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This champion, when played well, will give you a hard time in the laning phase. Her miasma (W) can make your Q and E as well as your flash useless as long as you stand in it. It also slows, so it makes you a sitting duck for her jungler to come in and gank you. Hold out for your first back and try to all in her then. If you feel too far behind, just wait for jungler ganks or concede the lane.
Annie is not really a huge threat, especially at level 6. at level 3, you should be able to all in her. Just watch out for her stun and when it's down, use that as your opening to attack. At level 6, engage from a distance with ult and jump on her with your E. Only engage on her if you're confident you can beat her. If you can't, her counter attack can be brutal.
Ahri and Fizz is essentially a skill matchup. Most Ahri players don't know how to properly deal with Fizz, so if that's the case for you, then take advantage of that. She will have the upperhand before level 3, but after that, you should be able to all in her. Watch out for her charm and you're good to go.
Another skill matchup for Fizz. Akali can be rough to deal with in lane, due to her energy resource and not having to worry too much about lane sustain. Your saving grace is that she is also a melee champ. So in order for her to CS, she has to put herself in harm's way. If she ever spams her Q twice in a row, go in on her, because she will be very vulnerable to a counter attack.
Azir can be a very frustrating champion for Fizz to take on at pretty much all stages of the game. He has very decent harass with his sand soldiers and he can be a nightmare at level 6 with his ult if you were to try to all in him. The key to beating Azir is waiting for him to throw a sand soldier at you. If he misses his Q, go in on him because he will be very vulnerable, especially considering his only way out besides flash is to Q>E combo with his sand soldiers to dash away.
I view Anivia as more of a skill matchup with Fizz. Other players might say she's tougher than an even matchup but the reason I believe she's an easy champion for Fizz to take on is because of a couple reasons:
1. She is very slow and has no escapes other than a Wall that you can Q or E through to stick to her when fighting.
2. Her abilities are easy to side step.
The best way to take Anivia on, especially early, is to go in on her "hit and run" style; Q into her, pop your W and hit her a couple times and E out or E on top of her if you're confident you can proc her passive.
Much like Annie and Ahri, Brand is more of a skill matchup for Fizz. The key is to avoid his Q at all costs, especially if he has previously hit you with his W, E, or R abilities as this will stun you and open you up to a full combo from him. The best way to take him on is to hold your E for as long as you possibly can. When he throws his ult at you or your minion wave, use your E when it's traveling towards you. It may take some good timing in order to dodge it, but if you do, the ultimate bounce will end and it will be on a full CD. This will allow you to counter attack with ease.
Corki is a rough champion for Fizz to deal with in laning phase. His poke is pretty solid with his Q and W and R abilities, and he can chase you easily to follow up on trades. Your best best is to either all in him at level 3 or wait for your jungler to come in and help you.
Diana is one of Fizz's hardest counters. She has a shield and pull in with a slow for when you try to attack her and she can be very sticky and hard to keep away from. If you can't all in her early, concede the lane and wait for your jungler or start roaming.
Chogath is not often seen in the mid lane anymore but I figured I'd make a quick guide for him. He's not too much of a threat seeing as you can move around through minions and other units with ease to dodge his abilities. The key to winning lane and snowballing against cho is to take him on early. If you can't do this safely either because of good positioning by cho or their jungler camping your lane, wait for jungle help or roam. Cho can't out roam a Fizz, so use that to your advantage.
Ekko is more of a skill matchup for Fizz. The key to beating an Ekko in lane is to wait for him to throw a Q at you to try to wave clear and/or harass. When that ability is down, try to go in on him to win trades or all in him. Be mindful of your positioning against Ekko when he turns level 6. Don't get baited or caught out by his ultimate.
Heimerdinger is by far one of the most frustrating champions for Fizz to deal with in lane. He will constantly push you to your tower and make it difficult for you to CS effectively. Try your best to farm up and all in him by levels 2-3 if possible. Taking teleport against him might also be a good idea if you're confident that you won't be able to get at him in game.
Kassadin is pretty much a cockblock champion for Fizz. He has a magic shield on short cooldown, he can teleport almost infinitely at level 6, and he can engage on you or disengage from you whenever he wants. Your best bet to win this lane is to wait for him to get over aggressive and misplay or wait for jungler help.
Much like Akali or Zed or Yasuo, Katarina has a great deal of burst damage with no resource sustain issues. Your all ins are very effective against her early, so keep an eye on when she uses her Q or shunpo's, then use that window of opportunity to go in on her. Watch out for her daggers; If she jumps to one while you're on it, you'll take some nasty damage and be in range for her to unload on you.
By far the hardest counter in the game for Fizz. Her W can root you when you go on her with Q or E, her ultimate can stop your ultimate and heal her based on missing health, and she can also poke you pretty effectively through the use of her Q and E. The best window of opportunity for you is to go in on her at level 2 with your E and W abilities to try to push her out of lane and put her at a disadvantage.
Another skill matchup for Fizz. I would put minor, but she can still be pretty lethal, especially if she lands a Q on you. You should always try to position yourself against her the way you would a Blitzcrank; put your minions between you and her and remember that her Q will hit two enemies and not one. When her Q is down, go in on her and trade. You should win every time.
Malzahar can push you in pretty hard, the same as Heimerdinger. His damage is lacking early if his voidlings aren't up, so use that as your chance to trade with him. A good idea beforehand would be to Q at him and E away and wait for them to come off cooldown. You'll be more effective the next time you go in to trade with his spellshield down. Remember that his ultimate will suppress you and leave you vulnerable to attack and that his spellshield can negate your ult.
Mordekaiser can give you a lot of issues in the laning phase due to having:
1. 0 mana costs
2. A shield that gets bigger the more dmg he gives and takes
3. Healing
4. A way to isolate the two of you and finish you off.
He's pretty beefy but if you take him on early and all in him while dodging his Q and E, you can win with no problem. Bear in mind that this lane will not be a walk in the park.
Morgana has decent poke and a spellshield to counter your damage and crowd control. The main threat to you is her 1000 year lasting dark binding. When she uses this ability offensively to try to get some free damage on you, either side step it or use your E to go in on her and trade or all in her.
Neeko can be a tricky champion for you to deal with seeing as her binding is pretty fast traveling. Her binding can set you up for pretty good damage with her Q and damage from her auto attacks. The real threat is her ultimate, which can stun you and give her a decent sized shield to protect her from your burst. Avoid getting hit by her bindings and ultimates at all costs.
This matchup is mostly even but can tip in your favor or hers easily. Try to avoid her early poke with her Q and W and auto attacks. Try to keep track of her uses of her E ability. When either her Q and W or her E are down, use that as your opportunity to go in on her.
You'll often see this champion picked as a counter to you in lane. His Q is a low cost ability that can harass you easily while his E can give him extra damage against you passively at low health. Be mindful of his passive that can negate your auto attack damage as well as the active effect from your W. His ultimate isn't extremely useful to kill you when he's in lane and you can see him. Be careful for his ultimate when you're pushed up too far and you don't have vision on their jungler. He may use his ultimate to catch you off guard with his jungler.
Qiyana isn't too much of a threat in lane, mainly because her ultimate can't really stun you unless you're hugging a wall. You should be able to trade her at levels 2 and 3.
Swain is pretty weak against you before level 6. The best way to take him on is before that point. At level 6, he will be very hard to kill. Morellonomicon is a very effective item as it will reduces his healing and make it easier for you to win fights against him.
Not only can this champion copy your ultimate and use it against you, he can also heal through his kingslayer ability, which heals him for more if he is at low health. Be mindful of when he steals your ultimate in lane; Once he uses it against you, it will be a while before he can use your ultimate against you again.
Syndra is one of your more easy matchups to take on in lane. Your E can dodge her ultimate as well as any stuns she throws at you. If her stun and/or ultimate is/are on CD, you can take her on easily.
Talon may have some trouble dueling you early on, seeing as one of his abilities is completely useless against you in lane. You need to alert your team the second you don't see him in lane anymore, as his E allows him to roam better than any champion in the game, next to Aurelion Sol. Try to put him in the dumpster early and to shove out lane and get some damage on their towers when he roams. You can try to follow him if he roams, but that could end up poorly for you seeing as you get caught out, he'll be in an advantageous position to chase you down.
Twisted Fate
One of your easiest matchups. Much like Talon, he can't duel you well, but he can outroam you if he knows what he's doing. Save your E for when he shows his gold card. If he uses his pick a card and picks anything other than gold card, all in him at that point. Try to always keep him pushed under his tower. He'll either have to stay in lane to catch the waves and protect tower or lose CS to try to make plays across the map.
This champion is yet another skill matchup. His stun can be a problem but overall, you shouldn't have to worry too much so long as you keep your distance and only go after him when it's down. Be careful at low health, as his ultimate does more damage based on missing health. You can also outroam him pretty hard, so if he is playing way too safe, take a trip to bot or top lane.
You're one of Vel'Koz's biggest counters. His E is hard to land even on an immobile target. When that ability is down, make sure to be aggressive at that point. It's very hard for him to turn while using his ultimate, and your ultimate will also stop his from channeling. If he does try to counter attack with his ult. Use your E to position yourself behind him after you ult him so he can't lock you down.
This champion can harass you pretty well in the laning phase. His Q will give him a shield and his E damage can be pretty substantial. The key to winning the lane will be to avoid his W stun. When that ability is down, you should be free to do some damage to him.
Vladimir not only has no mana costs, his Q and R can heal him for a decent amount. He'll most likely rush a spirit visage to increase his healing and damage from increasing his health, while also decreasing your damage. Morellonomicon should be at the very latest your second item against this champion, or else you won't be able to take him on by mid game. Keep track of his W cooldown, as he can use it to make himself untargetable and avoid your ultimate and your Q and E damage. When he uses this ability, he will be vulnerable, as it costs health to use and he'll no longer have any escape tools to avoid your damage.
Another easy matchup for you. His stun is the only ability you should be concerned with. He will try to harass you early, but you will have a clear advantage at levels 3 and 6 for sure.
Yasuo won't be much of a threat to you in the laning phase, unless you happen to misplay at levels 1-2. Avoid throwing your ultimate at him when he is aware of your presence and has his windwall available. The real threat from Yasuo comes in the late game, when his ultimate can decimate your team if he has the right supporting cast around him. Put him down early and keep him down. Make him your priority target in team fights.
This lane will be very tough for you to handle. He only has to deal with energy costs and his early damage is very dangerous. His passive will do extra damage to you when you're below 50% health, so bear that in mind when going to trade with him. When he uses his shadow to try to poke you, go in on him and get free damage on him. He will lose every time. At level 6, save your E, as it will cancel his ultimate and put it on full CD.
Ziggs isn't much of a threat to you in lane, but he can push you in when you're out of lane. His W can also break down low health turrets, so try to push him in as much as possible. Asserting your lane dominance against him is key in this lane matchup.
Zilean will try to make your laning phase tough. He is a tough champion to all in against, as he can reduce your speed dramatically, stun you with double bombs and revive himself at level 6. Your best bet in this matchup is to all in him early if possible or to bait out his ultimate by skirmishing him a few times while holding your ultimate.
This champion is more annoying than she is dangerous. The real danger comes from when she lands a sleep bubble on you. If that happens, you have a small window to get behind minions or monsters. Remember that the further her Q travels, the more damage it does. She is in a vulnerable position if she uses her ult to move towards you, especially if you saw where she casted it from. Use that to your advantage to throw your ult at her or try to Q or E at her.
Jarvan IV
His suppress makes landing your ult a breeze.
His ultimate makes landing your ultimate and putting out damage much easier, the same as WarWick's ult.
He has good tools to help you chase down enemies through his stun and he's a durable frontliner to help you get early kills.
Her cocoons are a great setup for you.
Her charms are great for ganks for you and your damage put together is often overkill because of how much burst you both can put out.
Ekko is slippery like you, so you can both bait for each other and with both of you having untargetable abilities, you're a hard duo to beat.
Jarvan IV
His suppress makes landing your ult a breeze.
His ultimate makes landing your ultimate and putting out damage much easier, the same as WarWick's ult.
He has good tools to help you chase down enemies through his stun and he's a durable frontliner to help you get early kills.
Her cocoons are a great setup for you.
Her charms are great for ganks for you and your damage put together is often overkill because of how much burst you both can put out.
Ekko is slippery like you, so you can both bait for each other and with both of you having untargetable abilities, you're a hard duo to beat.
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