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Runes: Main runes, good sustain
+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
One of the hardest counters to Ornn, will out damage you early and if she gets her stun off you will lose the trade hard.
Anyone that has hard CC and complete single-target lockdown is ideal for Ornn. It will let you stager your combos to maximize damage and CC.
Anyone that has hard CC and complete single-target lockdown is ideal for Ornn. It will let you stager your combos to maximize damage and CC.
Champion Build Guide
Doran's shield is a good option into a Vayne or Quinn top, or anyone with good AA-based poke. However if you want to sustain better from bad trades and ability spam I think Corrupting pot is a good investment especially since you'll be running TP.
There are a few different ways you can do this build, but the most straightforward is Mythic -> Boots -> Dead Man's -> Fimbulwinter -> Bramble vest -> Winter's Approach -> Thornmail. It should be very doable to stick with this build path in most games, only adjust if the enemy comp is special or if your other lanes are struggling and you need to itemize for the enemy team quikly.
There are some different itterations depending on what you need:
[Strong Enemy Healing] Mythic -> Boots -> Bramble -> Fimbulwinter -> Dead Man's -> Thornmail -> Winters Approach
[Top lane camp/Extra lane pressure] Dead Man's Plate (If laner is AP instead of AD go Winters Approach) -> Boots -> Mythic -> Fimbulwinter -> Thornmail -> Warmogs/Gargoyle-Stoneplate/Randuins depending on enemy team
[Heavy DPS Mitigation] Mythic -> Boots -> Fimbulwinter -> Dead Man's or Winters Approach -> Gargoyle Stoneplate -> Thornmail or Warmogs
[Ornn Heavy Magic DPS] Mythic -> Boots -> Demonic Embrace -> Abyssal Mask -> Thornmail -> Warmogs (can build before Thornmail if you don't need greivous as badly)
Boot Alternatives:
Generally you will want Mercury Treads almost always unless you are against an AA-based laner, then go for Steelcaps. However, if the enemy team isn't heavily leaning to one side (AP or AD) or you feel you don't need the extra protection, then Boots of Licidity are a fantastic choice. You get a reduced TP and Flash cooldown from the Summoner Spell CD reduction, and you will be able to use ult more frequently. The last option is boots of switfness if you are against primarily slow-based champions or if you just want the ability to get around the map faster. If you are running the situational Phase Rush runes you will likely want either the Swiftness boots or the Lucidity boots.
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