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Ryze Build Guide by SneakySteven

AP Offtank He is aRyzen

AP Offtank He is aRyzen

Updated on March 29, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SneakySteven Build Guide By SneakySteven 2,986 Views 1 Comments
2,986 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SneakySteven Ryze Build Guide By SneakySteven Updated on March 29, 2015
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How to Play RYZE

The blue-skinned emperor of the rift does not take kindly to foreign threats. It is no simple task to master his wide array of deadly abilities, but, my friends, is where this guide shall assist you. There are three main principles to which you must adapt your gameplay...
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1. Top Lane

Ryze thrives in his natural habitat: the lush meadows of the northern rift. It is for this reason that you must assert your dominance towards your teammates with regard to positioning. Straying too far from your comfort zone will only bring pain and suffering for the team as a whole.
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2. Quick Combos

As a master of magics, Ryze has a wide array of offensive spells at his disposal. The lightning blast, magic dungeon, bouncy ball, and Olympic sprint give this champion a unique versatility and strength on the field of battle. These abilities may be used to their fullest when applied correctly; for example, the bouncy ball removes some of the target's clothing with each bounce, allowing the lightning blast to deal close to true damage on the bare skin of your opponent. Other tips include imprisoning your opponent and proceeding to rapidly strike the laugh key while they wallow in self pity and disconnect in shame, and muting all other summoners should any of them criticize your knowledge of the arcane.
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3. Mana

Ryze is one of the few champions in League of Legends with the ability to take full advantage of the size of his mana pool. While others may be proud of their measly 1000 magical power, they see it only as a means by which to cast more spells; Ryze, on the other hand, only grows more powerful as his blue health increases, and once you have achieved your full build the enemy team will surrender when faced with your gargantuan 5000 mana, a feat no other champion may accomplish.
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Ryze is the unsung hero of the Fields of Justice, a mysterious exile with more potential than any other champion. His 450 IP cost and targeted spells lead many to assume that he is one of the weakest in the game, however it is for precisely this reason that he is the most difficult; overcoming one's own desire to diversify their match history and spend money on newer and more expensive champions brings enlightenment and new appreciation for all he has done for us. Now go forth, and spread the path of Ryze to the world!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SneakySteven
SneakySteven Ryze Guide
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He is aRyzen

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