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Garen Build Guide by Shadhorll

Garen Build - Aggressive Executioner - Maximum AD/AP/CRIT

Garen Build - Aggressive Executioner - Maximum AD/AP/CRIT

Updated on June 29, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Shadhorll Build Guide By Shadhorll 4 3 36,059 Views 12 Comments
4 3 36,059 Views 12 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Shadhorll Garen Build Guide By Shadhorll Updated on June 29, 2012
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Grim Quazar | July 6, 2012 7:31pm
Yes, I understand, but Brutalizer is can be switched out for something better. It can only build into Yoummu's Ghostblade, so you can decide to build another one. You may not be able to use its active twice, but the stats are better. Also, if you want to focus armor penetration, Last Whisper will just seal the deal right there. As for cooldown, I don't really have problems concerning Garen's cooldowns. I think losing 10% cooldown reduction for 40% armor penetration is a good trade off. And 15 extra damage.
Shadhorll (3) | June 30, 2012 10:35am
Hello Grim,

My second build is not called AP, if your referring to the main title AD/AP/CRIT that is not classed as 1,2,3 builds. This main "Build One" is max AD/AP/CRIT the other 2 builds are added for different stats as an option for players to use.

As for The Brutalizer in "Build One" this is used for the extra +15 Armor Penetration + giving more Cooldown Reduction which if you notice "Build One" has 25% Cooldown Reduction "Build Two & Three" only has 15%

Secondly "Build One" uses Max AP being 59.93 the other 2 Builds are lower. "Build Three" only has 44.93 the same as "Build Two" so this is why we use The Brutalizer in "Build One"

Since "Build One & Three" has low Armor 80.29 "Build Two" offers a better defense option giving 125.29 Armor while still keeping good damage with Atma's Impaler.

It may not seem much of a difference but all 3 Builds have different stats. I will admit since i built the third build its more of a better choice, the reason being because i have implemented %12 lifesteal into it plus the bonus of going to 20% lifesteal while also giving more AD, at 336.66.

But however i still like my main Build option "Build One" for the Max AD/AP/CRIT.

Everyone has their opinions which i gladly accept, but i hope you understand the reasons why i have chosen what i have now. I only try to help people play Garen more effectively there are "3 Options" for them to use in my guide.

Thank you for your comment. :)
Grim Quazar | June 30, 2012 9:45am
Hey, just a couple of things.
1. Why is you second build called AP?
2. In the first build, why do you have a brutalizer last? It's just a component for Youmuu's Ghostblade, which you already have. You should switch it with something else.
3. For what I have seen, there are not much difference in all 3 of your builds. They all are about the same and Build 3 is the best build there (in my opinion). I think you should take down the first 2 builds and put them in as other items you can get on the third build.
Shadhorll (3) | June 27, 2012 6:21am
Hello JekeTeMata, This build can come across as squishy with the amount of Armor value = 80 but the build is set for pure high burst damage. Where you lose in Durability you gain in power thus making quick work of your enemies.

The only problem with the build is if you do not play aggressively and you stay distance against Miss Fortune for example she will shoot you and if you don't make a move you will find yourself losing health. So put pressure on them they will back off. Garens build will kill her fast if you make your move.

Of course make sure you wont get ganked if your facing an opponent that has Stun like Taric for example, you have to decide is it a good idea to jump in aggressively always, have a backup plan Flash out fast if things get to heavy. If your solo in a lane against 2 targets be extra careful.

For your concern of being Squishy replace Last Whisper for Atma's Impaler as it gives extra Armor or tho i do not recommend you doing so. If you are worried please use my 2nd guide items it is just as effective. If you want to stick with this build change either Flash or Exhaust with Heal.

As for the Armor Penetration % it will contribute towards flat Arp. For example, with 40% armor penetration, a target with 200 armor will lose 80 while a target with only 50 armor will lose 20 and so on. So basically it will bypass all of your targets armor. Last Whisper is put into this build for the extra % on Arp but also giving us more Attack Damage.

I hope this helped your question.
JekeTeMata (5) | June 27, 2012 5:54am
+1 I like the guide. I will try it as soon as I can, imo seems a bit squishy on paper but I'll tell you how it felt after trying it.

I have one question just, since Last Whisper gives ARPEN by % and The Brutalizer and Youmuu's Ghostblade give flat ARPEN, How do they mix toghether? I thought that flat ARPEN and % one are not compatible but I've never been sure about that...
Shadhorll (3) | June 27, 2012 5:40am
Hello guys thanx for your responses. Firstly i would like to Add this guide is not finished yet i am still writing it. There will be a lot more information on this guide which I have yet to add, but it will all be added in time.

I published my guide early for people to see the base of it including talents, runes and item purchases. I thank you for the Help/Tips in how to present my guide i will take note.

In response to DuskToGlory The Brutalizer ,I will be keeping this item as a last item purchase Garen is already great early game with the items i have listed. I feel putting The Brutalizer nearer beginning wont make a lot of difference at all. I call this item a finisher in my build.

One thing i will say is during the time i have spent playing Garen i do not feel damage falls at late game, if anything i take down a lot more and very quickly. I play aggressively throughout the game. Starting game i normally have 4 kills before lvl 6 therefore getting fed quickly unless someone KS's from me.

Thanx for all your responses and i hope for you to come back and vote once i have completed the guide.

NoizeKill (10) | June 26, 2012 1:22pm
Nice guide, but it needs some improvements:

- Needs a gameplay section;
- Needs a more In-Depth description of items, and why you have taken them;
- Needs "Viable Choices" for items, summoner spells, ability sequence and more;
- Needs more types of coding;
- Needs paragraphs, it is pretty annoying to read like this.

When you have done some improvements I will come back to vote.
DuskToGlory (33) | June 26, 2012 12:56pm
This guide is nowhere near finished enough for me to vote at this time, I will check back in later. you may want to get The Brutalizer earlier, though. Garens damage output falls off late game, I'd build for damage early, and then for durability later, but thats just me.
Shadhorll (3) | June 26, 2012 11:08am
Hi m8 i didn't think about Last Whisper i will use Atma's Impaler in my 2nd guide instead along with Frozen Mallet i only picked Atma's Impaler for the extra Armor Penetration but glad you came accross this. I will use Last Whisper instead thanx for the response and help. +rep
SpartaDeathAngel (46) | June 26, 2012 10:49am
Shadhorll wrote:

Hi SpartaDeathAngel. Thanx for your comment friend. I have chosen not to put in Frozen Mallet because the health isn't important nor are the slows as the speed is enough to keep up. I have focused on maximum dps and armor penetration along with crit. The reason why i have not added Frozen Mallet is with my item purchase list, targets will be dead in seconds. My build is some what of a steroid build. However i am still working on my guide and am also adding a 2nd guide attached with it including the option to use Frozen Mallet and a few other changes. This will be added some time this week. So people will be able to follow 2 of my guides knowing both will work just as well.

This build is Aggressive Executioner i have not yet added the information on playing aggressively but this is the idea, and will be known to the community. Thank you on your response i will rep you for your "comment to vote" thanx again m8

Its ok if you're not getting Frozen Mallet. However, I think there are way better options than Atma's Impaler if you are not getting any health items. You could get another Phantom Dancer, Last Whisper, Bloodthirster, or even a Black Cleaver, if your enemies less than 112.5 armor.

The problem with Full AD Garen is that most of the time, you are just going to be spinning ( Judgment), and not all the time using your basic attacks. That is why getting a Phantom Dancer for the extra crit ( Judgment can crit), or a Last Whisper for the armor pen.
Shadhorll (3) | June 26, 2012 10:18am
Hi SpartaDeathAngel. Thanx for your comment friend. I have chosen not to put in Frozen Mallet because the health isn't important nor are the slows as the speed is enough to keep up. I have focused on maximum dps and armor penetration along with crit. The reason why i have not added Frozen Mallet is with my item purchase list, targets will be dead in seconds. My build is some what of a steroid build. However i am still working on my guide and am also adding a 2nd guide attached with it including the option to use Frozen Mallet and a few other changes. This will be added some time this week. So people will be able to follow 2 of my guides knowing both will work just as well.

This build is Aggressive Executioner i have not yet added the information on playing aggressively but this is the idea, and will be known to the community. Thank you on your response i will rep you for your "comment to vote" thanx again m8
SpartaDeathAngel (46) | June 26, 2012 10:03am
1. Put on "Require Comment To Vote" to prevent troll votes.
2. Cool titles!
3. Why not get a Frozen Mallet? You get Atma's Impaler to early because you still only have your base health. Get Frozen Mallet to get 700 Extra Health, greatly increasing the power of Atma's Impaler. Plus, Frozen Mallet has a built-in slow, making it useful for those who are fleeing from battles.
4. Try to add pictures if you can, and don't make too many white paragraphs. Try to space it out more to make it more appealing!
5. Good Effort!
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