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Vex Build Guide by TryMeIfUDare

Middle Best Vex Guide MID ! [14.16]

Middle Best Vex Guide MID ! [14.16]

Updated on August 18, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TryMeIfUDare Build Guide By TryMeIfUDare 4 4 7,771 Views 0 Comments
4 4 7,771 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TryMeIfUDare Vex Build Guide By TryMeIfUDare Updated on August 18, 2024
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Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band

Absorb Life
Cut Down

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


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Champion Build Guide

Best Vex Guide MID ! [14.16]

By TryMeIfUDare

Why Should I Play Vex?
Vex, the Gloomist, is quite an inventive and wonderful League of Legends champion who makes playing in the mid-lane very fresh and exciting. Being a yordle magically bonded to shadow magic, Vex brings about burst damage with crowd control and anti-mobility tools, which make her so compelling on the battlefield. So if you're thinking of playing her, here's why she's the perfect champion:.

First off, Vex is quite good at punishing high-mobility champions. In the meta where most champs use dashes and blinks to outrun their opponents, her passive ability, Doom 'n Gloom, lets her capitalize on those said movements. Whenever an enemy dashes or blinks near her, they get "Gloomed," which makes them vulnerable to additional damage and a fear effect when hit by her abilities. This makes Vex excellent against most of the mobile champions in the game, where their biggest strength becomes such a huge weakness.

The next most compelling reason to play as Vex is that she is excellent in bursts. Her abilities grant her the potential to pull off a lot of damage within a really short period, especially Mistral Bolt and Shadow Surge. The ultimate is most striking with Shadow Surge, as it lets her fire a very long-range attack that can be reactivated to dash to the target if it hits. This gives Vex some superb reach and makes it very easy for her to assassinate key targets from a distance. When combined with her fear from Personal Space (W), Vex can pretty easily turn the tide of a fight by taking out an enemy carry before they have time to react to anything.

Another major reason to play her is her presence in the team fight. area-of-effect damage and crowd control, Vex can create a multitude of opportunities for allies by disrupting the enemy team. Her Mistral Bolt can hit multiple targets, while her Looming Darkness slows enemies in a wide area and damages them. This, combined with her passive's fear and from Personal Space locks Vex down on multiple targets, really making the potential of escape or retaliation low. This makes her a high value in coordinated team fights where there is much to be said about the control of the flow of battle.

One of the major reasons Vex has generated so much interest in LoL is due to her thematic and aesthetic appeal. Vex offers a very singular and sorely understandable personality as a champion exemplifying doom and cynicism, which sets her apart from the bulk of champions within the game. Her voice lines, animations, and visual design are very dark and moody, so she definitely is a favorite of players who like champions with a strong, distinct personality. Furthermore, the association with shadow magic and being the anti-hero within the lore adds more character to her, so she's a champion people could relate to thematically.

Finally, Vex is a flexible pick in the mid lane. Though she is inherently an AP burst mage, her kit provides room to mix things up depending on how a game unfolds. She's able to play greedy, snowballing a lead, or take it easy, farming safely and waiting for the right moment to strike. She punishes overly aggressive opponents and capitalizes on their mistakes. Vex is overall a reliable choice in many matchups, be it for the aggressive or reactive player.

While certainly not a champion for everyone, Vex brings strong burst damage, formidable anti-mobility tools, and a unique darkly charming personality. With her mobile champion counter, domination of team fights, and battlefield control, she makes up for a very rewarding pick in the mid lane. It's in the thematic or impactful gameplay—either way, Vex is a champion who'll bring fun and triumph to your League of Legends games.

    Strong Burst Damage
    Crowd Control
    Long-Range Engage
    Team Fight Presence
    Thematic Appeal
    Versatile Playstyle

    Skill Shot Reliant
    Limited Mobility
    Ultimate Cooldown Dependency
    High-Risk, High-Reward
    Vulnerable to Poke
    Late Game Scaling
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TryMeIfUDare
TryMeIfUDare Vex Guide
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