Kindred R will deny Zed R, Kindred has early power at any moment in the game, many mobility dashes to outkite Zed as well. Shred Zed performs worse into Kindred than Burst Zed.
Trundle is a master in statchecking his enemies, thereby he reduces AD from enemies that got bitten. It is hard for Zed to play in melee range into Trundle, thereby this matchup has to be played in a way of poking. Shred Zed does better than Burst Zed here, but still suffers.
Rengar gains early strength from lvl 3+ over Zed. Zed can win easily when he runs Ignite, but thats not worth it due to how valueable flash is for Zed. Rengar W healing which can be optained twice due to ferocity. Will prevent damage from an entire Zed combo. Recommended to play it slow into Rengar, combined with rushing executioners healing reduction.
Be aware of Rengar Snare setup into Zed R placement.
Bel'Veth has a strong damage reduction ability(E) that denies Zed from bursting, Zed should try to burst Bel'veth on high Self HP and poke her with Q's. Bel'veth E has more value when used against low HP targets. Having a lead over Bel'Veth makes the matchup way easyier due to Zed R interaction with forced Bel'Veth E.
Wukong is a dueling bruiser that stacks armor, and prefers to build divine sunderer. Thereby Zed has a hard time to compete with Wukong untill Zed has his armor shred items completed. Wukong also has decent mobility to catchup and dodge Zed.
Shred Zed is favourite over Burst Zed into this matchup
Zed should take advantage of Ekko's bad early, combined with pre 6 ability. Ekko has a better trade pattern into Zed, and he can rewind his R into Zed R. Ekko thereby can also force Zed to stand in his R. Be careful of Ekko E dragg with Zed teleportation. Getting (slightly)Behind forces Shred Zed to buy Maw of Malmortius.
Rek'Sai has a strong early game, which is hard to answer for Zed. Due to Zed preferring to make full clears due to his clear speed. In this matchup Zed has to try to prevent early presence from Rek'sai, thereby skipping camps or gaining vision is recommended.
Be careful of Rek'Sai instant knock-up combo whenever a target comes melee to her. Zed should make sure to play in a poke style or use W teleportation on R use.
Kha'Zix isolation and Stealth gapcloser R are hard to deal with for Zed. Zed can maintain controle and mobility over Kha'Zix easily, but Zed has a hard to pulling a good shuriken combo off combined with R due to Kha'Zix Stealthed R. (Oracle Lence is recommended to make it easyier).
Elise has a strong early game, which is hard to answer for Zed. Due to Zed preferring to make full clears due to his clear speed. In this matchup Zed has to try to prevent early presence from Elise, thereby skipping camps or gaining vision is recommended.
Be careful of Elise her Cocoon setup combined with following burst''(Prevent this with Zed W teleport preparation after Zed R). Elise Rappel is an insane counter to any burst combination or/and Zed R. It is recommended to fast burst Elise without R to remove Rappel.
Recommended to buy Maw of Malmortius.
Pantheon has a strong early game, which is hard to answer for Zed. Due to Zed preferring to make full clears due to his clear speed. In this matchup Zed has to try to prevent early presence from Pantheon, thereby skipping camps or gaining vision is recommended. Zed can punish Pantheon his weaker clear early on if he wishes to.
Pantheon has a very punishing kit to deal with for Zed, this is due to Pantheon his point to click stun combined with a huge burst + invulnerability towards the shield. Zed can deal easyier with this due to using different angels for his shadows, combined with W teleport after R.
Be aware of Pantheon his global presence (R)
Lillia and Zed both have a fast clearing speed, Shred Zed is stronger early on, but that will slowly fade away when it stays even. It is recommended to act fast towards Lillia, due to her movement speed charges on her Q. this matchup is generally even and Lillia can become more of a teamfight threat than Zed.
Graves is one of the short cooldown dash junglers that has good early strength combined with invades. Graves also gains armor from his E Grit. Thereby Zed should be careful for invades that will deny him from powerfarming the jungle. Later on Shred Zed will have an easy time into Graves, when even or ahead.
Diana and Zed both have insane Jungle clear speeds, thereby Diana has a stronger early stat check, unless Zed can manage to dodge her Q and hit all of his spells. Zed will have the upper hand once reaching lvl 6. due to overlapping his R with Diana R and nevertheless the output of Zed R is just bigger.
Zed has a stronger statcheck and jungle clear than early game fiddlesticks. Zed should try to gain a lead from this. Fiddlesticks becomes a manace due to his R in gank setup. Zed should try to prevent him from being capable so'''
Recommended to run Legend: Tenacity
Master Yi
Shred Zed has a slightly stronger jungle clear than Master Yi, thereby Conqueror Zed will be effective for early game skirmishes into meditation. Whenever Zed manages to burst Master Yi without him using meditation as response, it will be won for Zed early on. Later in the game, Zed should play it slow and through teleports to deal with master yi his tankshred true damage burst.
Zed has a better jungle clear than Gragas, but Gragas has more potential for early game plays. Both junglers can't really engage into each other due to their response. Overall Shred Zed is stronger than gragas early on ---> Maintaining gap closer will become the main priority in this matchup.
Maokai has a decent clear combined with good early presence and insane crowd control. Zed has maintain fast jungle clears combined with good counterganks into Maokai. Due to Maokai having many crowd control options, it will be hard for Zed to be able to move as he wishes.
Talon can match Zed his jungle clear. Thereby Talon is stronger than Zed early on(especially due to Talon being capable of running ignite). Zed should try to interact more with laners and jungle clears than Talon, outside of the first jungle clear. Denying Talon Passive stacks will make Zed win the 1v1 easily ''
Shred Zed has a stronger early game than Evelynn. Zed should try to deny Evelynn resources and gain a bigger lead out of this. Evelynn gains a disengage R whenever Zed will use it succesfully, but Zed maintains an extra gap closer ability to catchup. Keep in mind that Zed is stronger than eve aslong as he has gap closer early on.
Zed should buy Maw of Malmortius whenever Evelynn becomes a problem.
Zed has a way stronger jungle clear than Skarner. Zed should increase his lead excessively into Skarner pre level 6. Once Skarner becomes level 6 it will be hard for Zed to play the game. Since Zed requires to be melee in skirmishes.
Warwick is one of the strongest stat check champion in the game. Thereby Zed should aim to speedclear jungle and play more into lanes. Recommended to execute Warwick fast or slowtrade.
Be aware that Warwick becomes strong whenever he and allies become low HP, he will gain increased attackspeed and health On-Hit.
Recommended to rush Executioners Calling.
Shaco has one of the fastest first clears in the game, due to boxes(preventing those will give a better start) Zed his goal is to prevent Shaco early ganks while maintaining a fast jungle clear. Oracle Lence is recommended whenever you need to catch shaco, this can also be during your Ult to snipe shurikens.
Shred Zed is favorited into Red Kayn, but it can underperform into Blue Kayn. Both junglers have good clear and aim to do so. Whenever Shred Zed falls behind on Blue Kayn the game will become hard ---> prevent this from happening. Zed has the mobility and can dodge Kayn W with it. Zed has a stronger early game strength which can diminish depending on the game state.
Zed has a stronger jungle clearspeed than Udyr. Udyr has a really strong statcheck combined with good anti burst Passive into Iron Mantle. Thereby Shred Zed will become more usefull during the game into Udyr bruiser item builds.
Its strongly recommended to not fall behind into Udyr, if so it will be hard to prevent him.
Zed has a stronger jungle clearspeed than Hecarim, thereby Hecarim will be stronger pre level 6. ---> Especially when Hecarim kept hold on 3 Q stacks. Its strongly recommended to not fall behind into Hecarim, if so it will be hard to prevent him.
Shred Zed can match Nidalee her early strength whenever Zed can dodge her spear. In this matchup Zed wants to powerfarm while preventing Nidalee invades or/and plays on the map.
Xin Zhao
Xin Zhao has a strong early game, which is hard to answer for Zed. Due to Zed preferring to make full clears due to his clear speed. In this matchup Zed has to try to prevent early presence from Xin Zhao, thereby skipping camps or gaining vision is recommended.
Shred Zed will have a really easy time the later the game goes, thereby Xin Zhao has only one gap closer which is easily answered by Zed his mobility. Be aware of Xin Zhao his R mitigation of damage, whenever Zed is not located close to Xin Zhao.
Poppy has a strong early game, which is hard to answer for Zed. Due to Zed preferring to make full clears due to his clear speed. In this matchup Zed has to try to prevent early presence from Poppy, thereby skipping camps or gaining vision is recommended.
Shred Zed will have a really easy time the later the game goes. Thereby Zed has blinks/teleports that goes into the will of Poppy W. Zed R can also prevent Poppy R escape from happening.
Zed has a faster jungle clear than Viego, thereby Shred Zed will have the right output to deal with bruiser builds. Thereby Zed has the mobility to deal with Viego W stun and Viego R. Be aware of Viego his early strength untill you gain Zed R.
Lee Sin
Lee Sin has a strong early / Mid game. This is generally a skill matchup between Zed, but more favorited for Zed. This is due to Zeds clear speed that wins over Lee Sin. Thereby Zed has mobility to deal with Lee Sin his actions. Lee Sin is stronger pre 6 than Zed and after that Zed will have the upper hand. Zed R can be used to remove Lee Sin his 2de Q and Zed can position Lee Sin during dashes at his advantage.
Jarvan IV
Jarvan IV has a strong early game, which is hard to answer for Zed. Due to Zed preferring to make full clears due to his clear speed. In this matchup Zed has to try to prevent early presence from Jarvan
IV, thereby skipping camps or gaining vision is recommended.
Shred Zed has the anti-tank damage combined with mobility + R to dodge E+Q combos from Jarvan IV.
Shred Zed will be favorited on the jungle clear and has the mobility to escape from Zac his engage. But however, whenever Zed falls behind it will be hard for Zed to be more useful compared to Zac his teamfight threat.
Nunu & Willump
Nunu has a strong early game, which is hard to answer for Zed. Due to Zed preferring to make full clears due to his clear speed. In this matchup Zed has to try to prevent early presence from Nunu, thereby skipping camps or gaining vision is recommended.
Shred Zed is overall way stronger and clears faster than AP- and Tank Nunu during every moment of the game.
It is insanely easy for Zed to deal with snowball due to teleportation and R that makes him spawn behind him.
Nocturne has a good stat check, but low mobility. This should be taken serious for Shred Zed. Nocturne will have a hard time forcing fights on Zed his mobility, and thereby he will focus towards laners. Zed should try to gain the curve on the jungle clears while shadowing his teammates from Nocturne. Shred Zed will become stronger later on, be careful for Nocturne Spellshield into Zed R.
Rammus the ---> Armor Tank <---, Zed will have an insanely better jungle clear than Rammus. Thereby it becomes easy for Zed to countergank. Shred Zed is stronger early on, but Rammus will become stronger in raw stat checks. Zed should aim to gain black cleaver as fast as possible into this matchup, thereby denying Rammus to gain value out of his items and ability synergy. Due to Zed his mobility it becomes hard for Rammus to gain anything done.
Shen only has a good jungle clear speed into SoloTarget Monsters, due to his Q's. Zed should prevent Shen from taking his Solo Target camps and steal aoe camps that Shen will mostlikely not spend time on. Shred Zed should focus on dodging Shen taunt with his mobility and especially his R whenever needed, due to this Zed will deny Shen empowered Q's from happening.(Make sure to not let the sword go through Zed).
It is recommended for Zed to buy Serpents Fang into Shen.
Sylas has a really poor clearing speed compared to Zed. Thereby Shred Zed will be stronger than Sylas at any point in the game. Make sure to dodge Sylas 2de E early on to win fights.
Zed has a faster clear speed than Amumu, thereby Shred Zed is good at dealing with tanks and avoiding Amumu Q projectiles due to his teleports and R.
Zed and Karthus are the best Speed clear junglers in the game, thereby Zed has a way much favorited early game and 1v1 into Karthus, especially when reached level 6. Zed early presence has a way better edge to succeed into skirmishes and objectives.
Whenever Karthus becomes a threat ---> Edge of Night and Maw of Malmortius become strong options.
Shred Zed is still an assassin that can deal well with consistent shielding on weaker targets. Thereby Zed should buy Serpents Fang into Ivern. Shred Zed has a faster clear speed and strength early on as well.
Shyvana is known for her AFK clears and Dragon farms. Shred Zed is stronger than Shyvana at all times and has a faster jungle clear. Zed has the tools to dodge Shyvana E and catchup Shyvana. which is a good way to prevent Damage taken.
Olaf is one of ther strongest stat checkers in the game, but thereby he lacks movement speed. Shred Zed can completely control Olaf in fights even when Olaf manages to slow Zed down. Be ware of Olaf early strength and stat check.
Shred Zed has the mobility to deal with Vi Q's and force short trades into her. Thereby Zed R can be used to remove Vi R in order to be free of crowd control.
2 man unit engage with Zed hard engage.
Ahri mobility + Setup and Different Damage Type combination.
LeBlanc mobility + Setup and Different Damage Type combination.
Ultimate Frontline Dive in tool, Setup.
Pyke Mobility and Agressive early Snowball style, Setup.
Galio Setup and Different Damage Type combination.
Yuumi inheriting Zed's mobility as a 2 man unit.
Ramp up Champion will benefit from Shred Zed. Different Damage Type combination.
Ramp up Champion will benefit from Shred Zed. Setup.
Ramp up Champion will benefit from Shred Zed.
Ramp up Champion will benefit from Shred Zed. Setup.
Ramp up Champion will benefit from Shred Zed. Different Damage Type combination
Ramp up Champion will benefit from Shred Zed.
Ramp up Champion will benefit from Shred Zed.
2 man unit engage with Zed hard engage.
Ahri mobility + Setup and Different Damage Type combination.
LeBlanc mobility + Setup and Different Damage Type combination.
Ultimate Frontline Dive in tool, Setup.
Pyke Mobility and Agressive early Snowball style, Setup.
Galio Setup and Different Damage Type combination.
Yuumi inheriting Zed's mobility as a 2 man unit.
Ramp up Champion will benefit from Shred Zed. Different Damage Type combination.
Ramp up Champion will benefit from Shred Zed. Setup.
Ramp up Champion will benefit from Shred Zed.
Ramp up Champion will benefit from Shred Zed. Setup.
Ramp up Champion will benefit from Shred Zed. Different Damage Type combination
+ More effective into Tanks/Bruisers + More use of Damaging abilities + More control during fights + More useful into healing/shielding enemies + More durability
Shred Zed will gain access to more energy spending abilities due to Conqueror page that incluedes presence of mind. Thereby Shred Zed item build will increase his defensive more combined with having more consistent damage.
Shred Zed does not have the lethality to burst squishy enemies quickly, but it can still do whenever it hits its entire combo or after ramp up with Conqueror + Black Cleaver Stacks. Thereby the same statement counts for burst into tanks/bruisers.
Introduction, Google Document.
Hello Everyone,
I'm Zero Macro.
I peaked Challenger soloq in EUW server and I play LoL since the end of Season 3.
Reason for it being good:
Shred Zedjungle is a very mobile assassin that is comfortable at dealing damage at any target.
Google Document for my Zed Jungle Guide: (Still slightly in progress with matchups)
I hope that this Guide will improve your Zed Jungle !
Most important Fact(s)
Fact 1:
Zed Jungle is based on his Passive executing jungler monsters below 50% HP. Thereby it is good to use damage abilities and energy while monster maintain on a higher health threshold than 50%.
Fact 2:
Zed will always place him behind his target(the moment when you clicked on ur enemy).Zed Made from allows him to teleport back after 0.5 Seconds
Due to this fact, Zed can be crowd controlled instantly by many champs, which can result into immediately death. ---> To counter this Zed should preplace to switch placement in an instantly.
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