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You can really mess him up pre-6 and rush bramble and steel plates to mitigate his damage and healing. Frostfire Gauntlet or Turbo Chemtank
More rare in season 11 after nerfs. AP is harder to counter early. Her W can reduce your chance to eat her and she can disengage very well.
This depends on who gets a kill on who first. If you can get a lead, you can abuse her to non existence. Steel plates and bramble rush and be aggressive when her passive is down.
Extremely abuseable pre-6. Rush your mythic item as you want damage and to HP stack to reduce dying to his ult. Always pay attention to how many stacks he has and how much true damage his ultimate does.
You both hurt pre-6. If you take ignite and they have ghost, you actually have the kill pressure in lane. You can block his true damage with your E which can win you extended trades and block his ultimate chaining in team fights.
Disgusting range abuser with a CC escape tool and zoning. Take a safer rune page and let your jungler know that you can easily kill him with ganks. 2v1 beats GP easy as Tahm.
Not surprising, neither tank or stridebreaker garen is an issue for you. You easily win trades pre-6 since you can just auto attack him while silenced and save E for his ult and you win every trade.
Another range abuser. If he burns his hop you can easily 1v1 him. Steel Plate and bramble rush. Watch for his Mega Gnar form as it can cause you to lose trades due to his stun and ultimate plus HP gain.
We are immobile. We do not win many trades against Heimerdinger unless he doesn't have turrets or Hourglass.
Dodge her E and we win most trades. Take ignite, leave her ultimate zone, rush steel plate boots and bramble and its very winnable.
We win trades if her passive isn't stacked. Take ignite, rush bramble and steel plate boots and its hard for her to fight if she can't sustain.
Extremely abusable in lane. Try to win early and deny him his item spikes. Try to stack passive and eat or stun him when he uses E to not lose trades due to being stunned. Rush bramble and steel plate boots.
He can abuse us from range and disengage us with a knockback. Rush bramble and steel plate boots. Take approach velocity.
Take the Hail of Blades page. All in her every time she steps to CS pre 6. I build Triforce in this match to nuke her when she tries to fight us. Deny her xp and farm by zoning. She has no threat pre 6 if played right.
She is very squishy and you can kill her with practice. Without it or patience she will ruin you in lane and game. Most of the time they parry when you get your 3rd stack off so bait it out. Take approach velocity to stick to her and rush bramble and steel plate boots.
I wouldn't play Tahm into this match up. He will stun you and poke you out of lane and you can't really all in him ever after level 6.
Kled like to all in level 3. We will smack him down off his lizard hopefully while we have stacks of our passive on him. Eat or stun him when he is dismounted and ignite him for an easy kill. He can win the fight if he manages to remount. If you win the fight you will most likely win the lane. If not build full tank and he can't really kill you after.
Another range abuser. Rush Steel plate boots, bramble, and stack armor. With approach velocity you can usually win early trades or burn his summons.
A boring lane. He might win game as his ultimate out values nearly anything you can do. He won't really try to fight you in lane especially if you get him low on an early trade.
He can out sustain you, disengage off you, not fight you, and kill you once he has sunfire. Really boring lane.
A natural born tank killer with his passive and isolation Q damage. You can kill him early, but once he has ult and riftmaker you will always need to 2v1 him to kill him.
You can abuse his early game. Save ignite for his ult, rush steel plate boots and bramble. Look to all in him every time he tries to Q a minion. You can take him out of the game completely if you play the laning phase aggressively, but ward heavily as he can set up ganks against you.
After the nerfs, you can win this lane a lot easier. If they have PTA all in lvl 1 if you see they started Q. After that rush bramble and steel plate boots and you win trades easily until they have eclipse. You can outscale him if he goes full lethality. If you cc chain him in fights in can be an easy lane.
You are immobile. Bringing approach velocity can help so long as you can Q after her E kick back. Dodge her Q and stick to her and you can get kills. She outscales you hard and if you lose lane hopefully you didn't feed an assassin style ADC.
Surprisingly easy lane pre-6. He will do his Dash in WQ Dash out combo, but they tend to lose their lunch if you engage on them pre-3. Take ignite, rush bramble and steel plate and you can win a lot of trades.
Don't eat him when he goes to W. You will eat the true damage every time. Rush steel plate boots and bramble and the lane can be easier. He has hp based damage which makes it extremely hard to win if played poorly.
Tahm Kench
Hey there, good looking!
Annoying poke lane. Dodge maybe. Not really killable if they aren't trash once they have access to mushrooms. Rush mercs, negatron, and invest in control wards and sweeper.
You can win easily pre-6. Tank out his ult with E. Ignite him as his ult is ending. CC him during his ult and you shut him down.
He has a lot of damage, brings PTA, and has an execute that I think doesn't care if you shield. Rush steel plate boots and bramble. Stack armor.
Dodge this lane.
His ghouls are hard to deal with and you cannot do anything about his ultimate wraith unless he releases it. Rush steel plate boots and bramble. Try to stall the lane so he can't spilt push to victory.
Basically All Enchanters and Moonstaff mages. Not gonna list them all. Sorry.
Yall can CC chain for days. Trust me, they will want to FF.
Tahm as Botlane and Senna Support. She gets stacks you get gold. Great into off meta comps and you cover each other's weak points. Not used much, but still fun.
Basically All Enchanters and Moonstaff mages. Not gonna list them all. Sorry.
Yall can CC chain for days. Trust me, they will want to FF.
Tahm as Botlane and Senna Support. She gets stacks you get gold. Great into off meta comps and you cover each other's weak points. Not used much, but still fun.
My name is Eric, but my in game name is MultipleDCs because I have connectivity problems sometimes. I'm a first year League player with experience in other mobas and strategy games. I'm a top lane and jungle main. I like to play the lesser played champions and make simplified builds for some of the already mechanically challenging champions. My Favorite Champions regardless of role are Cho'gath, Tahm Kench, Viego, Senna, Swain, and Yorick.
Why Tahm Kench
Strong dueling potential with many champions pre-6
Great Roam Potential after level 6
Free QSS for Allies
Hybrid Damage on Auto Attacks
A lot of CC
Insane early game damage and low elo snowball potential
Multiple Rune and Build Options
Great Sustain
Tahm Kench is a low elo Ranked Solo/Duo Stomper. Maybe he doesn't work in higher Elos, but who cares. He is fun to play, has great flavor, low pick or ban rate, and if played by a skilled pilot can beat out "mechanically skilled" champions.
Bad Matchups vs Ranged
Lackluster Ultimate compared to many laners you will face
Not a tank buster
Can fall off vs scaling teams
Often hard to 1v9 if you have absolutely no backline
Tahm's problems are more of higher elo and coordinated play problems. He still has good carry potential, but in some match ups you might win lane lose game cause you can't 1v9 style often on this river king. Make up for it with great Micro and Macro to outplay enemies even if they are fed.
Average Gameplan
You want to go towards your topside jungle. If you are running hail of blades you can look to invade or camp the enemy top laners path to lane to try and burn their summons. Beware of getting 2v1 early as it is easy to get killed until you get tanky. You want to be aggressive in most matchups. Look for trades when Grasp is ready and your Q and W are off cooldown. Look to all in if they use crucial skills to CS. You basically want to try and freeze on your side and make them scared to CS so that they fall behind.
Midgame you want to group with at least one other champion. If you are fed you probably can 1v2, but having a support or Carry to peel for lets you win fights quick and clean. Use your ult to split push or deny split pushers. Always wait a little when ulting because you might get an ally to go with you. You can even ult into enemy backlines if you are fed just to disrupt team fights where even if you died your team probably hopefully did something.
Generally late game you want to be a meat slab. Save allies with your W. CC enemies with your Q. Split push with your R. Try not to go too late, but even still they can be winnable if you group and have good Micro sense.
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