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Play around his Q's. Dash into his first two and parry the third for an easy stun and a great way to reduce his damage. You can also parry his telegraphed W if you can afford to do so. Don't be afraid to ult if he does as you still get the healing zone if he revives. Any keystone works here.
She outpokes you, out sustains you, and denies an all in from you with her shroud (it lasts as long as your ult). This matchup is all about baiting out her shroud and trading while it's down. Watch her energy and pressure her to either take free damage or keep her energy low to trade back, denying her heals. Don't ult without her shroud being on cooldown, I cannot stress this enough. The only thing parry worthy in her kit is the second activation of her ult, deny the execute damage when you fall low. Grasp or Conq works here, just remember to change your trade patterns accordingly.
Pretty even skill matchup that's ever so slightly in Fiora's favor. Don't trade into her adaptive defenses (her shield) and use Riposte retroactively in response to the actual leap of her Hookshot. Wait for her to leave the wall, and create distance to allow yourself more time to react. Play patiently and confidently. Lunge into her Tactical Sweep to deny healing and bonus damage. It's best to try and keep the wave even as that makes it near impossible to get surprised with a Hookshot. Parrying her ult as she's jumping on you will deny the captive field as well as the bonus onhit damage she gets from it and is something to consider holding Riposte for. Grasp unless you're confident in the matchup in which case Conqueror is for you.
She's really weak if you stay on top of her. Honestly don't bother trying to parry her stun, save it for a slow on an all in or just save it for if you get ganked. Wave control is key and you should just beat her after boots and tiamat. Take Conq and all in her constantly, you will not win any poke/sustain wars here.
Slow, lumbering tank. He never stood a chance. Conqueror isn't necessary to take in order to kill him and Grasp is not needed at all. Take Klepto and satisfy your own greed. Keep up constant pressure, not allowing him to utilize his passive and heal to safety. Riposte his Rupture knockup for the easiest stun of your life and all in him. Constantly.
One of those rare matchups where parrying the big damaging ability/cc isn't an option most of the time. Very, very, very short trades my friend, similar to how Fiora might dance around a brute like Darius in reality. Run Grasp, and play around his ranges and cooldowns. If you don't know his ranges go learn them, Darius is to top lane what hazings are to college frats. Bait out Q's and if his W and especially his pull are down trade into it. Do this about 50 times and chip away at an advantage. If you mess up and he pulls you don't wait for him to get 5 stacks and his ult to Riposte, he'll kill you just running you down with autos just fine, so Riposte and Q away after a pull, denying his slows. You heavily outscale with a few items unless he walks up to you with 5 stacks at the ready. The most patience testing matchup imo. One mistake can spell your death even with flash. Care.
Dr. Mundo
Has no kill threat as long as you trade into him. Nothing to really parry as his big damaging ability is instacast with no discernible animation. Dodge out on his cleavers to whittle his bar without ever needing to touch him. Use minions if you're not confident in your dodging abilities. An early executioners may be necessary. Phase Rush is an option but Conqueror is preferred to make sure he dies before he can heal enough to survive.
He controls the wave and that's just the reality of things before you get a tiamat and a bit more ad. That's all he brings to bat with in this lane however and you outrade at all stages of the game. Use Riposte to deny his passive proc damage as his stun is easily dodged out on and honestly he shouldn't be trying to land it vs you. Pay attention to where his clone is and you'll do fine. Any keystone works here, though I prefer Conq or Klepto.
If she's better than you... better call your jungler, although she'll probably use that to get a double kill along with double buffs...
Maybe just leave top lane altogether and roam. Best of luck!
Pre 6 parry his pole jump. Post 6 parry either part of his ultimate. Parrying the fish right before it hits you and Lunging away denies the fish from ever attaching onto you denying even the initial slow and parrying the knockup give you an opportunity to stun. You outrade him at every stage of the game and heavily outscale. Any keystone is fine in this matchup.
Zero kill threat, even if he's somehow ahead. Run Conq or Klepto and parry whatever you want, it'll work out. He has no escapes (just body block Justice Punch) and doesn't get really tanky, bursty, and doesn't dps you down. Take the free laning phase and apply pressure.
Constantly trade because whether he goes Klepto or Grasp he'll either make money off you for free, or start stacking health and winning poke you down heavily for free. Keep pressure on him and force defensive ults, thus relieving your teammates of his implied pressure. Take Phase Rush and run him down denying what little self peel he has in this matchup. If you're good deny barrel chains by destroying them with good timing. You heavily outscale and win the splitpush with Phase Rush. Riposte for a slow and to deny a sheen proc barrel.
Pretty standard matchup. Play around his cooldowns and parry his silence, even post 6 (can't parry his ultimate execute if you're silenced). Don't trade into his spin, especially without minions and you'll do fine. watch out for him hiding his Q activation mid spin or him faking using it on a minion. I prefer Grasp in this matchup as he shreds the wave too quickly to take an extended trade early.
Pretty difficult matchup as he can stay juuuuuust outside of your range while poking you down. Mini Gnar is a terror that you won't be able to properly face until an item+phage. Mega Gnar on the other hand is your punching bag, trade into him as much as possible before he exhausts himself and reverts to his smaller form. Save Riposte for his stuns as it's pretty telegraphed or for a hyper proc if he's in mini. I take Fleet in matchups like these since you won't be able to proc Grasp all that much and Klepto isn't worth it either. Build/play defensively, ask for ganks.
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