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Garen Build Guide by minescufabian

Demacia's Pride

Demacia's Pride

Updated on March 3, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author minescufabian Build Guide By minescufabian 1,390 Views 0 Comments
1,390 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author minescufabian Garen Build Guide By minescufabian Updated on March 3, 2018
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Press the Attack
Legend: Tenacity

Iron Skin


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Threats
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PROs vs CONs

Garen should be played as a Juggernaut.

His Q is a silence and is on a short cooldown, and can be used to take somebody out of the fight.
His W is very strong as it reduces his damage taken
Garens Passive is very strong and regenerates his health quickly.
Garen is easy to play
Garen is easy to understand
Garen's Q is slow resistant, and stops you from being CC'd
Can clear waves early game
E damage Buffed
Useless* ultimate passive
Easy to kite
Much stronger champions compared to him
Low mobility when Q is on CD
No hard CC
Isn't as useful compared to other toplaners (Gragas, Nautilus, Fiora, Renekton)
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Tips n Tricks

    After playing games as Garen, here are some tips i can give you:
    Your Q can stop Slows, use it to escape.
    You can activate Q while you're in E animation to speed boost.
    When you're going in for a trade, make sure to activate your W when the enemy is about to hurt you.
    If low HP play safe and out of enemy damage range, and use your passive.
    Your passive doesn't stop by minion damage.
    At level 2 you can burst enemies with your Q and E combo
    Once you play more Garen, you learn his strengths and weaknesses and when he is good and bad
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League of Legends Build Guide Author minescufabian
minescufabian Garen Guide
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