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Avoid his knockup with his q, and poke him alot, and you should be fine, If he does get ahead, just see if you can get more ganks from your jungler, as an ahead aatrox requires a 2v1. If you can't get ganks, play defensively.
Not too annoying, if she uses her sweep move, just melee Q her, as the closer half of it does less damage to you. And avoid her stun. Her ulti is annoying, just try not to die, you can outrange her.
This build is good against cho'gath because it has armor pen/lethality, and cho is the biggest tank in the game. Avoid his Q knockup, and you'll be fine.
Dr. Mundo
You won't be seeing this guy often, but if you do, avoid those Q skillshots, they're a pain to get away from.
Deletes health bars if you aren't careful, you need to not feed him, and dodge his Q. Especially the return of it, as it deals more damage.
This guy's just a huge pain in the ***. Just keep him off you, stop him getting close if his rage is above 50%, avoid skillshots from him, and attack him when he's little gnar under 50% rage.
Depends on if they're a good fiora or not, if they're good at fiora, you may be screwed as I am not able to counter them, just don't attack them while they're parrying, and defend the point that might appear on you for her to attack, as it gives her bonus gold.
Keep out of his E, and you'll be fine.
Jarvan IV
Avoid his E+Q combo and you'll get along well. His E + Q combo deals ALOT of damage, knocks you up so he can use R on you, and can even kill you with just that if he goes full ad and you haven't built the falling behind defense items.
You will beat any other Jayce with this guide, unless the other jayce is using it, then it's a skill matchup. *RESULTS NOT GUARANTEED*
Go all in and ham on kayle, unless she has ulti up, then get her low, make her pop ulti, then kill. Can be annoying if ahead.
Kennen is annoying as hell, I hate versing him. Stay out of his ulti, and dodge his Q's, and try not to feed him. If you get early jungle ganks, you can win lane, but he may go off and get fed elsewhere.
Avoid his Q. That damned Q. I cannot stress how much you need to avoid that Q, or he can get an easy kill off of you.
Avoid his ulti, and spend more time ranged than melee.
His little E things are annoying, but you can avoid them. Mao'kai needs skill to be good against anyone, or he sucks. A good mao'kai knows how to stun you, then burst you down with a combo. Avoid that stun by staying away from him, and poking in ranged form.
This guy. You won't be seeing him, but if you do, stay away when he activates his Q. He does crazy bonus damage.
Keep him off CS. Don't let him stack Q, and you can win lane easily.
Stop him from picking up his axes, and play defensively.
I haven't run into an ornn, but I'm guessing he's kinda strong, so just be careful.
Street motherf*cking Jimmy. You're f*cked. His stun is too long, and he can just E you, then as you run, he will Q you, and you will probably die. F*ck Street Jimmy.
Stay away from walls so she can't pin you to one and stun you.
The damned Q again, like kled, avoid the Q, as the blind can end up in you dying. Just run towards your tower if you get blinded, and if you're in a chase, just stop, unless you can kill her with just a single Q.
Avoid her third Q, and her W.
Stay out of his Q range, and when he hits danger zone, poke him like hell.
Take any chances you can to kill him, as he can be EXTREMELY hard to kill.
Don't chase him. This is self-explanatory. His W does little damage, and you have no dashes except flash.
Don't get hit by his Q, try to avoid his ult by stepping out of the way.
You won't see this guy, but if you do, avoid his stun, and his crow thing. His e is annoying, his ulti sucks to fight against, so you're done for against a swain, really. Just poke him alot and hope for the best.
Tahm Kench
Don't let him eat you. Try to avoid his 3 stack passive + Q combo.
Avoid his W, and let him escape if he does, because there's no point in chasing him, he's extremely mobile.
Avoid the mushrooms at all costs, avoid him at all costs after level 6, unless you're fed.
Keep him in lane if he uses ulti, and kill him when it ends.
Vayne top is annoying. Do not buy the tank items against her, and stay away from walls.
Annoying. Don't bother chasing, and if he's low and blood pools, switch to ranged, get E + Q ready, then as it ends, shoot.
Avoid his flip, and you probably won't be seeing him anyways.
If he suddenly stands still, don't get close. It's a clone.
Xin Zhao
Don't let him get final Q hit off. He's annoying, but it's not TOO hard.
Avoid his tornado after level 6, as he can ulti onto you.
Don't get hit by his E. Especially if those little minion things he summons are there.
Hello, I am UberGaming, I like to play jayce, and he is a great champion. There are some matchups that are annoying, but it should be fine. I hope you enjoy my guidfe and learning from me.
Flash is essential as most champions. Bring that, and bring either teleport, ignite or exhaust.
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