your ultimate, you should either aim to trap the enemy carries, securing a quick kill, or catch their frontline to allow your team to eliminate them quickly. Aurora’s ultimate deals significant damage, especially if you can hit multiple targets, but most of the time, you’ll be aiming to pick off the enemy ADC or other squishy targets. Her role in teamfights is more about hit-and-run tactics since she’s a champion who dives in, deals damage, and then retreats, effectively kiting like a mage instead of an ADC.

During teamfights, your positioning should resemble that of an assassin since your primary job is to use Between Worlds on the right target. For newer players, it’s crucial not to be too eager with Between Worlds. Patience is key, as finding the correct angle for your ultimate can make the difference between winning and losing the fight. Later in the game, your passive grants you considerable movement speed, allowing you to excel as a hit-and-run champion—jumping in, using your abilities, and then retreating. Mastering this playstyle will not only help you carry fights but also ensure success in teamfights overall.

Aurora is also highly effective in sidelane situations because she has two abilities that provide escape options. Across the Veil is great for becoming invisible and fleeing, while Between Worlds serves as an extra layer of security if needed.
My Aurora guide has been fully updated for Season 2024!

For more content check my stream!

Thanks for reading this guide, I really hope you enjoyed it <3

Thank for all reading this guide, i am happy to know someone used their time to read all of this.

See you at the rift! Let Aurora guide you!
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