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Counter picks against each individual champion (Out-of-date)
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No worry, this guide will tell you the basics about how to counter each individual champion and which champion you should pick to counter them with.
I've arranged this guide in alphabetic order for you to easily find your best counter pick against that specific champion.
This guide is both for newcomers and for more advanced players, I hope that you find it helpful.
And take in mind that all listed counters ain't only for lane purpose, some counters is mentioned just because of their extraordinary counter mechanism.
Take in mind that some parts of this guide is slightly out dated but most counters are still legit.
Here is some brief information about me to boost my reliability.
My IGN is Slappiz, I play on the European server Nordic East and I have been playing League of Legends since the beta.
My top rating for each season (solo que),
Season 2: 1918
Season 3: Platinum I
Season 4: Diamond IV
Been playing in a top 5v5 team on Nordic East as support and also competed in a few tournaments (season 2).
I main bot lane, mostly as Janna support.
Follow my stream on:
Counter picks: Jax, Fiora, Riven
Counter mechanics: Healing debuff,
Counter items:
Counter picks: LeBlanc, Fizz, Ryze
Counter mechanics: Fast and high damage burst, constant CC
Counter items: magic resist, banshee's veil, hexdrinker
Tips: Skillshot heavy so boots is a good item to pick up early.
Counter picks: Lee Sin, Renekton, Garen, Galio, Jayce
Counter mechanics: Stealth Detection and non-target CC/Damage
Counter items: Magic Resist and Oracle/Pink Ward
Tips: Watch out for melee attacks after you have been hit by her Q skill, it deals high damage when it procs.
Counter picks: Cho'Gath, Vayne, Olaf, Soraka
Counter mechanics: True damage, Silence
Counter items:
Tips: Watch out for lvl 1 invade.
Counter picks: Janna, Tristana, Lee sin
Counter mechanics: Knockback
Counter items: Quiksilver Sash, Banshee's veil
Tips: Blue Dependent early without mana items so try steal he's 1st/2nd blue at 07:00. If he's running directly to the middle of champions he's most likely going to ult, CC, get out or knock him away.
Counter picks: Kassadin, Morgana, Leblanc, Fizz
Counter mechanics: Silence, Mobility, Spellshield
Counter items: Early Boots, Magic Resist
Tips: Try to steal "her" blue at 7:00, don't tower dive her if she have passive ready.
Counter picks: Brand, Morgana, Veigar, Xerath
Counter mechanics: Long range spells and stuns
Counter items: Banshee's veil, Hexdrinker
Tips: Keep distance and watch out for her Stun-buff, if it's above 2 there is a potentional of stun on next combo when lvl 6+
Counter picks: Akali, Jax, Vayne
Counter mechanics: Gap closers, Assassins
Counter items: Armor, Tenacity
Tips: A good Ashe will ulti to initiate or wait till team engages so just be aware of that and try to stay behind more tanky teammates.
Counter picks: Caitlyn, Sivir
Counter mechanics: Poke/Kite
Counter items: Banshee's Veil
Tips: When pushing towers, stand in/behind a creep wave so he can't hit you with his grip. Watch out for lvl 1 invade.
Counter picks: Morgana, Leblanc, Ahri
Counter mechanics: Silence/Stun, high damage burst
Counter items: Early boots
Tips: Stay behind minions so he can't land his skill shot stun. Try to spread out in fights to prevent his ultimate to bounce between your team.
Counter picks:
Counter mechanics:
Counter items:
Counter picks: Tristana, Sivir, Varus
Counter mechanics: Gap closers, Slows, Stuns
Counter items: Armor
Counter picks: LeBlanc, Morgana, Twisted Fate
Counter mechanics: Silence, Mobility, Long range spells, Anti-mages
Counter items: Early Boots, Banshee's Veil, Hexdrinker
Tips: She can't stun you if your back is against her, keep distance and try to dodge her poisons
Counter picks: Kog'maw, Warwick
Counter mechanics: %-Life based damage, Sustain
Counter items: Madred's Bloodrazor Banshee's Veil, Deathfire Grasp
Tips: Don't engage him with low health, his ulti deals massive true damage and has low cooldown.
Counter picks: Akali, Rammus, Urgot, Graves
Counter mechanics: High health targets, Gap closers, Lockdown spells
Counter items: Armor
Tips: Care for stuns or other types of CC, Corki has a gap closing skill and insane damage output at close range.
Counter picks: Cho'Gath, Kayle, Yorick, Teemo, Urgot, Kennen
Counter mechanics: Sustain, Kite, Constant Harass, Range
Counter items: Health and armor
Tips: Darius has no natural sustain, aggressive early game with ranged attacks will force him out of lane. Keep distance!
Counter picks: Riven, Mordekaiser
Counter mechanics:
Counter items:
Dr. Mundo
Counter picks: Miss fortune, Tristana, Katarina
Counter mechanics: Ignite & Healing reduction
Counter items: Executioner's calling
Tips: Stay behind minions to avoid as many cleavers as possible and try to constant harass with range spells/attacks
Counter picks: Urgot, Blitzcrank, Graves, Varus
Counter mechanics:
Counter items: Armor
Tips: Draven players usually tries to keep their axes going because of their passive, use that to predict where they are moving for easily landed skill shots etc.
Counter picks:
Counter mechanics:
Counter items:
Counter picks: Lee sin, Ryze
Counter mechanics: Stuns, ****backs
Counter items: Pink Wards
Counter picks: Akali, Jax, Rammus, Graves
Counter mechanics: Gap closers, heavy CC
Counter items: Armor
Counter picks: Talon, Akali, LeBlanc, Katarina, Gragas
Counter mechanics: CC, Gap closers
Counter items:
Counter picks: Alistar, Janna, Tristana, Katarina
Counter mechanics: Healing reduction, knockback
Counter items: Wards, Banshee's Veil
Tips: Warding fiddles ulti spots and countering his blue.
Counter picks: Yorick, Udyr, Kennen, Riven, Fizz, Jax
Counter mechanics: Constant CC and Harass
Counter items: Armor
Tips: Some champions can easily interrupt Fiora's ultimate, Fizz, Vladimir, Shaco etc.
Fiora mainly relies on her burst dmg, if you are willing to go toe to toe with her. Save your CC for when she jumps on you and disengage, save your offensive spells and counter engage her when her attack speed buff has faded. Remember that she can jump twice.
Counter picks: Malzahar, Morgana, Ryze, Kennen
Counter mechanics: Hard Pushers/Snares
Counter items: Quicksilver Sash, Banshee's Veil
Counter picks: Janna, Soraka, Alistar
Counter mechanics: Silence, Knockup/Pushback
Counter items: Quicksilver Sash, Banshee's Veil
Tips: Save your knockback/stun/silence skill for his ultimate and use it instantly after he casts it.
Counter picks: Pantheon, Yorick, Malphite, Nidalee
Counter mechanics: Constant harass, Sustain
Counter items: Armor
Counter picks: Nidalee, Kayle, Teemo
Counter mechanics: Kiters with ranged dmg
Counter items: Boots, armor
Counter picks: Ahri, LeBlanc, Veigar, Fizz, Yasuo
Counter mechanics: Mobility, Silence, Stuns, High damage bursts
Counter items: Boots, Magic Resist
Counter picks: Urgot, Ezreal, Caitlyn
Counter mechanics: Long range
Counter items:
Counter picks: Yorick, Olaf, Irelia, Nunu
Counter mechanics: Slows, Sustain
Counter items: Randuin's omen, slow effects and armor
Counter picks: Brand, Morgana, Xerath, LeBlanc
Counter mechanics: Pushers, Long range, high dmg Burst
Counter items: Magic resist
Tips: Care when engaging, his turrets does more damage than you think.
Counter picks: Udyr, Olaf, Garen, Renekton, Yorick
Counter mechanics: Tanky bruisers with health sustain
Counter items: Frozen heart
Tips: Call for early ganks and try to shut her down so she cant free farm.
Counter picks: Kassadin, Akali, Ahri, KhaZix, Rengar
Counter mechanics: Gap closers, ***ains, Silence
Counter items: Banshee's Veil
Tips: Janna is really effective against Kennens, Amumus, Galios Nunus ultimates and can easily interrupt them. Janna can also eaily interrupt most champion gap closers mid air. Zac, LeBlanc, Pantheon, Wukong etc.
Jarvan IV
Counter picks: Udyr, Cho'Gath, Rammus
Counter mechanics:
Counter items:
Counter picks: Nautilus, Yorick, Poppy
Counter mechanics: CC, Constant Harass
Counter items:
Tips: Jayce is mostly well rounded, but he does have a Achilles heel. He is really weak up close against assassins/melee fighters when he is in Cannon stance. Use this as your advantage and close the distance instantly after he shifts from Hammer to Cannon, and unleash your damage on him and make sure to not stay on him for to long, he is a excellent kiter and chaser, so try to make some distance before he has hammer back off cooldown.
Counter picks: Garen, Yorick,
Counter mechanics: CC, long ranged harass
Counter items: Randuin's Omen, Frozen heart, Thornmail, Banshee's Veil
Counter picks: Corki, Sivir, Thresh, Leona, Alistar, Ashe
Counter mechanics: CC
Counter items:
Counter picks: Lux, Morgana, Caitlyn, Katarina
Counter mechanics: Long range, CC
Counter items:
Counter picks: Soraka, Veigar, Nocturne
Counter mechanics: Healing, Spell shields
Counter items: Zhonya's Hourglass, Banshee's Veil, Hexdrinker
Counter picks: Sion (AP), Skarner, Morgana, Galio, Talon, Pantheon
Counter mechanics: Hard CC with long duration, Early Dominance
Counter items: Banshee's Veil, Hexdrinker
Tips: Well placed wards between mid and top/bot will prevent snowball Kassadin.
Counter picks: Sion, Alistar, Kennen, Ahri, Viktor
Counter mechanics: Any kind of interrupt, hard CC
Counter items: Magic resist
Tips: Well timed interrupts will completely shut her down. Exhaust is a good spell if your team has few interrupts for her ulti.
Counter picks: LeBlanc, Cho'Gath
Counter mechanics: High damage burst, silence
Counter items:
Counter picks: Morgana, Malzahar, Brand, Viktor
Counter mechanics: Pushers with good CC
Counter items: Zhonya's Hourglass, Banshee's Veil
Counter picks: Lee Sin, Rengar, Jayce, Jax
Counter mechanics:
Counter items:
Counter picks: Akali, Lee sin, Jax, Xin Zhao
Counter mechanics: High damage gap closers with constant damage
Counter items:
Tips: Easily killed early game, good choice to have a gap closing jungler
Counter picks: Morgana, Nocturne, Sion (AP)
Counter mechanics: Spell Shields, Roots, Tanky mages, Pushers
Counter items: Banshee's Veil, Hexdrinker
Tips: LeBlanc is a anti-carry, even if you play a decent counter against her she is still very dangerous. One of the hardest to lane against.
Lee Sin
Counter picks: Kennen, Trundle, Udyr, Skarner
Counter mechanics: Sustain, Constant CC
Counter items:
Counter picks: Morgana, Sivir
Counter mechanics: Knockbacks, Slows, Black Shield, Poke
Counter items: Tenacity, Banshee's veil
Counter picks: Lux, Diana, Akali
Counter mechanics: Burst, Long range poke
Counter items:
Counter picks: Vayne
Counter mechanics:
Counter items:
Counter picks: Soraka, Sona, Sivir, Caitlyn
Counter mechanics: Ranged attacks, Poke
Counter items: Magic Resist
Counter picks: LeBlanc, Morgana, Kassadin, Ahri
Counter mechanics: Spell Shields, Long range, High mobility
Counter items: Banshee's Veil
Tips: Lux has long cooldowns, try to stay behind creeps for easier dodging of her Q skill and shorter duration if it hits.. Try to engage her after you have dodged her binding (Q skill).
Counter picks: Olaf, Mordekaiser, Cho'gath
Counter mechanics: True damage, AP and %hp based dmg
Counter items:
Counter picks: Gangplank, Cho'Gath, Alistar, LeBlanc
Counter mechanics: Stop or disable his ulti
Counter items: Quick Silver Sash, Banshee's Veil
Counter picks: Udyr, Trundle, Lee Sin, Shyvana, Dr Mundo
Counter mechanics: Sustain, Counter jungle, Bruisers
Counter items:
Master Yi
Counter picks: Teemo, Jax, Rammus
Counter mechanics: Dodge, Blind, Heavy CC
Counter items: Armor in general
Tips: When he uses his ulti he can't be slowed but stuns still works.
Miss Fortune
Counter picks: Akali, Lee Sin, Tristana, Draven
Counter mechanics: High damage gap closers, Stun
Counter items:
Counter picks: Kennen, Rumble, Garen, Nidalee, Katarina
Counter mechanics: Slows, Stuns, Silence, Constant harass
Counter items: Magic resist, health regen
Counter picks: Pantheon, Mordekaiser, Talon, Gangplank
Counter mechanics: Really hard to counter, try to poke her out of lane
Counter items: Quick Silver Sash, Banshee's Veil, Zhonya's Hourglass
Counter picks: Morgana, Lulu, Ezreal
Counter mechanics:
Counter items:
Counter picks: Renekton, Garen, Yorick, Gragas, Akali, Gangplank, Jax, Rumble
Counter mechanics: Early game dominance
Counter items: Randuin's Omen
Counter picks: Trundle, Udyr, Gragas, Olaf
Counter mechanics: Strong pushers, Sustain, Mobility
Counter items: Tenacity, Magic resistance
Counter picks: Akali, Udyr, Lee Sin, Sion
Counter mechanics: CC, Mobility, high damage burst
Counter items: Banshee's Veil
Tips: Don't chase her
Counter picks: Lee Sin, Rammus, Skarner
Counter mechanics: Sustain
Counter items:
Nunu & Willump
Counter picks: Lee Sin, Janna, Soraka
Counter mechanics: Interrupts, Cleanse
Counter items:
Counter picks: Ryze, Yorick, Gragas, Kennen, Kayle, Volibear
Counter mechanics: Early poke, Strong pushers
Counter items: Frozen heart
Counter picks: Brand, Veigar, Ahri
Counter mechanics: Long range stun and heavy nuke
Counter items: Early boots
Tips: Keep distance from the ball when it's placed on the ground, for easier dodge.
Counter picks: Caitlyn, Varus, Ezreal
Counter mechanics: Long range, Poke
Counter items:
Counter picks: Trundle, Cho'Gath, Shyvana, Lee Sin
Counter mechanics: True damage, Counter jungle
Counter items: Last whisper, Banshee's Veil
Tips: Ward abit further away than normally if he jungles, so you are able to get back safe to tower before he reaches your lane.
Counter picks: Gangplank, Kennen, Pantheon, Riven, Ryze
Counter mechanics: CC, Constant Harass
Counter items:
Counter picks:
Counter mechanics:
Counter items:
Counter picks: Olaf, Teemo, Darius, Kayle, Kennen
Counter mechanics: Mobile champions with CC
Counter items: Frozen heart, Randuin's Omen
Counter picks: Galio, Kennen
Counter mechanics:
Counter items: Magic resistance
Counter picks: Brand, Morgana, Cassiopeia,
Counter mechanics: Silence effects, Stuns,
Counter items:
Counter picks: Olaf, Irelia, Trundle
Counter mechanics:
Counter items: Tenacity, Banshee's Veil
Counter picks: Lee Sin, Akali, Rammus
Counter mechanics: Heavy CC, Stealth detection
Counter items: Pink wards, trinket
Tips: Ward the spots he usually decieves from
Counter picks: Gangplank, Olaf, Yorick, Cho'Gath
Counter mechanics: High damage harass, interrupts
Counter items:
Counter picks:Riven, Warwick, Olaf, Udyr
Counter mechanics: Sustain, CC
Counter items: Randuin's Omen, Frozen Heart, Frozen Mallet, Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Counter picks: Kennen, Teemo
Counter mechanics: Ranged harass, CC, kite
Counter items:
Counter picks: Gangplank
Counter mechanics: Healing reduction, CC, Ignite
Counter items: Banshe's veil, Frozen heart, Randuin's Omen, Executioner's Calling
Tips: Sion is easily kited when going AD, don't 1v1 him when he has ulti up.
Counter picks: Vladimir, Ryze, Zilean
Counter mechanics: Burst Damage, Healing reduction, CC
Counter items: Banshe's veil
Counter picks: Graves, Jax, Rammus, Kennen(AD)
Counter mechanics: CC, Mobility
Counter items: Early boots, Armor
Counter picks: Rumble, Udyr, Teemo, Shyvana
Counter mechanics: Mobility, Ranged harass, Early invade
Counter items: Banshee's Veil, Quicksilver Sash
Counter picks: Graves, Corki, Vayne, Taric, Akali
Counter mechanics: Heavy burst, CC, gap closers
Counter items:
Counter picks: Tristana, Miss Fortune
Counter mechanics: Healing reduction, Gap closers
Counter items:
Counter picks: Katarina, Fizz
Counter mechanics: Healing reduction, Ignite
Counter items: Morello's Evil Tome, Executioner's Calling
Tips: On lane, try to poke Swain and fore him to use his ultimate for sustain to waste mana and put it on CD, engage him instantly after he turn off his ultimate, take in mind that his ultimate has a really short cooldown but should give you enough time to burst him down and winning the exchange.
Counter picks: Fizz, Talon
Counter mechanics: Mobility, Burst, Silence
Counter items:
Counter picks: Riven, Gangplank, Wukong, Lee Sin, Renekton
Counter mechanics: Bruisers, champions who naturally builds armor
Counter items: Pink wards, stealth reveal trinket, Armour in general.
Counter picks: Vayne, Corki, Olaf
Counter mechanics: True damage
Counter items: Armor pen
Tips: Taric is what I would like to call a "bush-*****", so try to ward the offensive lane bush if they keep pressure on your lane. His ultimate can be really powerful combined with a strong burst champion like Graves or Corki, so be careful at lvl 6+.
Counter picks: Yorick, Katarina, Talon, LeBlanc
Counter mechanics: Constant harass, burst, mobility, assassins
Counter items:
Counter picks: Alistar, Lulu
Counter mechanics:
Counter items:
Counter picks: Urgot, Alistar, Leona, Taric
Counter mechanics: Exhaust, CC
Counter items: Armor
Counter picks: Jax, Kayle, Teemo
Counter mechanics: Kite, Sustained dmg
Counter items: Thornmail, Ninja tabi, Omen, Frozen heart
Counter picks: Jax, Teemo, Pantheon
Counter mechanics: Blinds, Hard CC, Dots, Exhaust
Counter items:Thornmail, Ninja tabi, Randuin's Omen, Frozen heart
Twisted Fate
Counter picks: Talon, Akali, Katarina, Le Blanc, Kassadin, Ahri, Pantheon
Counter mechanics: Bursty gap closers, assassins
Counter items:
Counter picks: Renekton, Jax , Akali
Counter mechanics: Hard CC, Exhaust
Counter items: Oracles, Sight wards, Armor
Counter picks: Janna, Nunu, Kennen, Kayle
Counter mechanics: Hard CC, Slows, Kite
Counter items:
Tips: If Udyr is jungling, make sure you have a slow on your bot lane to prevent him from reaching/stun you or your lane partner.
Counter picks: Yorick, Soraka, Sivir, Caitlyn
Counter mechanics: Pushers, High sustain, Constant Harass
Counter items:
Counter picks: Urgot, Corki, Tristana, Graves
Counter mechanics: Burst, CC
Counter items: Mainly armor but magic resistance runes is highly recommended.
Tips:] Pick a support with good CC against Varus, since he has no escape mechanics. Varus is weak against burst champions because it takes him three auto attacks to maximize his damage output, use this to your advantage when dueling him.
Counter picks: Urgot, Graves, Ezreal, Corki, Caitlyn,
Counter mechanics: Long range, heavy burst, CC
Counter items: Stealth reveal
Counter picks: Ryze, Talon,
Counter mechanics:
Counter items: Magic resistance, Tenacity
Counter picks: Talon, Yasuo. LeBlanc, Fizz
Counter mechanics: Burst, Mobility, Silence, CC
Counter items: Magic resist
Counter picks: Jax, Riven, Darious
Counter mechanics:
Counter items:
Counter picks: LeBlanc, Kassadin, Galio
Counter mechanics: strong burst, silence effects, mobility
Counter items: Magic resistance
Counter picks: Swain, Talon, Yorick, Fiddlesticks, Fizz, Malzahar, Katarina
Counter mechanics: healing reduction, silence, suppress
Counter items: Morello's evil tome, magic resist, quicksilver sash
Counter picks: Olaf, Dr. Mundo,
Counter mechanics:
Counter items:
Counter picks: Miss Fortune, Tristana,
Counter mechanics: Healing reduction, High sustain,
Counter items:Quick Silver Sash, Executioners Calling, Banshee's veil, Hexdrinker
Counter picks: Lee Sin, Yorick, Riven, Rumble
Counter mechanics: Stealth detection, Sustain
Counter items:
Tips: When you see Wukong jumping towards you with his Nimbus Strike try to instantly jump to a creep to dodge his Crushing Blow (if you got a jump skill like, Lee Sin, Katarina, Jax etc.), this is really helpful during the laning phase and helps you win the lane.
Counter picks: Jax, Riven, Nasus
Counter mechanics: Attack speed debuffs, (increases his cooldown on Q)
Counter items: Frozen heart, Randuin's omen
Counter picks: Cho'Gath, Renekton, Galio
Counter mechanics: High sustain bruisers, Gap closer, Healing reduction
Counter items: Aegis of the legion, mix of health, armor and magic resistance works best against Yorick.
Tips: Easily killed during the early lane phase, so call for early ganks. His poke during lane phase is amazing and can be really hard to keep up with, try to stay in the bushes as much as possible and focus on last hitting instead of harassing him, and save your offensive spells for ganks.
Counter picks: Janna, Vi, Renekton
Counter mechanics:
Counter items:
Tips: Zac's jump can be easily interrupted mid air with knockups.
Counter picks: Kayle, Wukong
Counter mechanics:
Counter items:
Counter picks: Malzahar, Ahri, Morgana, Kassadin
Counter mechanics: Heavy cc, silence, mobility, sustain
Counter items:
Counter picks: Janna, Vladimir, Akali, Morgana
Counter mechanics: Gap closers, shields, high sustain
Counter items: Banshees Veil, Magic resistance in general
Counter picks:
Counter mechanics:
Counter items:
Countering usage: Great lifesaver for your carries when they find themselves taking a lot of damage our when they are out of position. Also a great tool to bait engages from enemies.
Countering usage: Against roaming junglers with strong ganks like Shaco, Xin Zhao, Lee Sin, Maokai etc. to keep track on their jungle route and prevent ganks.
Countering usage:NA
Countering usage: Against heavy crowd control teams, snares, slows, stuns and dots.
Highly usable for DOT-vulnerable champions like Dr.Mundo, Warwick, Tryndamere etc.
Countering usage: Strong anti-carry spell, used for ganks (mainly for the slow effect) or shutting down a carry during fights.
Countering usage: Strong summoner spell, really effective vs strong gankers with superb lane entering spells like Shaco, Maokai and Lee Sin etc. A must have for squishy champions with low mobility.
Countering usage: NA
Countering usage: ...
Countering usage: Really effective on burst-vulnerable champions to add some extra sustain. Recommended on AD-carries good if you are up against a strong burst duo and also gives a small speed buff to you and the second champion you heal. Great for escaping ganks or chasing that last hit for a kill.
Countering usage: Healing debuff, effective vs champions who rely on their sustain, Dr.Mundo, Swain, Volibear etc.
Countering usage: NA
Countering usage: NA
Countering usage: Stealing/securing buffs/dragon/nashor. A must have for junglers, no exceptions.
Countering usage: NA
Countering usage: Your top or mid lane could use this spell if you are playing against Pantheon, Shen or Twisted fate to counter their ability to easily snowball due to their ultimates. It's also a good choice for your top lane, even if you are not facing any of the previously mentioned champions, perfect for pushing top when your team tries for dragon and still be able to enter the "dragon-fight" in a few seconds. Also great for defensive use and surprise ganks.
141021: Cleaned up some outdated chapters and slimmed it down. Update in champion list will come soon.
140508: Updated tier list and added more information in the bot lane counter pick section.
140325: Added a new section for bot lane picks, work in progress.
140319: Added tier list and some information in the counter pick section.
140318: Published guide, added new champions and some more information.
130730: Account unbanned, added all new champions to the list but without any counter info.
120706: Added some more information to the counter pick list.
120706: New section added, duo bot lane setups and how to counter (work in progress).
120629: Added some more information to the counter pick list.
120518: Added a new section, Item counter usage. Information will be added soon.
120516: Added some more information to the counter pick list.
120504: Added some more information to the counter pick list.
120418: Added more info to the summoner spell section
120418: Added a counter ward section, information coming soon.
120418: Added a summoner spell section. Brief tips of how to use them for countering purpose.
120418: Added a changelog section
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