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Morgana Build Guide by TryMeIfUDare

Support Best Morgana Guide SUPPORT/JUNGLE ! [14.16]

Support Best Morgana Guide SUPPORT/JUNGLE ! [14.16]

Updated on August 19, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TryMeIfUDare Build Guide By TryMeIfUDare 6,394 Views 0 Comments
6,394 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TryMeIfUDare Morgana Build Guide By TryMeIfUDare Updated on August 19, 2024
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Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band

Cheap Shot
Ultimate Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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Champion Build Guide

Best Morgana Guide SUPPORT/JUNGLE ! [14.16]

By TryMeIfUDare


Why Should I Play Morgana?
Morgana, the Fallen Angel, is a League of Legends champion dealing primarily in crowd control, utility, and damage. If you enjoy playing champions that protect, defend, are a nuisance to enemies, and can shape the flow of team fights, Morgana is most likely to be the perfect pick for you. With her versatile kit, Morgana excels in many roles but is most commonly used either as a support or a mid-laner. She serves as an important addition to many team compositions.

One of the more attractive reasons for playing Morgana has to do with crowd control. Her Dark Binding's Q arguably makes it one of the strongest snares in the game, able to root an enemy champion for up to three seconds at max rank. This ability can single-handedly catch out enemies, set up kills for your team, or prevent dangerous threats from escaping. More importantly, whether you are in the laning phase or a team fight, landing a well-timed Dark Binding will be game-changing, allowing your team to have an edge during the most important of moments.

Another central strength that makes Morgana one of the special champions is the utility in her kit. Her Black Shield (E) is a unique ability that provides a large magic damage absorption shield for an allied champion while simultaneously making them immune to crowd control. That can be invaluable to protect a vital ally, such as an AD carry, from lethal crowd control abilities which, if not avoided, would mean sure death. Properly using Black Shield can completely flip the script on engagements, letting your team sail safely through fights and turn would-be losses into wins.

Beyond crowd control and utility, Morgana deals strong area-of-effect damage, especially with her ultimate, Soul Shackles. This will chain all nearby enemies to Morgana, damaging them and slowing them. If the chains do not break within a few seconds, affected enemies are stunned, and this makes Soul Shackles a powerful tool for starting or turning the tide of a team fight. When combined with her Tormented Shadow, it deals periodic damage in a targeted area, which, when combined, Morgana is able to considerably weaken an enemy team in grouped fights.

This flexibility of Morgana translates into her role flexibility. While she is most commonly played as a support, Morgana can be effectively played in the middle lane, where her wave clear and very strong abilities let her dominate it. Safety in farming with Tormented Shadow and enemy poking from a distance with Dark Binding make her a formidable laner. Additionally, her Black Shield offers Morgana self-peel and protection, which makes her resistant to being ganked or locked down.

Another reason players like Morgana is her thematic appeal. She is the champion who most captures what it means to fight between light and darkness. Her lore and visual design really express this identity well. A champion torn between celestial origin and empathy for mortal suffering, Morgana connects with players in search of deeper champions who have rich narratives. The dark, mystic aura and the powerful abilities forge a rather interesting and engaging game experience.

To sum it up, Morgana has a rewarding learning curve. Morgana's abilities may be simple by concept, but mastering Morgana requires a great deal of understanding of positioning, timing, and decision-making. Effective use of Dark Binding and Black Shield can turn apparently hopeless situations into wins, while knowing when to engage Soul Shackles can make or break a team fight. For players who enjoy both support and offensive capabilities in their champion, Morgana offers unique and satisfying gameplay that rewards mechanical skill just as much as strategic thinking.

At the final stage of analysis, Morgana is a versatile champion who brings impactful thematic richness to crowd control, utility, and AoE damage. By protecting allies and disrupting enemies, Morgana dominates in any kind of team composition, controlling the fate of fights. She's always useful. If you play support or mid-lane, Morgana is definitely a champion worth mastering in League of Legends due to her diverse, rewarding skill set and great gameplay.

    Strong Crowd Control
    High Utility
    Area-of-Effect Damage
    Versatile Role Flexibility
    Strong Laning Phase
    Excellent Wave Clear
    High Impact in Team Fights

    Skillshot Reliant
    Vulnerable to High Burst Damage
    Low Mobility
    Weak Against Shield Breakers
    Dependent on Positioning
    Mana Intensive
    Predictable Playstyle
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TryMeIfUDare
TryMeIfUDare Morgana Guide
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