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Jhin Build Guide by Kanjimaru1

Bruiser support Jhin

Bruiser support Jhin

Updated on February 16, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kanjimaru1 Build Guide By Kanjimaru1 3,294 Views 0 Comments
3,294 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Kanjimaru1 Jhin Build Guide By Kanjimaru1 Updated on February 16, 2017
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How I came up with it

So ever played with your buddy on normals and wanted to support with an unorthodox or unusual support well we did exactly that he went ziggs apc i obviously went jhin support and knowing how slow he is i decided to go tanky. So we came up with this build i have tested it on normals and i just now tested it on ranked and yes it was in high bronze low silver. (the hardest of places to do stupid stuff without a duo or someone being toxic) I won a few games so I think im on to something for people who are good at supporting but want to play jhin. Anyways The one thing I know this build does is that it makes jhin survive as in he doesnt die that easily you can survive a veigar ult at above half hp.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kanjimaru1
Kanjimaru1 Jhin Guide
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