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Headshot (PASSIVE)
Caitlyn Passive Ability
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We are going to be looking at
who she is,
what she does,
how to build her
and how to play her.
How to trap yordles with cupcakes, get head shots and prove to Season 7 that ADCs are still a thing. Its going to be Boom Baby, another head shot because we have a Ace in the Hole, see what I did there. Because that is the name of her Ultimate :D :P allright
Caitlyn is a 650 ranged marksman, she has the biggest starting range of any champion and is only surpassed by a lvl 18 tristana who maxes out at a range of 669. Caitlyn has a built in baby flash known as her 50 caliber net, traps to snare and reveal, a ultimate that locks on and shoots people in the back as they flee from you and head shots that crit for so much damage that will make Jhin look like baby groot, cute and angry but can't do much.
Caitlyn does not have a secondary role, that means she is ready to murderate the bot lane from the start and can snowball so hard that Nunu will be wishing he could throw her. Yah, snowballs? See it is funny because the yeti boy throws snowballs
Caitlyn does not have a secondary role, that means she is ready to murderate the bot lane from the start and can snowball so hard that Nunu will be wishing he could throw her. Yah, snowballs? See it is funny because the yeti boy throws snowballs
Her story is actually the longest one i have read yet, and though it does have a big word count it kinda feels like week sauce. So let's just hit the high points and ignore the filler. Caitlyn was born into a wealthy family in Piltover, from a young age she had a desire to hunt and hone her skills with her rifle. Many years later when her parents were kidnaped, or parent naped, or whatever you call it they are not a kid but they are kidnapedā¦.Anyway she singlehandedly saves them. With a newly gained hextex rifle in hand from her 21st birthday and a desire to do good she took on the crime in the streets and any mysterious cases of missing people. One that was particularly tough had our gumshoe team up with the local law enforcement the, Piltover Wardens. After the case had been solved she was offered a job, seeing the opportunity she took it and was installed as the Sheriff of Piltover.
So really what riot is telling us is that before caitlyn wore her knee high boots, purple mini skirt, thighā¦..ehā¦. strapā¦. things, and willy wonka hat she wore a fedora and double breasted trench coatā¦.hmmm. Never go back caitlyn, good change.
So really what riot is telling us is that before caitlyn wore her knee high boots, purple mini skirt, thighā¦..ehā¦. strapā¦. things, and willy wonka hat she wore a fedora and double breasted trench coatā¦.hmmm. Never go back caitlyn, good change.
For Caitlyn's skins we have-
Top hat, shiny gun, and rocking out the steampunk look, Classic Caitlyn
G.I. Jane sporting the mini skirt in the jungle, Resistance Caitlyn
A Volibear's wet dream, Arctic Warfare Caitlyn
I think she left the fuzzy cuffs at home, Officer Caitlyn
Alien vs Caitlyn, Headhunter Caitlyn
300 pound rifle wild wild west caitlyn, Sheriff Caitlyn
Sexy animal slayer, Safari Caitlyn
And my personal favorite because she has some killer hips and you might have already guessed hair, Lunar Wrath Caitlyn
And she has a chroma pack for her normal skin in the lulu approved flavors of
Old woman strawberry
Lemon lime
And Blueberry
Top hat, shiny gun, and rocking out the steampunk look, Classic Caitlyn
G.I. Jane sporting the mini skirt in the jungle, Resistance Caitlyn
A Volibear's wet dream, Arctic Warfare Caitlyn
I think she left the fuzzy cuffs at home, Officer Caitlyn
Alien vs Caitlyn, Headhunter Caitlyn
300 pound rifle wild wild west caitlyn, Sheriff Caitlyn
Sexy animal slayer, Safari Caitlyn
And my personal favorite because she has some killer hips and you might have already guessed hair, Lunar Wrath Caitlyn
And she has a chroma pack for her normal skin in the lulu approved flavors of
Old woman strawberry
Lemon lime
And Blueberry
Passive- Head Shot
Every 6th shot gives her a charge of Headshot, her next auto attack will hit with 150% AD. The Headshot bonus can critically strike, for a chance of a critical based off of 150%AD instead of 100%, this means massive amounts of damage.
Q- Piltover Peacemaker
Caitlyn fires a projectile that passes through all targets, after which it expands in width but deals reduced damage to all enemies it passes through thereafter.
W- Yordle Snap Trap
After gaining passive charges she can place up to 5 traps, minions can pass through them but when a enemy champion steps in one they are rooted for 2 seconds, caitlyn gains true vision of them for 7 seconds and Caitlyn gains increased damage for her Headshot giving her a temporary passive charge against the trapped opponent. Whew a lot goes into the little snap trap.
E- 90 Caliber Net
Caitlyn fires a net, snowing the target for 50% for one second, pushing herself in the opposite direction, it also gives her a temporary Headshot charge against the target.
R- Ace in the Hole
After a brief delay, Caitlyn locks onto a target enemy champion and channels for 1 second, she then fires a homing projectile toward the target, other enemy champions can intercept the shot for the original target.
Every 6th shot gives her a charge of Headshot, her next auto attack will hit with 150% AD. The Headshot bonus can critically strike, for a chance of a critical based off of 150%AD instead of 100%, this means massive amounts of damage.
Q- Piltover Peacemaker
Caitlyn fires a projectile that passes through all targets, after which it expands in width but deals reduced damage to all enemies it passes through thereafter.
W- Yordle Snap Trap
After gaining passive charges she can place up to 5 traps, minions can pass through them but when a enemy champion steps in one they are rooted for 2 seconds, caitlyn gains true vision of them for 7 seconds and Caitlyn gains increased damage for her Headshot giving her a temporary passive charge against the trapped opponent. Whew a lot goes into the little snap trap.
E- 90 Caliber Net
Caitlyn fires a net, snowing the target for 50% for one second, pushing herself in the opposite direction, it also gives her a temporary Headshot charge against the target.
R- Ace in the Hole
After a brief delay, Caitlyn locks onto a target enemy champion and channels for 1 second, she then fires a homing projectile toward the target, other enemy champions can intercept the shot for the original target.
For her first point taker her Q first for poke, crowd control and wave clear.
For her second point put it into her W, the traps will prevent bush camping and easy headshot charges.
For her third point I put it back into her Q, the scaling is amazing so mana-for-damage this is your best pick.
For which skills to max first, I have found that maxing Q first for damage and poke, then W for defence or siege ability and lastly maxing E for situational escapes or trading. If i am dealing with multiple diving/assassin champions i will put a few points into my E for increased cooldown but I still leave it for last.
For her second point put it into her W, the traps will prevent bush camping and easy headshot charges.
For her third point I put it back into her Q, the scaling is amazing so mana-for-damage this is your best pick.
For which skills to max first, I have found that maxing Q first for damage and poke, then W for defence or siege ability and lastly maxing E for situational escapes or trading. If i am dealing with multiple diving/assassin champions i will put a few points into my E for increased cooldown but I still leave it for last.
For her items, I went and tested a couple different builds and found the best DPS build and here it is.
Runaan's Hurricane
Berserker's greaves
Infinity Edge
The BloodThirster
Phantom Dancer
Essence Reaver
This bad boy of a build believe it or not is cranking out 1938 Damage Per Second, so for the math behind it and the other builds it was tested against check out the link here for the document on it.
Runaan's Hurricane
Berserker's greaves
Infinity Edge
The BloodThirster
Phantom Dancer
Essence Reaver
This bad boy of a build believe it or not is cranking out 1938 Damage Per Second, so for the math behind it and the other builds it was tested against check out the link here for the document on it.
Caitlyn is a lane bully, from level one she is a threat and that never goes away. She just snowballs and for her laning phase she never really has a issue, she just farms and farms kills. I mean who needs to farm minions when you can farm champions? Her auto attack range huge so you can easily punish anyone who comes near you. The main idea with her is to last hit minions and when you get a head shot charge either hit the support or ADC, it does not matter just which one is closer. After which just go back to farming, place traps in the edge of bushes to stop any tricks they might want to do. If they do manage to get in close to you, use your 50 caliber net to slow them and push yourself out of danger, if you are fast enough with it you can dodge a lux ult, or a Jinx ult it takes some practice but it will move you far enough out of the way.
For team fights-
Remember we are not a tank, let me just say that again. We are not a tank, it is not a good idea to go and face tank. It is not fun, it hurts and normally has deadly repercussions. So stay with your team, stay in the back lines, drop traps in the middle of teamfights, the first person that comes for you, 50 caliber net them, just keep shooting until nothing moves. This part is pretty straight forward, honestly just use the buddy system, make sure you have someone with you when you strike out. With the build listed above and being lvl 18 you can actually solo baron, so you can do huge amounts of damage you just have to stay alive to do so.
For team fights-
Remember we are not a tank, let me just say that again. We are not a tank, it is not a good idea to go and face tank. It is not fun, it hurts and normally has deadly repercussions. So stay with your team, stay in the back lines, drop traps in the middle of teamfights, the first person that comes for you, 50 caliber net them, just keep shooting until nothing moves. This part is pretty straight forward, honestly just use the buddy system, make sure you have someone with you when you strike out. With the build listed above and being lvl 18 you can actually solo baron, so you can do huge amounts of damage you just have to stay alive to do so.
Her ultimate can be a little tricky because your body is standing in place for the whole animation, so be careful where you leave yourself. Caitlyn makes a easy kill if you are out in the open.
Her E can push you through thin walls, so you can cross over into the baron/dragon pit and a few others, know where they are so you can use them to your advantage.
Ace in the hole at rank 3 has a 60 second cooldown, so don't hold back on it, use that bad boy, normally i would say to hold it for just the right moment, but the cooldown is so short just pop it off when you can.
You can activate your Q, and R nearly at the same time, it takes a little practice but you can link your Q and E as well. So check out what is going on here, before the first skill has completed its flight, the next one is started. You can do this with her Q and R or Q and E for huge amounts of burst damage.
Standing in a bush gives Caitlyn double charges towards her head shot. When possible get in the bush and fire away, Headshots for days.
You can have your passive Headshot ready, and when someone steps in a trap you get another Headshot. Properly done you can do two Headshots in a row.
Use can use your 50 Caliber net to flee from incoming damage but it can also be used to chase as well. For example when trying to get your ultimate locked on use it to get that last little bit of distance to get them in range.
I mentioned this before but this is huge drop your traps in the middle of teamfights, the arming time is quite short so they can easily be placed in front of players. This can also be done to stop chases, this gives her a huge amount of kiting ability.
This last tip pure evil and people are going to hate you for it. Put your traps behind the figure of the tower, the animation of the tower blocks it, most people will forget you just put it there and Boom baby another head shot.
Her E can push you through thin walls, so you can cross over into the baron/dragon pit and a few others, know where they are so you can use them to your advantage.
Ace in the hole at rank 3 has a 60 second cooldown, so don't hold back on it, use that bad boy, normally i would say to hold it for just the right moment, but the cooldown is so short just pop it off when you can.
You can activate your Q, and R nearly at the same time, it takes a little practice but you can link your Q and E as well. So check out what is going on here, before the first skill has completed its flight, the next one is started. You can do this with her Q and R or Q and E for huge amounts of burst damage.
Standing in a bush gives Caitlyn double charges towards her head shot. When possible get in the bush and fire away, Headshots for days.
You can have your passive Headshot ready, and when someone steps in a trap you get another Headshot. Properly done you can do two Headshots in a row.
Use can use your 50 Caliber net to flee from incoming damage but it can also be used to chase as well. For example when trying to get your ultimate locked on use it to get that last little bit of distance to get them in range.
I mentioned this before but this is huge drop your traps in the middle of teamfights, the arming time is quite short so they can easily be placed in front of players. This can also be done to stop chases, this gives her a huge amount of kiting ability.
This last tip pure evil and people are going to hate you for it. Put your traps behind the figure of the tower, the animation of the tower blocks it, most people will forget you just put it there and Boom baby another head shot.
Caitlyn late game with critical strike is a Goddess among men, can shred the other team, her sustain ability with traps, kiting ability, and passive constantly coming up is such a damage dealing death machine it is clear why she is currently hands down the best ADC.
So if massive damage,
traps(not the japanese comic book kind)
and more headshots
So if absolute power is your thing then Caitlyn is the champion for you
Ok guys this was my āThis is so my new mainā on Caitlyn, if you enjoyed it give this video a thumbs up, if you have any thoughts or comments go ahead and put those below. Also guys make sure to hit that subscribe button, there is more great content coming. And there is more build videos to come. Like normal here are the highlights of playing Caitlyn
And until next time GLHF
So if massive damage,
traps(not the japanese comic book kind)
and more headshots
So if absolute power is your thing then Caitlyn is the champion for you
Ok guys this was my āThis is so my new mainā on Caitlyn, if you enjoyed it give this video a thumbs up, if you have any thoughts or comments go ahead and put those below. Also guys make sure to hit that subscribe button, there is more great content coming. And there is more build videos to come. Like normal here are the highlights of playing Caitlyn
And until next time GLHF
Ok guys this was my āThis is so my new mainā on Caitlyn, if you enjoyed it give this a thumbs up, if you have any thoughts or comments go ahead and put those below. If you enjoyed this check out my youtube page and the video that goes with this build.
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