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Orianna Build Guide by scalingscalinguups

Other Auto-Ori-Robo-Mid-Counter

Other Auto-Ori-Robo-Mid-Counter

Updated on July 2, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author scalingscalinguups Build Guide By scalingscalinguups 6,973 Views 4 Comments
6,973 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author scalingscalinguups Orianna Build Guide By scalingscalinguups Updated on July 2, 2013
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A lot of people are wondering if Orianna can be sufficient without building her as a full AP mage, and with full assurance I am here to explain that it is very possible and can assist you in your early game to counter mid and farm up their turret. Your team will appreciate your support as usual, meanwhile, her best ability, her escape(self/team), is still 100% just as good without any additional AP. Why is Orianna's auto attack placed upon her auto attack? With Her E skill and her auto-attack she can take down most any AD carry or AP mid in close range... and if not there is always an easy escape. She can do fine as harass, but unfortunately with an AP build that's all she can really do, but in this build you will see that Orianna can stand in the face of most any competitor without having to settle for an early flee with confrontations.
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The last of the tree meanwhile amping up that ability power as much as possible because, after all, she is a mage at the end of the day. If you would instead go with full AD runes and items you would see that her auto-attack scaling works best off of her passive with ability power so we choose the ability tree to push forward. Also, throwing the point into lowering cooldowns on her flash abilty and quicken the teleport skill, so she can farm lanes or get in near to a team fight and save the day.
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Skill Sequence

Get Command: Protect first followed by Command: Attack then Command: Dissonance, you will actually focus Command: Dissonance over Command: Attack, but it's important that you get the ball moving if you know what i mean. Focus your E skill(Protect) it is your main lifeline the whole game and it will really surprise them when you start countering them after your 2nd item is build. Your speed your protect and your CC will keep them running backwards in most cases. It's okay if your opponent gets ahead of you for a bit because it can easily be turned around, just don't lose your minions, your build is focused on you auto-attacking minions down, then auto-attacking down champs. Remember, your skills are more like a defensive move, like a snake would curl up when it feels in danger, that's how you're going to save your mana and surprise them by exerting lots of damage quickly and unexpectedly.
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Took basically an AD rune build. Added full magic resist because she is a mid most likely, and a lot of armor and health in seals for later when she takes on ad champs. You can replace the quintessence of desolation for quintessence of destruction if you'd like. I hadn't bought these yet when I made this build, so I think it would probably add you more magic damage overall.
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Pros / Cons

Pros - Speed
- Escapes
- Sustain
- team help/team sustain
- auto-attacking everything

Cons - Less Ap
- Smaller Shield
- Less ability damage
- Cooldowns not until late-game
unless you decide to complete
Morello's Tome at an earlier
point(which is always a
possibility if you need)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author scalingscalinguups
scalingscalinguups Orianna Guide
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