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Tristana Build Guide by shakilnobes

AD Carry Did you fall down and go boom? Tristana ADC Guide

AD Carry Did you fall down and go boom? Tristana ADC Guide

Updated on August 20, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author shakilnobes Build Guide By shakilnobes 2,535 Views 0 Comments
2,535 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author shakilnobes Tristana Build Guide By shakilnobes Updated on August 20, 2014
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LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Welcome to my guide to ADC Tristana. Tristana is an amazing ADC, especially if you get to mid-late game. Her range makes her one of the top picks among all ADCs. She has an amazing laning kit and burst, which makes her very viable.
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- Her passive increases her attack range and (e) range
- Can snowball very easily if fed
- Counters healers with (e) (50% reduction healing)
- Lane poke with (e)
- Has an amazing escape (w)

- If not well cs'd or fed, can be weak mid game
- Can push a lane by last hitting minions { (e) passive }
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Marks: Flat AD marks make it easier to farm, and are just better overall in lane. You don't really need armour pen due to last whisper.

Seals: Armour seals are standard, as they reduce the damage taken from other adcs by a significant amount. Also they help with damage from junglers, minions, and supports.

Glyphs: I take Magic Resist per level Glyphs due towards the scaling. It really depends on the support they have, I usually have 2 rune pages, 1 with flat magic resist and 1 with scaling.

Quintessences: I take life steal quints because they are just better overall especially scaling towards late game. You can take attack damage quints, but in my opinion life steal is the way to go
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Summoner Spells

Flash: Flash is just standard and can help offensively and defensively. You also have rocket jump, which you can jump over walls, so this just adds icing on the cake

Heal: I take heal, usually because of the speed bonus, and it heals you. Again its a personal preference, but the speed bonus is pretty big. Its great because if you get dive with your ultimate to knock them back, you have heal to save you.

Other Spells:

Barrier: Great spell to just give you a shield, and absorb damage.

Cleanse: Depends on the champions you are against. Cleanse is great to have against certain champions, it depends on the other teams picks.
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Ability Sequence

1. (E) I always max e, due to its amazing poke in lane. It's range also scales with your passive

2. (Q) I max q second. It's an attack speed buff, which increases the percent by level.

3. (W) I max w last, as it doesn't require as much attention as e and q. It's good for engages and escapes, but doesn't need to be levelled till last.

4. (R) Take a point in your ultimate when you can. It does a great amount of damage, and is great to knock enemies back if you are being chased, or knock them into your team.
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In Game

Early Game: Focus on your CS in game. That is of main priority. Aggressiveness really depends on your support and the adc you're against. Last hit as much as you can, and remember your e passive does damage to surrounding targets, so time your cs so you don't miss any due to the passive.

Mid Game: Start using your range to your advantage, and keep with the farming. Farming is key, so make sure you focus on that.

Late Game: Late game is where tristana excels beyond all other adcs. Her range gives her an amazing advantage, so just sit back, and let your tanks peel for you as you do massive amounts of damage. If someone hops on to you, you have your ult to push them back, and rocket jump to escape.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author shakilnobes
shakilnobes Tristana Guide
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Did you fall down and go boom? Tristana ADC Guide

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