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Her W makes it impossible for you to do anything, If you get caught in it, all you can do is parry and hope you stun them. Horrible counter.
Before level 6 you have some chance of beating him, but after it's impossible to 1v1 him, even if you are fed. Just buy QSS and don't fight him.
His poke from his Q is really annoying, and it's impossible to catch him, since he can just Q you and you're slowed like hell while he transforms into sonic. If you parry his ult and stun him then you have a chance to kill him.
Impossible to win lane. His life steal from his spin is insane and it's really hard to parry his stun.
This is a very hard lane, since he can just hold his Q until your parry runs out. And if you use it late, there's the chance he will trigger it early and still stun you. Or he can trigger it before the bar is full so even if you parry it, you won't stun him. Then, after 6, he can just ult in your face and stun you. Very hard lane.
His blind makes the lane impossible. If you go for trades, he will blind you and kite you with his speed. Then, after 6, ganks will be very risky bcs of his mushrooms. If you go for cs he will just poke you.
The movement speed from his barrles make it really hard to catch him and kill him. Plus, his poke from his Q is really annoying and does a lot of damage. Hard lane
As long as you dodge her E you should be good. It's not that hard a matchup tbh, you just need to pay attention and really dodge her tentacles. If you don't, she will win everytime.
Really annoying to lane against. It's a pretty hard matchup, as he seems to just deal more damage than you. Before level 6 you can beat him, but after it becomes really hard, since he can just ult you when you are low, and doesn't let you get that ult off in time.
Pretty hard matchup tbh. You can easily dodge some of his Q's, but if the Aatrox is good and knows how to adapt based on your playstyle he can defeat you. Skill matchup.
This is entirely based on skill. You can parry her E, or if she misses it or just doesn't use it parry her second Q to negate her big damage, but if she baits your parry and then stuns you she wins. Adapt based on how she plays fights out.
I would say this lane is in your favor. Parry her E and the fight is pretty much yours. If she has ult the fight may go either way, but if you manage to dodge it with your Q too you stomp her.
You win early since you can bully him when he goes for cs, but after he hits 6 and buys sheen he will most likely defeat you in a 1v1. Try to get as much of an advantage until this happens.
If you can parry his W you should be golden, since you can just Q in a different direction when he uses his shield. The only thing is, at times it's pretty hard to parry his stun, and if you use your parry on nothing, he will stun you after it's over and stomp you.
Just buy an executioner's very early and you should be able to defeat him. Parry his E, since that's his big damage, or after 6 parry the explosion after his ult.
She has a LOT of cc so it will be hard for you to move, but it will also be easy for you to parry one of them in order to stun her. If she's good thought and she doesn't stun you when you parry, she can easily kill you.
I've never had trouble against a Sett tbh. You either parry his E in order to stun him, and then you dodge his W with your Q, or the other way around. Parrying his W will benefit you a lot too since that's his main damage.
Q and W into his tornado and if you get the stun off you win. Even if you don't, you should still win the fight fairly easy. Even if you don't have your parry up, it's easy to dodge his tornado.
Parry his Q and it's easy stun. He will then silence you but it doesn't last that long and shouldn't be a problem. He could silence you and then use his Q, but you should have enough mobility to easily dodge it anyway. Just be warry of his ult and don't get too cocky, even if you might have a lot of lifesteal and your ult is up.
Easy af matchup. He can't really use his E, since you can easily see when he does and parry it, and he also can't really use his basic that stuns you, since you can parry that too. Same with his ult. You can stun him so many ways, it's basically free lane for you.
Dr. Mundo
Just buy executioner's and he shouldn't be a problem for you. Punish him for going for cs and don't be afraid to all-in.
Pretty easy lane, just parry his Q and you can defeat him. He may learn and walk around you when his Q is active, so be aware of that.
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