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Recommended Items
Runes: Lifesteal Runes [Short Trades/Duels]
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Full Farm
Champion Build Guide
Main Idea
This off-meta Jinx build will be the most boring thing for the first 10 minutes of the game, don't get me wrong. But as boring as it is for you, your enemy toplaner will hate you eons more. When you get two-to-three items, you start hurting.... ALOT. Get your meme boots ready as if you have perfect farm and can bully your enemy using your insane poke, you'll be getting many raging all-chat messages as your games progress with this build.
What to do?
Farm. Farm more than youve ever farmed before. Remember to ward alot, as you are a very squishy ADC in the toplane. Although your range is useful, remember you're not invincible. Try and freeze the lane towards you at all time so as to not leave any openings for ganks and get yourself killed by the hands of two hulking creatures. Instead try and last hit and make sure you can hold your own. Once the laning phase ends, the game is your sandbox. Push as far as you like but make sure to keep an eye on the map. You don't want four people knocking at your door to give you an extremely firm handshake and send you on your way back to the fountain. Make sure if you remember anything from this dumb guide, it's farm and win. Remember, More CC = More GG, and you have a W that slows and hurts, an E that is a get-out-of-jail-free card or a flash bait. Make sure you use all of your utility to keep yourself safe and PLAY VERY PASSIVE. Now go, my reader. Go make every toplaner cry.
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