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Gragas Build Guide by Kevin1510

Gragas - The fat drunk man is OP

Gragas - The fat drunk man is OP

Updated on September 6, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kevin1510 Build Guide By Kevin1510 10,572 Views 1 Comments
10,572 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Kevin1510 Gragas Build Guide By Kevin1510 Updated on September 6, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Hello guys,
this is my second guide and i hope you will enjoy it.
If u want, u can visit my first guide:

I play Nidalee with Full AP items and this is absolutely incredible :D
Nidalee makes much damage with the spear, has nice escape options :)

It would be nice if you comment & vote this guide :)
But please, don't hate me :D try the guide and then post your result =)
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Well, i think much AP is very usefull with Gragas.
But i use 9 times Greater Mark of Insight because it gives the most penetration.
If you think this is epic fail then just press ALT+F4.
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For me is Swiftness very important. Because at the beginning you must hit the enemies with your Q-Skill as much as you can. And if you skill Swiftness 4 times, you have such a nice speed ( except you buy boots^^ ).
And if the enemie at the mid lane is a good player, its a duty to skill swiftness 4 times.

I think the rest of the masteries are self-evident.
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1. So you start with Doran's Ring
You need the life,ap and mana-reg that Doran's Ring gives you.

2. Now you should buy Boots

3. So now you must get Catalyst the Protector

4. Now to most of you would buy Sorcerer's Shoes.
But you should get Rod of Ages because it brings you more life etc. per minute^^

5. Buy Sorcerer's Shoes

6. Now you should get [Rabadon's Deathcap]]

7. Now get Lich Bane it gives you very nice feature for you normal hits.

8. Get Void Staff

If you don't have a tank, you should buy Rylai's Crystal Scepter
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1. So you start with Doran's Ring
You need the life,ap and mana-reg that Doran's Ring gives you.

2. Now you should buy Boots

3. So now you must get Catalyst the Protector

4. Now to most of you would buy Sorcerer's Shoes.
But you should get Rod of Ages because it brings you more life etc. per minute^^

5. Buy Sorcerer's Shoes

6. Now you should get [Rabadon's Deathcap]]

7. Now get Lich Bane it gives you very nice feature for you normal hits.

8. Get Void Staff

If you don't have a tank, you should buy Rylai's Crystal Scepter
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1. So you start with Doran's Ring
You need the life,ap and mana-reg that Doran's Ring gives you.

2. Now you should buy Boots

3. So now you must get Catalyst the Protector

4. Now to most of you would buy Sorcerer's Shoes.
But you should get Rod of Ages because it brings you more life etc. per minute^^

5. Buy Sorcerer's Shoes

6. Now you should get [Rabadon's Deathcap]]

7. Now get Lich Bane it gives you very nice feature for you normal hits.

8. Get Void Staff

If you don't have a tank, you should buy Rylai's Crystal Scepter
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Pros / Cons

Nice normal hits as AP champ
Nice dmg early and late game
Can be very tankfully
He is a fat drunk guy lol
His W and his passive is just awesome

If u noob, u lose =(
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Tips & more

Use your W as soon as possible.
It gives you a nice boost for your normal hits and nice mana reg and you are a little bit more tankfully.

If u gank somebody, use first your E-Skill, becuase it slows the enemy/ies.

U can use your ulti to bosst the enemies to your.
It helps the team much =)
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It's for the future updates ;D

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1. So you start with Doran's Ring
You need the life,ap and mana-reg that Doran's Ring gives you.

2. Now you should buy Boots

3. So now you must get Catalyst the Protector

4. Now to most of you would buy Sorcerer's Shoes.
But you should get Rod of Ages because it brings you more life etc. per minute^^

5. Buy Sorcerer's Shoes

6. Now you should get [Rabadon's Deathcap]]

7. Now get Lich Bane it gives you very nice feature for you normal hits.

8. Get Void Staff

If you don't have a tank, you should buy Rylai's Crystal Scepter
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1. So you start with Doran's Ring
You need the life,ap and mana-reg that Doran's Ring gives you.

2. Now you should buy Boots

3. So now you must get Catalyst the Protector

4. Now to most of you would buy Sorcerer's Shoes.
But you should get Rod of Ages because it brings you more life etc. per minute^^

5. Buy Sorcerer's Shoes

6. Now you should get [Rabadon's Deathcap]]

7. Now get Lich Bane it gives you very nice feature for you normal hits.

8. Get Void Staff

If you don't have a tank, you should buy Rylai's Crystal Scepter
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1. So you start with Doran's Ring
You need the life,ap and mana-reg that Doran's Ring gives you.

2. Now you should buy Boots

3. So now you must get Catalyst the Protector

4. Now to most of you would buy Sorcerer's Shoes.
But you should get Rod of Ages because it brings you more life etc. per minute^^

5. Buy Sorcerer's Shoes

6. Now you should get [Rabadon's Deathcap]]

7. Now get Lich Bane it gives you very nice feature for you normal hits.

8. Get Void Staff

If you don't have a tank, you should buy Rylai's Crystal Scepter
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1. So you start with Doran's Ring
You need the life,ap and mana-reg that Doran's Ring gives you.

2. Now you should buy Boots

3. So now you must get Catalyst the Protector

4. Now to most of you would buy Sorcerer's Shoes.
But you should get Rod of Ages because it brings you more life etc. per minute^^

5. Buy Sorcerer's Shoes

6. Now you should get [Rabadon's Deathcap]]

7. Now get Lich Bane it gives you very nice feature for you normal hits.

8. Get Void Staff

If you don't have a tank, you should buy Rylai's Crystal Scepter
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kevin1510
Kevin1510 Gragas Guide
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Gragas - The fat drunk man is OP

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