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Gangplank General Guide by Brawling

Support Goldplank ( support Gankplank )

Support Goldplank ( support Gankplank )

Updated on June 4, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Brawling Build Guide By Brawling 1,907 Views 0 Comments
1,907 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Brawling Gangplank Build Guide By Brawling Updated on June 4, 2013
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Hey Guys, this will be my first Guide in the Series im makeing, im trying to create new Meta like you never seen before.

What this build will focus on is being a Pain in the A**.
So what are you waiting for get started and see how i do a Goldplank.
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My runes are made of of Armor, MR and Gp10 (<-- Pun ;) )
The main reason i chose this over anything else is because it gives me alot of armor so i can play more aggresive against their team so i can get more "Goldpicks" from the mastery with my parrrley, also this will help you keep them off your ADC.
The MR is because at somepoint a jungler or the mid laner will look at your lane and then you need some defence against that as well.
GP10 is because it will give your even more gold with your already badass gold build.
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I choose 0/9/21 because i will give me alot more Gold and mobility, with summoner spells and more gold farm.
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The items i choose is for when you really want that aegis, but your team tells you to buy wards for 1000 gold, i know the feel, so why not get philosophers stone, and Avarice blade for your Parrrley?
This way you can get 10 GP10, that makes 2 gold every second, and with at little help from Parrrley and Avarice blade you make 6 gold more per kill, so if you got 10 CS 5 minutes ingame, that will add up to 12 GP 10, so you will gain 12 Gold more than your team every 5 min, lets say its a 40 min game,
12*5*8 = 480 Extra gold Per gold item you got, and since you have 2 earyly game it will give you 960 gold Extra at a 40 min game, that is alot for not doing anything huh?
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Skill Sequence

The reason you should get Parrrley Early is because it will proc "Pick Pocket" so if you can land Parrrley everytime on a enemy champion, Bam More gold, But only get that one point early.
You need Scurvy and Raise Morale as support, Scurvy for playing aggresive, and Raise Morale for pushing tower, run from enemy jungler Etc.
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I choose Flash and Exhaust because it will help me get away from danger or help me engage with my ADC, Late game it will help me pick up kills or Devastate the Enemy ADC.
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Wow, that was alot huh? you want more? allright! ill give you more!
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Ranked Play

For Ranked play, allways call that you wont be a troll and say you want support, and just play like any other support would...
Help The ADC
Help the Jungler
Help the Top lane
Help the Mid lane
Help your self!
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Pros / Cons

Long Cooldowns
No Aura's
No gab closer

Good gold farm
Passive slows
Movement speed
Global Ulti
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Team Work

gankplank is perfect for teamfights, with this build he can rush in at tage them all on with is Ultimate and Raise Morale, and he will get aqssist on everything.
So all in all, i see no cons in his Team work, he is perfect.
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Unique Skills

His Unique skills is that he is melee but people forget's that, because they are afraid of the Parrrley, so you can play agresive whitout even doing anything ;)
Another Unique skill is that you are Gankplank, people wont think of you as a good player and a support, so they may play careless and this is what you want :)
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For farming, take the minions your ADC can't get, like Ranged minions or the ones behind the enemy's
Never steal the farm, only help push ;)
and if you get CS get it with Parrrley, this will help you gain gold, so last hit with parrrley.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Brawling
Brawling Gangplank Guide
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Goldplank ( support Gankplank )

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