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Ezreal Build Guide by Frogoink

AP Carry Ezreal AP GOD

AP Carry Ezreal AP GOD

Updated on March 8, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Frogoink Build Guide By Frogoink 1,849 Views 0 Comments
1,849 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Frogoink Ezreal Build Guide By Frogoink Updated on March 8, 2015
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This is a guide for Ezreal i hope you enjoy and if you do then please vote it and add me on EUW . Just incase you're wondering this is my new main and i have another account on EUW which is gold 1 but got hacked.
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Ezreal is a very strong champion for playing AD and AP. He has some very cool skins and can be very good when played well!
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When farming with ezreal always try to auto attack (last hit) or farm with mystic shot (Q) because it reduces the cooldowns of all other abilities by 1 second every time you successfully hit a minion. You should try and aim to get at least 70 farm by 10 minutes and still continue farming throughout the game in order to reach your full build quicker than your opponents.
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Pros / Cons

- very good escape in lane phase and in team fights if you're being focused.
- ultimate is very good for killing waves of minions or preventing a push early or late game.
- Pulsefire Ezreal just looks BAD-***!

- Very high skill cap due to his high amount of skill shot abilities
- Not very strong early game but really picks up mid too late game
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Team Work

You should always try to stay at the back of teamfights when playing ez. also try to keep your passive stacked at 5 if your jungler is ganking this means you can have high damage output and get a successful gank off at the same time.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Frogoink
Frogoink Ezreal Guide
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Ezreal AP GOD

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