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Hello summoners its MrBeat again for another mid guide. this time on nidalee. this guide is for players who are little bit more experieced on nidalee. this guide will tell you most of the information you need to own everyone. SO READ THIS GUIDE AND RATE AFTER YOU HAVE READ IT!
Pros / Cons
+ Awesome sustain! + Crazy poker! + Good 1v1 power! + Heal! + Mini wards! + Good ganker! // Great sustain makes nidalee awesome farmer and you can surprise your enemies with your damage when you get back to your lane. |
- Kinda bad teamfigther. - very mana hungry ealry to mid game. - Hard to farm pre lvl 6. - Spears are hard to hit. - cannot cath up if fallen behind. - can be shutdowned by cc. // Nidalee isnt that great team figther shes more of that poke champion. but if you build him ad/tank he can be good tank/assassin. |
Human form Ability Explanation
Prowl: // Nice passive for early invades or escapeing tight situations.
Javelin toss (Q): // Your main damage comes from this ability. it will deal more damage if the javelin travels longer.
Bushwack (W): // Mini wards can save your life if you place this into rigth spots.
Primal surge (E): // Heals,Spears,Heals,Spears <3 unlimited sustain.
- Aspect of the cougar (R): // Turns you into a ****ing cougar. your abilities are completely different and i will explain them in a minute.
Cougar form Ability Explanation
Prowl: // Same passive. explained above.
Takedown (Q): // Good finisher on your combo. use this ability last if you want to secure the kill. it will deal more damage if your target is low on hp.
Pounce (W): // Youll be jumping like nyan cat spam this all the time when you have your tear. great farming tool and escape tool.
Swipe (E): // Deals nice damage in a cone near you really short range use this for farming or after a pounce on to the enemy
- Aspect of the cougar (R): // Turns you back to human form.
Item Sequence
Sorcerer's Shoes
Rabadon's Deathcap
Zhonya's Hourglass
Liandry's Torment
Archangel's Staff
Warmog's Armor
// Nice early game damage boost gives you nice movement speed too. i suggest you enchanting these with homeguard or captain. |
// Beast item for nida gives lots of ap and the passive boosts your ap so much. |
// Nice defensive item for nidalee active is amazing lifesaver. the ap is nice too. |
// This item will come in handy in teamfigths. if you have zhonya's you should run in to the middle of the figth use all your abilities in the cougar form then pop zhonya's. |
// if you had tear from the begining you shouldnt have any problem. you will get Seraph's Embrace instantly. |
// Your health comes here awesome item gives you lots of health. you could build this earlier if you have trouble. |
- Greater Quintessence of Ability Power: // Early game ap is important on nidalee you can replace these with scaling ap if you want more late game power.
- Greater Mark of Magic Penetration: // These are for late game poking figths and overall good marks for nidalee. you can replace these with ap or health marks.
- Greater Glyph of Magic Resist: // i chose magic resist glyphs becouse your going to get poked too so youll take less damage from their poke.
- Greater Seal of Armor: // you can pick these or mana regens depending in their team if they have lots of ad pick these.
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