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Ryze Build Guide by Patrickyyy

AP Offtank Don't touch my Scroll!

AP Offtank Don't touch my Scroll!

Updated on May 31, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Patrickyyy Build Guide By Patrickyyy 1,367 Views 0 Comments
1,367 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Patrickyyy Ryze Build Guide By Patrickyyy Updated on May 31, 2013
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Hi, welcome to my first guide on Mobafire on Ryze . I think that Ryze is a pretty fun champion to play since the builds he can pull off only work on him. He also can get cheap items to catch up if he is behind because of his passive ^~^.
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

I Think Ryze can be pretty flexible since he uses mana, I haven't tried them but I think that you can switch the flat mana glyphs with mana per lvl. ones. I thought of how the extra 100+ mana puts you pretty far ahead early game anyways so the extra oomph for the mid game might also be a good decision as well.
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How I play Ryze

My style of playing Ryze is:
Early game:
Focusing on last hitting and poking with q until my full combo can burst my lane opponent down.
So......Pretty standard I guess.
Roaming is also a good thing to do since you are the mid and can gank any lane the fastest without teleport(excluding certain champions of course :D).
Mid game:
Stay with your team in fights and try to stay in the middle of your team around your ad carry. Be
careful not to go too far away since you need to be in range to use your abilities. Also take care not to step too close to the fight as you are quite squishy without your build.You have been warned: if you are not fed enough to have your tankier items, stand a bit to the back of your group.
Late game:
You should be able to be a powerful addition in team fights, your AOE damage and multi target ability can decimate teams.
You as ryze pair well with champions who deal mainly magic damage due to Spell Flux's magic resist shred.
It might not be that huge but hey, its still a bonus.
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*Drools, use it....just use it.

It's a pretty good summoner spell all game,it's damage over time is good for securing early,mid and late game kills.
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Promise for the future

I wanna say that I find writing this fun, I will finish this guide within the next 2 weeks and probably change a lot. Its been fun guys.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Patrickyyy
Patrickyyy Ryze Guide
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Don't touch my Scroll!

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