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Jinx Build Guide by Orpheus11

AD Carry Double Jinx!: A guide to AD Carry Jinx

AD Carry Double Jinx!: A guide to AD Carry Jinx

Updated on October 11, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Orpheus11 Build Guide By Orpheus11 3,736 Views 0 Comments
3,736 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Orpheus11 Jinx Build Guide By Orpheus11 Updated on October 11, 2013
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I'll be working on this build guide over the next few weeks, this is a fairly rough draft, but I thought I would put it up as it is a viable build
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Jinx is a ranged carry, who is extremely mobile, versatile, and fun to play. In this guide I'll show you my approach to playing Jinx, I'll be adding to this guide constantly; as Jinx is so new it is a learning process for me as much as it is for you. Feedback is always appreciated, although this is my first guide, so go easy on me!

I play Jinx as a mobile ADC, using utility items to aid me in gap closing enemies. This style is fun and rewarding, especially due to her toggle Q basic attacks.

Thanks for taking a look and I hope you get as much joy out of playing her as I do.
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Pros / Cons


>Decent poke range from Fishbone's rockets
>Fun ult
>Passive good for diving/assassinating and then GTFOing
>Farm potential A+ (Toggle Q for dem rockets)
>Can GTFO in general fairly easily
>Hates Vi


>Reliant on items to close gaps
>W can be dodged easily
>Fishbones sucks up mana
>Can drop behind mid/late game if under cs'ed/fed
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Skill Sequence

I always max Q first. Here's why: during early game, most ADC's will stay behind cs and poke enemy ADC when they are close enough. By maxing your Q first, the extended range and AOE that Fishbones Rocket provides gives an exceptional poke/farm combination, which allows you to deny enemy CS with a cheap poke, while still maintaining your own gold.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Orpheus11
Orpheus11 Jinx Guide
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Double Jinx!: A guide to AD Carry Jinx

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