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Now Sona is by far my favorite champ and many many people look down on her. Mostly because everyone tries and build her like a Knife built for damage, so that can max out her damage on Q and powercord. Now I have to say STOP THIS don't view her as just a normal knife but as a Swiss Army Knife where it has plenty of tools for any situation. What do I mean like this well let me explain in the rest of this guide.
It's built for rather Speed or CC or both giving you something for any situation:
Be able to speed up team: By your Talisman or your E
To slow down the enemy: By Twin Shadows, or E Powercord
To damage the enemy: By Lichbane or Q power cord
To keep your team alive in team fights: W power cord to reduce enemy damage or Ardent sensor (see below)
To DODGE everything: your base movement will be about 521 at the end of this and with your E it goes up to 600+. So as long as you pay attention little to no things will hit you. You can even outrun a Yi Ult with your Talisman up
Be able to speed up team: By your Talisman or your E
To slow down the enemy: By Twin Shadows, or E Powercord
To damage the enemy: By Lichbane or Q power cord
To keep your team alive in team fights: W power cord to reduce enemy damage or Ardent sensor (see below)
To DODGE everything: your base movement will be about 521 at the end of this and with your E it goes up to 600+. So as long as you pay attention little to no things will hit you. You can even outrun a Yi Ult with your Talisman up
Early game pokes:If your going to poke do it at 2 charges with a Q and auto combo. Whats the point of haveing 3 charges then atta? it just wasted mana on the third attack.
Ardent sensor: This is the absolute best item you can get on Sona because if you do it right you can give an ally permanent attack speed boost. How does that work? Look at the description Mana AND Shields. So basically you heal wait a second then get close enough to shield them BAM refreshes the buff.
Charges, Charges, Charges: Always keep an eye on your charges because this is critical to be a great Sona. Then have in mind on what powercord could be the best and maybe get it ready before hand.
Ardent sensor: This is the absolute best item you can get on Sona because if you do it right you can give an ally permanent attack speed boost. How does that work? Look at the description Mana AND Shields. So basically you heal wait a second then get close enough to shield them BAM refreshes the buff.
Charges, Charges, Charges: Always keep an eye on your charges because this is critical to be a great Sona. Then have in mind on what powercord could be the best and maybe get it ready before hand.
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