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Sona Build Guide by theclouds

Support Clouds' Sona Guide ☁️ Read notes for explanations! :)

Support Clouds' Sona Guide ☁️ Read notes for explanations! :)

Updated on November 13, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author theclouds Build Guide By theclouds 182 Views 0 Comments
182 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author theclouds Sona Build Guide By theclouds Updated on November 13, 2024
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Runes: Unkillable Perfection

1 2 3 4 5
Summon Aery
Manaflow Band


+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2
Kind support ^_^ (help/save adc)
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



Champion Build Guide

Clouds' Sona Guide ☁️ Read notes for explanations! :)

By theclouds
General Reminders

Always remember: Play how you want to play, no matter what. HAVE FUN! LEAGUE IS A VIDEO GAME AND VIDEO GAMES ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FUN!!!!![/h]

Please buy control wards when you can afford them. The vision is at least worth the 75 gold. Just don't die trying to place it lol[/h]

Unkillable Perfection
Okay. I MIGHT be a little over-confident in this build but I can honestly say that this feels wonderful to play.

If you want to know what it feels like to play Sona where she feels smooth-as-butter intuitive, go this full build. I'm so fr
Going Poke
If you're with a strong early poke champ like Ezreal that can snowball with getting 1 or 2 kills, try following the Healing prio Poke build. This will help the ADC survive while also supplementing their damage with less possibility of kill-stealing.

Take Exhaust. If you're against a crazy high healing champ like Soraka or even Seraphine, then you can take ignite and use it on the enemy ADC.
Going Aggro
If you're with a high health/armor (usually off-meta) champ, like Cho'Gath or Mundo bot or something, try going BONKERS WILD MODE. Damage Sona is really fun but super risky. You might be inclined to take ignite, but I still prefer Exhaust in case your ADC has low mobility/is a melee toplaner like in the example.

But if you're letting your meta ADC down by causing them to die bc you don't have healing, you aren't being a good support. So it's only a good idea to take this build if you're super confident and with a friend of a similar skill level (so they know what playstyle / level of aggression to expect).

P.S. This isn't a midlane build, it's a high damage support build. :)
Going Balanced
God I love playing Sona!!!

This build balances her damage output with her AP scaling healing. It's the best of both worlds, in my opinion. Just be careful taking super aggressive plays because you still can die without getting rewarded with a kill.

I prefer going Exhaust to help my ADC be less likely to die and more likely to get the kill. If you're gonna play a little aggressive, you can take ignite, but remember YOU'RE THE SUPPORT NOT THE MIDLANER so try not to kill-steal :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author theclouds
theclouds Sona Guide
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Clouds' Sona Guide ☁️ Read notes for explanations! :)

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