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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Ki Barrier (PASSIVE)
Shen Passive Ability
Y not flash?
Teleport flash shen can handle both lane and helps but he is not strong at solo. Top laner may beat a flash TP shen ezly. Do Shen need a gank?! No. That's y i choose ignite and TP. This kind of Shen may not have that ability to kill a far away champ and may fail a kill while the enemy champ has flash, but he can help the other lane and after that, he can back to his lane quick to keep farm. 2ndly, for early kill, if the bot support used a ward in the far bush and the enemy team doesn't ward there. Shen can TP that ward at lvl2 or lvl3 whereas adc and support are both 1 level lower. That help may give u a FB money.
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