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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Mana Barrier (PASSIVE)
Blitzcrank Passive Ability
2. Blitzcrank can be combined with a lot champions that at least have a stun / root / fear on level 1.
1. Here is a little trick. When you want to push somebody further then you are CURRENTLY, you can always activate Rocket Grab and Flash deeper into your turret. Always remember this : When you successfully hit somebody with Rocket Grab you should activate Power Fist to knock him up, and use Static Field To silence him after knocking him up in the air to secure the kill.
2."WHY THE HELL CLARITY!?!?" You might be asking yourself. Try tricking other people to belive you don't have enough mana for your combo. Use Clarity when they least expect and unleash your full combo. By doing this, you will surprise enemies and help you team a lot.
2."WHY THE HELL CLARITY!?!?" You might be asking yourself. Try tricking other people to belive you don't have enough mana for your combo. Use Clarity when they least expect and unleash your full combo. By doing this, you will surprise enemies and help you team a lot.
You MUST buy Manamune for maximum effect. Also, it will evolve into Muramana which is completely beast for champions like Blitzcrank.
You will pretty much max Rocket Grab but try maxing Overdrive to gain some distance on enemies. Take Power Fist at level 2, but max it last.
Pros :
Can knock up, pull and silence.
Can be conbined (with ex : ( Caitlyn Ryze Vayne etc.)
Awesome shield
Cons :
Can easily miss Rocket Grab
Enemies can avoid his combo
Not so easy to play
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