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New Destiny (PASSIVE)
Graves Passive Ability
Okay, so this is where you read something and become just amazing at the champion. Err.... maybe not. That depends on you.
Save it for your escape or a safe poke with out taking harass back. Use it for a quick dash in when they are pushed to their tower and you can bounce your Q off turret for instant damage. You can even let them run up, empty your shells, then dash away. I know that last one seems like it would be an impossible move, but really... just save it for it.... if your E is up and you die cuz you didnt even try to dash away, just play Vlad and safe Q farm under your turret. Vlad. Only Vlad. Nuff said.
Instant wave clear, huge attack boost because your AAs are so 'shotty' (there's the pun people. Theses are the jokes, start laughing. They aren't going to get any better.) With your AA being limited to 2 shots and a 2 second wait in between, you really need this Q for wave clear and harass. Your AA range is pretty much a sword carrying Riven on ult. (Don't forget the bunny ears) People complain about the strength of this, but I think its pretty fair since you cant reach the back line with out being destroyed on bot lane by the adc and sup. (Which is why we are top :P)
Good to throw down fast as you go in for a gank or a teammate is coming in for one. Give yourselves that extra second or two... or three... or how ever long they want to stand there (then cry about DC) to get a great gank off by giving your ganker time to come in.
Seriously.... we have to explain this? Okay, point your bazooka forward. (DON'T PULL A PAULY SHORE, THIS ISN'T THE ARMY AND WE AREN'T IN CHAD) Aim it. (not really, just the general direction works cuz its stupid blow up at the end. This think is like a candle on steroids) Then fire when they are at low hp. TAKE THE TIME TO LOOK AT YOUR DAMAGE AND THEIR ARMOR. If you hover over their armor, it will tell you their damage reduction. If you do 250 damage with your ult, and they take 50% less damage from physical attacks, you only do 125 damage before you count any armor shred (like our runes). You should do about 150 pretty easy with no real items. Did I mention how easy this thing is to hit? (I'll have to add a montage of missing ults now)
Save it for your escape or a safe poke with out taking harass back. Use it for a quick dash in when they are pushed to their tower and you can bounce your Q off turret for instant damage. You can even let them run up, empty your shells, then dash away. I know that last one seems like it would be an impossible move, but really... just save it for it.... if your E is up and you die cuz you didnt even try to dash away, just play Vlad and safe Q farm under your turret. Vlad. Only Vlad. Nuff said.
Instant wave clear, huge attack boost because your AAs are so 'shotty' (there's the pun people. Theses are the jokes, start laughing. They aren't going to get any better.) With your AA being limited to 2 shots and a 2 second wait in between, you really need this Q for wave clear and harass. Your AA range is pretty much a sword carrying Riven on ult. (Don't forget the bunny ears) People complain about the strength of this, but I think its pretty fair since you cant reach the back line with out being destroyed on bot lane by the adc and sup. (Which is why we are top :P)
Good to throw down fast as you go in for a gank or a teammate is coming in for one. Give yourselves that extra second or two... or three... or how ever long they want to stand there (then cry about DC) to get a great gank off by giving your ganker time to come in.
Seriously.... we have to explain this? Okay, point your bazooka forward. (DON'T PULL A PAULY SHORE, THIS ISN'T THE ARMY AND WE AREN'T IN CHAD) Aim it. (not really, just the general direction works cuz its stupid blow up at the end. This think is like a candle on steroids) Then fire when they are at low hp. TAKE THE TIME TO LOOK AT YOUR DAMAGE AND THEIR ARMOR. If you hover over their armor, it will tell you their damage reduction. If you do 250 damage with your ult, and they take 50% less damage from physical attacks, you only do 125 damage before you count any armor shred (like our runes). You should do about 150 pretty easy with no real items. Did I mention how easy this thing is to hit? (I'll have to add a montage of missing ults now)
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