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Cho'Gath Build Guide by VDFR_Fodesco

Tank Cho´Gath - Super Top Laner

Tank Cho´Gath - Super Top Laner

Updated on February 9, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author VDFR_Fodesco Build Guide By VDFR_Fodesco 1,372 Views 0 Comments
1,372 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author VDFR_Fodesco Cho'Gath Build Guide By VDFR_Fodesco Updated on February 9, 2013
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My advice is to use flash, to increase the mobility to the Dino, so your Feast can be more usefull for focusing in team fights , and exhaust to help your jungler when ganking as for solo kills.

You may use as well teleport to secure a better lane phase, due your fast comeback to lane and for ganking wards.

If you are trying more offensive you should try ignite to secure your lane kills.

To me the rest of spells are pretty much useless, unless you are a ghost guy and not flash.
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Pros / Cons

Pro Cons
Gets really Tanky Low Mana
Ranked Champion Difficult to get away fights
Silence Gets really hungry when gets 6 stacks
Nice damage with no Ap
Gooooood Ganks
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Skill Sequence

This is not the most difficult combo, it is not even a combo.

Try t hit first your screamto don´t let it uses flash then use your Ruptureto iniciate securely, always let your Vorpal Spikes ON the dont spend your mana and does good magical damage.
A good tip for Feast is to wait a bit to stack 6 you should stack 2 when the ult is level 1 then plus 2 when level 2 and finally 2 when maxed. The explanation is that in level 1 it gives you 90 Hp,
120 at level 2 and 150 when level 3, you can garantee more life with these tip without losing the early life advantage.
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You shouldn´t have problem farming because of your Vorpal Spikes that scales on AP.
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9x Magic Pen Marks
9x AP Seals
9x AP Glifs
3x AP Quints

These are unusual runes for cho as I sad before I think that is good to have some early AP, but if you so desire you can us the usual runes ( Below )
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League of Legends Build Guide Author VDFR_Fodesco
VDFR_Fodesco Cho'Gath Guide
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Cho´Gath - Super Top Laner

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