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Gragas Build Guide by DarkReaper214

Top Gragas-The New Top Lane Rubble Rouser?

Top Gragas-The New Top Lane Rubble Rouser?

Updated on June 23, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DarkReaper214 Build Guide By DarkReaper214 3,152 Views 0 Comments
3,152 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DarkReaper214 Gragas Build Guide By DarkReaper214 Updated on June 23, 2014
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Hello, my name is darkreaper214 here and this is my favorite drunken champion guide. This is also my first guide EVER, so please tell me anything useful on how to improve this guide.

I am a Bronze II and...where are you going? WAIT NO PLEASE DON'T LEAVE YET!!! I know I am not a high rank player or anything, but it would mean a lot to me if you at least try my build out and tell me anything about it. I hope to learn and improve with all of you on how to play my drunken friend
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Pros / Cons

% damage with your Drunken Rage
Always has time to drink
Mobile in fights thanks to Body Slam
Decent sustain with his passive Happy Hour

Hard to last hit if you don't get some AD
Somewhat weak early game
Mana problems if not careful
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Summoner Spells

I get this 99.9% of the time to give our drunken champ some extra mobility.
Plus, EVERYONE gets this.

Get this if you want that extra damage and secure kills.(we don't want to die and see our opponent walk away with like 10 hp left)

Get this if you want get back in lane and to other teammate faster. (so yea in short global presents)
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Gragas can still be played, just at top now better then mid. He's different now since the rework, but I am sure with your help I can improve and get this fat man running back top. If you got any questions, tips or advice on ANYTIHING Gragas wise, please tell me in the comments and I WILL see it(mostly cause I don't got no comments)

If you like this guide, upvote this. If not, downvote this guide and tell me why please. Keep in mind though that this is a work in progress guide.(in other words, I'm still trying to finish and I'm still adding stuff)

Have fun drinking and smacking the f*ck out of your enemies with your belly...or barrels.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DarkReaper214
DarkReaper214 Gragas Guide
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Gragas-The New Top Lane Rubble Rouser?

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