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Thresh Build Guide by ragl001

Support CD THRESH S5

Support CD THRESH S5

Updated on June 21, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ragl001 Build Guide By ragl001 2,568 Views 0 Comments
2,568 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ragl001 Thresh Build Guide By ragl001 Updated on June 21, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Hello and welcome to my Thresh guide. Be sure to check out all notes. This is only my opinion of how Thresh should be played and i would love to hear others opinion so please share it with me in the discussions.

My friends call me Madlife when i play Thresh because of me always hitting clutch hooks. Hopefully this guide will help you get better at Thresh.

I hope you will find it good and educational. This is my first real guide so i would be glad if i could get tips!
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Pros / Cons

+ Very hard CC.
+ Great at securing first blood in bot lane.
+ You have hook every 4,2 second if you hit. This makes it way easier to make plays in a team fight.
+ A new combo will open... Death Sentence into Flay, then Box for another Death Sentece. Then with the slow from The Box you'll soon have another Death Sentece into Flay.

- Mana hungry if you play aggressive, which means you have to pay attention on your mana bar before taking a fight.
- If you play with a passive marksman you may lack in the mid game, because you need items to throw hooks.
- With this build you'll be squishier then the "original" build on him.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ragl001
ragl001 Thresh Guide
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