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Twitch Build Guide by MasterHolt

AD Carry Give Me The Cheese!

AD Carry Give Me The Cheese!

Updated on May 31, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MasterHolt Build Guide By MasterHolt 2,247 Views 0 Comments
2,247 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author MasterHolt Twitch Build Guide By MasterHolt Updated on May 31, 2014
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Hello summoners, this guide is for anyone interested in twitch you can be a beginner or veteran player but you need to understand the fundamental mechanics of Twitch

I hope you all enjoy this guide feel free to browse through and leave your comments!:)
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With the runes changed you can build in your own unique way but why Movement speed quints on Twitch? Well compared to other ADC's like cait, Ez and Lucian Twitch has no escape abilities going 21/0/9 masteries will offer you 3% (One quint of movement speed) movement speed stacked with a Zephyr and Furor boots along with a Botrk will grant you great escape capabilities.

The Common Variety of runes which also goes well with any ADC is 2 quints of life-steal and 1 AD, Attack speed marks x9 with AD quints, and AD marks 2 Quints of attack speed and 1 Life-steal quint or AD quint.
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So whats with the build? Well it works and quite well. I have been experimenting with different items and a lot of them vary depending on team composition and the enemy team comp if you build 'The Standard Build' for an ADC i find it quite boring; i like to be able to move to places fast and pop my Sword of the divine (SOD) when i activate my ultimate. One main con to this build...It costs a lot but it makes up for that in the late game and works best with twitch thanks to his splash damage on his ultimate.

Experiment with this build and perhaps make your own to something that adapts around your game-play / style.
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Ranked Play

Twitch was released in 2009 and his mechanics were definitely strong and still are, he is an assassin type champion. At certain events such as your opponents going back to base or you have out farmed your opponents by 30 cs or more push your lane and / or get your jungler to cover your lane whilst you go and assist the mid lane if the enemy has pushed too far. You do not even need to be ahead you can set up a gank with your jungler & mid and get ahead by earning kills or assists -he is definitely a champion you must roam on.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MasterHolt
MasterHolt Twitch Guide
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Give Me The Cheese!

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