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Blitzcrank Build Guide by Hobofat

Support Dirtbag Blitz

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Updated on March 16, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hobofat Build Guide By Hobofat 1,674 Views 0 Comments
1,674 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Hobofat Blitzcrank Build Guide By Hobofat Updated on March 16, 2017
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


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The build is expensive hence the need for extra gold armor gives a little poke protection. Now The plan is to be more passive since you sacrifice some early pressure with the gp10 runes the extra ap adds more punch to the few pulls you want to make. the goal is to be as passive as possible while adding a large amount of pressure by just threatening the enemy marksman by positioning a medium distance into lane.
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Fairly straight forward maximize passive through mana regeneration, some extra gold from lane phase, and thunderlords so at 6 your full combo maximizes damage.
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Reasoning - lane

The simple Premise is that blitz's mana scaling is massive paying off high mana costs and his passive shield. since we have a pseudo tankyness with the mana shield the goal is to punish small mistakes with the grab, but more importantly to force those mistakes by playing passive early and aggressive once they get towards your own tower so as to freeze the lane. At level 6 you gain a lot more freedom you can silence escape abilities and your full 1:1 scaling is much more apparent. This is also where ghost starts to shine over flash. You have way harder stick potential with ghost paired with your w. This will free your lane easily shorter cool down and the ability to threaten with your e. this can be done earlier then 6 but this change in game play has some adverse side effects. People blow escapes early sometimes even summoners with very little invested on your part. and this always leaves the hook available. That is the most important part is keeping your q off cool down. The power of blitz is in threat potential.
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Reasoning - roaming

Pull enemy blue buff over the wall level 1. you don't
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hobofat
Hobofat Blitzcrank Guide
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Dirtbag Blitz

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