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Zoe Build Guide by Aukaren

Middle Complete Zoe In Depth Guide [UPDATED ITEMS!]

Middle Complete Zoe In Depth Guide [UPDATED ITEMS!]

Updated on November 14, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Aukaren Build Guide By Aukaren 14 0 23,823 Views 11 Comments
14 0 23,823 Views 11 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Aukaren Zoe Build Guide By Aukaren Updated on November 14, 2020
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Katasandra (101) | June 20, 2020 3:54am
Hey there,

You asked for a review in the Discord, so here it is!

Click for review

That's it for now. I didn't go into spelling/grammar mistakes as the review got a tad long already. You can either throw it in a Microsoft Word/Google Docs & run a spelling/grammar check or ask a friend to check. I can also go over it (not a native speaker, no promises that I'll get everything!). Ask when you're done changing as correcting stuff that's going to be changed is pointless.

I think the main point of improvement is writing in general. At some places in your guide I struggled to understand what you were trying to say or which part of the information was actually (most) important. Considering that the main purpose of a guide is to provide information & explain things, it's... ehh.

I hope you can do something with the feedback, feel free to reply or ping me in Discord if you have any questions/remarks.
Anyways, good luck with updating & upgrading your guide and have a nice day!
Aukaren (3) | June 20, 2020 8:35pm
Thanks a lot for taking time and writing a detailed review, as you pointed out I kinda struggled with the writing stuff as I had so much in my mind while I was writing the guide, i have still yet to update the threats and synergies section as to why each champion is positioned in the specific section of the list. The item section is actually not placed in order and as I feared, would cause misconception so i would be updating that, I though the color given to the text was actually quite good but i guess it was just my personal preference so i would just be sticking with a single color. The random capitalization is actually my fault as I tend to write each and every words first letter in capital so it kinda looks good.... xD. Thanks again for such a detailed review and I would be taking each and every pointer into consideration and keep on improving it so on.
Katasandra (101) | June 20, 2020 11:16pm
The color of the text in the items section actually matches the images perfectly! If you'd look at the section by itself it looks great. It's just that it doesn't really match with the purple/blue/pink/white theme you set at the start of the guide.
As you said, it's personal preference and it's ultimately up to you to decide what you do!
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