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AP Carry Azir, The Emperor of the Rift (Mid/Top)

AP Carry Azir, The Emperor of the Rift (Mid/Top)

Updated on January 17, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SHURMIASHURIMASHURIMASHUR Build Guide By SHURMIASHURIMASHURIMASHUR 2,592 Views 1 Comments
2,592 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SHURMIASHURIMASHURIMASHUR Azir Build Guide By SHURMIASHURIMASHURIMASHUR Updated on January 17, 2017
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    You can win any game even with a bad matchup. By farming well and calling MIA's you outscale most to all mid laners.

    Use your mana conservatively! The only time you should be spamming is when you have blue buff, and even then you should be thinking about the CD's of your Q, W, and E as they are all vital for you to make a clean escape.

    When the first wave comes to lane stand in between your fighters and casters, then place a soldier angled so it can hit all 3 enemy caster minions. Repeat this with the fighter minions and once the second wave comes you can hit level 2 a little bit earlier than your opponent.

    When in range, place your soldier right on top of your opponent, AA once, hit the Q, then AA again. This should proc Thunderlord's.
    A well timed soldier behind the opponent and an E can easily win you trades with the newly gained shield.

    Rarely Shurima Shuffle full health targets.
    When team fighting, stand behind your tanks and get poke off with a W, Q. If your team starts winning the fight and your tanks move forward past your soldiers, press E to catch up with the fleeing enemy team.

    You can use your ult to completely block off many jungle routes. Make sure your Emperor's Divide has a good angle and does not disadvantage your team.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SHURMIASHURIMASHURIMASHUR
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