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Brand Build Guide by brand jungle op

Brand Jungle Guide

Brand Jungle Guide

Updated on July 15, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author brand jungle op Build Guide By brand jungle op 12,154 Views 0 Comments
12,154 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author brand jungle op Brand Build Guide By brand jungle op Updated on July 15, 2016
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Welcome to guide on how to have success with Brand jungle, at the time of making this guide I'm the #1 Brand in NA playing only jungle Brand. In this guide I'll give an in-depth guide on how to play it yourself
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Standard AP page, dont attack enough to warrant attack speed runes, when it comes to blues, run whatever you wish. I prefer scaling MR
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I think strength of ages is almost a necessity if you want to play brand jungle. The difference in damage using deathfire is almost irrelevant when you can get another rotation of spells off.
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You need to get hunters potion on your first back no matter what. You need it to sustain mana/health. After your jungle item you want to rush rylais for the cc/pick potential.
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Skill Sequence

Have to max w just for the damage/aoe, max q second so you can get more stuns off, especially off of your passive.
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Brand jungle is not the best jungler, I'm not going to bother arguing that. However, I believe it is very viable, with some practice (which I suggest doing in normals). Brand has alot of good matchups when it comes to meta junglers, and his pick potential as well as damage make him a monster in the late game.
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Pros / Cons

Good pick potential
Good teamfight damage
Good level 3 ganks
Good CC

Can get ruined by cheese
Semi squishy compared to cinderhulk junglers
Missing your stun weakens your ganks
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Creeping / Jungling

When jungling as brand it is best to stay safe on your first clear. When you are against a cheese jungler like shaco/eve, it is probably best to just start your buff botside then go topside so they would invade you. Against other junglers, ward for invades on your first clear. After you do your first camp, kite the buffs with your w then q. You should be nearly full hp. Once hitting level 3 I look to gank top or mid, as brand ganks pre-level 6 arent that great bot lane. On your first back, buy a hunters potion, then play as if you were any other jungler.
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When clearing camps start with your w, then e then q. this will proc your passive, stun the minion, and clear the camp as fast as possible. On krug you can start e, then q and w if you want to be as efficient as possible, not that the difference is that substantial.
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Team Work

Brand isnt something that should be picked into any comp. If your team lacks a tank or you have an ap mid/top, its not optimal. In the right comp its a very strong pick. Once you get rylais you can start grouping and get easy picks.
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brand jungle op Brand Guide
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Brand Jungle Guide

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