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Ryze Build Guide by SunfloraEUW

Support Emo Ryze- Make your enemies cry while your AD Carry does too

Support Emo Ryze- Make your enemies cry while your AD Carry does too

Updated on April 30, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SunfloraEUW Build Guide By SunfloraEUW 1,924 Views 0 Comments
1,924 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SunfloraEUW Ryze Build Guide By SunfloraEUW Updated on April 30, 2014
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So guys! You want to get out of bronze? This is the guide for you. Because AD Carries there usually are bad and worthless now it's your time to shine. With support Emo Ryze. You can cry while you play and make others cry, too. 100% Successrate. Support Emo Ryze not only delivers in everything you need - Sustain ,damage and Swag - It's also easy! You only need to headbang on your keyboard. GL in SoloQ.
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Ranked Play

Now, it's pretty viable in Bronze. This is because manly Ad Carries don't have resistance in their runes in bronze and if they do, it's mostly Armor. You can take this for your advantage. Just harass them and don't take creeps because if you do there's a 95% chance of you Adc leaving the game. You make him feel as if he's worth something because you let him farm but in reality, you're the only one really doing something. With support Emo Ryze. You deal the damage, you win the game!
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Pros / Cons


-Wreck everything
-You can QQ while you play
-You also learn how to play ryze, and can go on playing him mid or top in silver- Guide coming soon(tm)

-As if there are some.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SunfloraEUW
SunfloraEUW Ryze Guide
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Emo Ryze- Make your enemies cry while your AD Carry does too

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